When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 234 Han Guang 'Persuades' First Generation And Second Generation! (Please Customiz

in the desert.

Senju Hashirama and Tobirama are heading towards the Land of Fire.

"Brother, I don't know what the village looks like now?" Tobirama asked with anticipation.

"You don't know the successor you found yourself?" Hashirama asked a little bit.

"Third Generation is indeed what I was looking for, but now the village may continue to Fourth Generation." Tobirama shook his head.

Then, he said with emotion: "If the monkey is in power, I believe he can manage the village well and maintain the unity of all ethnic groups. After all, I know the character of the monkey very well.

Hearing his younger brother's words, Tian Jian nodded.

He believes in Tobirama's vision, if the Third Generation is in power, then the village should not be too bad.

But the problem is.

Toad Sage predicted, Konoha Village, a boy who tried to destroy the ninja world appeared.

And this boy is most likely the current fourth-generation Hokage.

Of course, the two of them couldn't just believe Toad Sage's story. Therefore, when they travel to the present, they must first know the current situation of the village.

"Brother, Madara should have arrived earlier than us, and I don't know where he is hiding?" Tobirama's tone was dignified.

"Hope he hasn't destroyed Konoha!" Hashirama's expression was rarely serious.

Capturing Uchiha Madara is also the second purpose of the Hashirama brothers traveling here.


Suddenly, Tobirama's footsteps stopped.

"Wait a minute, brother!"

"Huh?" Hashirama was taken aback.

"I sensed three strands of Chakra, approaching us." Saying this, Tobirama raised his head.

He pointed to the high sky in the distance, and continued: "In the sky!"

"Oh? A ninja with the ability to fly?" Hashirama muttered, alert.

If he remembers correctly, the ninja that can fly is most likely the ninja of Iwagakure.

With the help of the moonlight, the two vaguely saw three fuzzy black spots flying towards here.

"This direction is coming from the land of fire! It may not be Rock Shinobi." Tobirama reminded.

"There should be no flying ninjas in Konoha Village," Hashirama responded.

"Who would that be?"

The two stood in place, waiting for the three in the air to approach.

After a while.

The three figures in the air approached less than a hundred meters, and then, the three fell to the ground.

Tread Tread.

Han Guang paced in, followed closely by Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Fugaku.


Seeing the appearance of these three people, Senju Tobirama's eyes flashed with surprise.

"A costume of Uchiha, a logo of Impure World Reincarnation, and the boy in the middle should be Han Guang!" Senju Tobirama revealed the identities of these three people.

"Oh? Impure World Reincarnation? It seems that your Forbidden Technique has been learned by younger generations." Senju Hashirama sighed.

At this time.

Han Guang has already walked in front of the two of them.

Looking at First Hokage and Second Hokage, Han Guang went straight to the point.

"You two, since you are the First Generation and the Second Generation, I will give you a chance to leave your last words.

Following Han Guang's voice fell.

In the field, fell into silence.

"I knew that Han Guang's so-called reasoning would not be that simple." Namikaze Minato laughed dumbfounded, as he had expected.

"Is this what the Fourth Generation is saying?" Uchiha Fugaku was nervous.

He heard it, and the Fourth Generation is about to start.

Involuntarily, his eyes changed and turned into Sharingan.

"Are you Han Guang?" Senju Hashirama smiled and said, not paying attention to the other party's threat just now.

"This is your last words?" Han Guang frowned and raised his arms.

"Let me ask first, have you seen Uchiha Madara?" Hashirama waved his hand and asked seriously.

"Uchiha Madara? That trash, I've already caught it." Han Guang said casually.


Senju Hashirama's complexion finally changed, and his tone changed a bit.

"You caught Uchiha Madara?" Tobirama was also in disbelief, and began to study the boy carefully.

"Oh, what I just said may be wrong! I didn't catch him, but he knelt on the ground when he saw me." Han Guang said lightly.

Immediately afterwards, his fist clenched.

"Have you finished your last words? Then I will send you on your way."

"Wait a moment!"

Hashirama and Tobirama spoke together.

"Han Guang, we have no malicious intentions! Don't do anything yet." Tobirama's tone was rather urgent.

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"You should be Fourth Hokage, right? Are you going to attack us?" Hashirama also persuaded

"The two of you didn't stay in the original time and space, but came to my time! Do you think I will keep you?" Han Guang glanced at the two with a cold tone.

"You misunderstood!" Tobirama waved his hand.

"Fourth Generation, you really misunderstood." Hashirama also shook his head.

"Then I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation, otherwise, I can only crush you to death."

Hashirama and Tobirama smiled wryly as Han Guang's warning words fell.

From Han Guang's words just now, they realized that this young man's strength was unimaginably terrifying.


The moment the opponent clenched his fist just now.

Not to mention Tobirama was terrified, even Senju Hashirama felt a sense of death crisis in his heart.

"Han Guang really convinced the First Generation and the Second Generation!" Namikaze Minato admired this disciple's operation very much.

"It's so exciting!" Uchiha Fugaku wiped the sweat from his forehead, and the stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

He could see it.

Han Guang's so-called persuasion is threatening the lives of the First Generation and Second Generation.

If there is a disagreement, they will be crushed to death.

on the dunes.

Several people sat together.

Han Guang glanced at First Generation and Second Generation, waiting for the two to speak.

"Cough cough."

Seeing the silent look on his elder brother's face, Tobirama could only clear his throat.

"Fourth Generation, we are here this time because Toad Sage prophesied that you will destroy the ninja world!"

Han Guang listened quietly without any rebuttal.

Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Fugaku also stretched their ears and listened carefully.

Seeing that Han Guang didn't interrupt himself, Tobirama continued: "Toad Sage predicted that you will destroy Konoha first, and then you will destroy all ninja villages! Until the end, you will destroy ninja world!"


Suddenly, Uchiha Fugaku interjected.

His face was full of sarcasm, and he shook his head.

"The Fourth Generation destroyed Mount Myōboku to protect the village!"

"Master Second Hokage, you have been deceived!"

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