When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 223: Han Guang Rides His Horse! Tsunade: I Accidentally Strained Myself While Practicing! (P

In a dark room.

Han Guang set out to tame wild horses.

At this moment, in Han Guang's eyes, Tsunade is a fierce and unruly wild horse.

Only a strong spur can defeat the wildness of the wild horse.

The wild horse impacted and rammed straight over.


Han Guang dodges, grabs the horse's mane, and leaps forward.

Ye Ma shook vigorously, trying to throw Han Guang off his back.


Han Guang's hands are like iron tongs, and his body is even more motionless.


Mustang's ass was slapped severely, which inspired Mustang to be more wild.

But no matter how she struggled to break free, she was always riding on Han Guang's body.


The wildness of the wild horse gradually receded.

As an animal trainer, Han Guang naturally has to enter the next stage.

Unity of people and horses!

The hissing continued.

Until the middle of the night.

All is at peace.

early morning.

Han Guang stretched and sat up from the bed.

Glancing at the sleeping Tsunade, he first checked the wear and tear of the headlights before leaving the room.

Walking out of the happy soup bath, Han Guang glanced at the attribute panel.

Strength: 58642(*)【Six Paths level】

"It's strength that doubles today."

Muttering 900 to himself, he clenched his fists.

The power to destroy heaven and earth.

"Go eat first."

Rubbing his belly, Han Guang was going to eat some bowls of ramen.


Just a few steps away, a figure appeared.

"Ms. Minato?"

Seeing Namikaze Minato, Han Guang was pleasantly surprised.

"Go to my house and talk." Namikaze Minato gestured.

Residence of Namikaze Minato.

The master and apprentice sat at the table.

"Han Guang, I failed." Namikaze Minato's tone was rather regretful.

"Oh? Teacher, you can't beat Hanzo?" Han Guang looked surprised.

According to his analysis, Mr. Minato in the state of Impure World Reincarnation should be able to beat Hanzo.

"No, I didn't find Hanzo at all!" Namikaze Minato said the reason for the failure.

"Not found?" Han Guang was taken aback.

"That's right, I searched for a long time, but I didn't find Hanzo in Rain Shinobi.

Speaking of which, Namikaze Minato looked regretful.

He continued: "So, I questioned several of Hanzo's guards. As a result, they didn't know where Hanzo was hiding.

Hearing this result, Han Guang touched his chin.

He gets it.

Most likely, Hanzo was scared by Nagato.

So after escaping (cifa) back to Rain Shinobi Village, I hid alone.

"It seems that Hanzo is very cautious. Even the guards don't know where he is hiding." Han Guang muttered to himself.

"Indeed! I suspect that he used the ability of the salamander to hide underground." Namikaze Minato guessed.

"Very likely." Han Guang nodded.

In this way, getting rid of Hanzo will have to wait a little longer.

After all, Han Guang has no good way to meet a faceless old Yinbi.

"Let him live longer first." Han Guang is not in a hurry.

"The other ninja villages are almost here today, aren't they?" Namikaze Minato asked.


"Then the Chūnin exam will be held today?"

"Look at the time. If it's all up at noon, then the written test will be held in the afternoon."

"What about you? You also participate?"

"Yeah, I'm still Genin.

Up to this point of communication, Namikaze Minato has a strange expression on his face.

He did not believe that Han Guang was simply taking the Chūnin exam.

This disciple must have a motive in doing things.

"With your personality, why do you like exams? Do you have other goals?" Namikaze Minato asked.

"Well, a little bit." Han Guang nodded.

In terms of understanding of himself, Han Guang feels that no one in the village understands himself better than Mr. Minato.

Taking the Chūnin exam by myself does have other purposes. At this point, only the teacher guessed.

"Teacher, I still have something to do in the morning, so I will leave the business to you."

Saying goodbye to Mr. Minato, Han Guang went to a ramen shop for a few bowls of ramen.

Then, he started visiting.

The first one to visit is Might Dai and his son.

As soon as he entered the yard, Han Guang saw a father and son walking upside down in the yard.

"Warm? Dad, I seem to have seen Han Guang." Guy, who was standing upside down, stopped, with a surprised expression on his face.

"It's not like, it's the Fourth Generation!"

Might Dai stood up and walked towards Dianguang with a Xia Zi.

"Fourth Generation, come and sit down."


Han Guang waved his hand as a gesture.

"I'm here today to lend you ninjutsu!" He explained his purpose.

"Huh? Ninjutsu loan?" Might Dai looked confused.

Can you borrow ninjutsu?

If you want to be smart, you have to be a Might Guy.

"I see, don't you want to engrave our flying ability for us?" Guy was surprised.

"That's right."

Han Guang nodded.

Then, with a serious face, he continued: "Flying ability is not free. From now on, every time you do a mission, I will take 20% of the commission to make up for the cost of flying ability."

Hearing what Han Guang said, Might Dai father and son looked at each other.

Immediately, the two nodded in unison.

"we agree!"

"This is the ninjutsu borrowing you said, thank you Han Guang."

Guy is not stupid, he knows that Han Guang is helping himself and his father in disguise.


Han Guang put his hands on the shoulders of the two, and the spiritual will poured into the two of them.


This is the characteristic of spiritual will that Han Guang helped the two imprint.

Just finished printing.

Might Dai immediately felt something strange.

"How do I feel that my strength has become stronger?"

"Me too!"

Unable to bear it, the two began to test it.

"Konoha—Whirlwind of Rigid Force!"

Dai rushed in front of the stake, and threw his right against the stake.


The wooden pile exploded suddenly, turning into debris all over the sky.


Might Dai's expression was dull, unbelievable.

With the same power, in the past, the stakes would be fine. But now, it directly collapsed.

It took a long time before Might came back to his senses.

"Dad, how is my flying?" At this moment, Guy was flying at a low altitude in the yard, very happy.

Ignoring his son, Dai hurriedly looked for Han Guang.

Looking around, where is the shadow of Han Guang in the yard?

"Fourth Generation, you are so kind to our father and son."

Might Dai was very moved, tears couldn't help but flow down.

at this time.

Han Guang has already arrived at Morino Ibiki's house.

His plan is simple.

That is, all Konoha Genin contestants must be able to fly!

Happy soup bath.

"Senior Tsunade, get up and eat." Outside the room, Konan knocked on the door.

After a while.

Tsunade walked out holding the door.

Her footsteps were a little vain, and she staggered into the hall.

"Nuan? Senior Tsunade? What's wrong with you?" Kushina, who was serving the dishes, looked suspicious.

"Oh, it's all right! I strained myself while practicing Taijutsu last night." Tsunade waved his hand and responded.

[Ask for flowers] [Ask for evaluation tickets] [Ask for monthly tickets].

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