When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 233 Han Guang: Trust Our Companions! (Please Customize)

Konoha Village Plaza.

The big screen was pitch black.

This means that there is a high probability that there will be no fighting in the forest of death tonight.

For this reason, many ninjas left one after another.

"These participating teams are really cautious. Except for the previous Hokage team, no team raised a bonfire?" Sand Shinobi Chiyo said with emotion.

"You think those teams are idiots? Lighting a fire in the forest will attract the attention of many teams!" Raikage sneered.

"A lot of ninjas in the square have left, you didn't notice anything wrong?" Mizukage Yagura reminded.

"Don't guess, it must be because Hokage left the village, which made some families vigilant and started to be vigilant." Ohnoki yawned and said casually.

After Onoki's words fell, the expressions of the other three people were different.

Out of the blue, a question was asked.

"What are you going to do if Han Guang dies outside?"

"I will definitely leave with Sand Shinobi." Chiyo was the first to say.

However, her expression carried a sense of mystery, making it difficult for people to see through her specific thoughts.

"Leave? I'm afraid you want us to start a war first, and you will jump out at the end?" Onogi explained Chiyo's plan in one word.

The large army of Sand Shinobi was wiped out by Han Guang's regiment! Such a big enmity, 137 Chiyo will leave?

Onogi believes that if Han Guang is really killed in battle, Tashiro will definitely take revenge on Konoha.

"Women's words are indeed untrustworthy." Mizukage Yagura also echoed.

"Stop hiding." Raikage shook his head.

Then, he got straight to the point: "If Han Guang dies in battle, we will attack Konoha together!"

"Raikage, don't be too confident. Did you forget that Nine Tails was released last night?" Chiyo reminded.

"I can make Killer Bee block Nine Tails!" Raikage said solemnly.

With his words fell.

The eyes of the other three people lit up.

Block Nine Tails with Killer Bee, it works. Because Killer Bee is Eight Tails Jinchūriki.

As a result, Sleepy Leaf Village has almost no high-end combat power.

"But still be careful! In addition to Han Guang, there are two Wood Style ninjas in Konoha Village." Chiyo said again.

"Heh~~ Those two are also worthy of being called Wood Style ninjas? A Uchiha's crane tail, a six-year-old kid!" Raikage looked disdainful.

However, he still named a figure worthy of vigilance.

(abej) "The only one who is a bit troublesome is probably that Uchiha Shisui! As long as he is dealt with, everything will be easy."

"Illusion, if it's daytime, it's really troublesome. But now it's night, how powerful is his illusion?" Qiandai said quietly.

"Yeah, even God is helping us." Ying nodded.

At this time.

Mizukage Yagura frowned.

"Raikage, your suggestion is only based on the premise that Han Guang died in battle! If he is fine, isn't everything empty talk?"

Raikage smiled at Mizukage's concern.

"Mizukage, if you were Hokage, would you leave the village at night?"


Mizukage suddenly realized.

As the Fourth Hokage, Han Guang actually led people out of the village at night? That speaks for itself.

If there is no great crisis approaching, is it possible that Hokage will leave at this time?

"Then how do we judge that Han Guang died in battle?" Chiyo asked a crucial question.

They can't wait forever, can they?

If Han Guang dies in battle, then the upper echelon of Sleepy Leaf will definitely block the news.

Even if a few of them are in Konoha Village, they may not be able to find out.

"We really have no way of getting specific news!" Raikage said truthfully.

Then, he changed the subject.

"However, we can judge Hokage's life or death by the level of Konoha's vigilance.

Konoha's security level?

The other three thought for a moment, then nodded.

They understood what Raikage meant.

If Konoha's security level is not high, it means that Han Guang's chances of being in danger are not high. But if the security level of Konoha Village is greatly increased, it means that Han Guang is very likely to encounter an accident.


The four united the alliance.

At the same time, they also faced the last problem.

"If Hokage dies in battle, it means that the enemy's strength is even more terrifying than Hokage! We must also be unable to stop it." Chiyo was a little worried.

"You're thinking too much." Raikage shook his head.

He pointed to the Hokage building, and said, "No matter how strong the man is, the one who came to Konoha Village has nothing to do with us?"

"More than that, we can even cooperate with the enemy to destroy Konoha every day!"

Hearing Raikage's words, Chiyo and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

An enemy of an enemy is a friend!

There is nothing wrong with what Raikage said!

Within the territory of the Kingdom of Fire.

The three of Han Guang flew extremely fast from the sky.

The three of them headed west all the way towards Loulan.


Suddenly, Uchiha Fugaku slapped his forehead violently and exclaimed.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Han Guang turned to look at Fugaku and asked.

"Binoculars Technique! I forgot to remove that technique." Fugaku's expression turned ugly.

"What?" Namikaze Minato frowned, realizing the problem.

"If you don't cancel it, you won't cancel it. What's the problem?" Han Guang was quite puzzled.

It’s just a Telescope Technique, so why be so nervous?

"Han Guang, if Fugaku didn't lift this spell, it means that the events of our departure from the village were projected on the big screen in the square." Namikaze Minato reminded.

"So?" Han Guang still didn't understand.

"So, when we left the village, all the shadows of the Four Great Ninja Villages were known." Minato continued.

"If you know it, you know it, what are you worried about?"

"Oh, there's a big problem here."

Namikaze Minato sighed and continued to explain.

"Have you ever thought that you, as a Hokage, leave the village at night! What will other ninjas think?"

"Do they still think I'm going to die?" Han Guang couldn't help but laugh.

"That's right!" Namikaze Minato nodded.

Then, he continued: "If you haven't returned to the village before this morning, there is a high possibility of riots in the village! Behind those rioters is definitely the shadow of Yangdanin Village

Hearing Teacher Minato's words, Han Guang touched his chin.

His face was as usual, and he didn't look worried at all.

"Teacher, you underestimate the companions in our village, you have to trust them!"

[Shuttle to the past soon] [Ask for flowers] [Ask for evaluation tickets] [Ask for monthly tickets].

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