When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 278 Divine Tree: See The Great Han Guang! (Please Customize)

Leaving the cliff, Han Guang saw Uzumaki Mana who was guarding not far away.

"Let's go." Han Guang waved his hand at Mana, and motioned.

Mana followed beside her, her mind full of doubts.

"My lord, don't you want to catch her?" Finally, Zhen Suo asked.

Since that woman is not from this planet, logically speaking, the adults should arrest her.

But now it seems that the adults did not do this.

"Catch her? Why should I catch her?" Han Guang looked surprised.

"She came from outside the planet, maybe she came to cause damage." Mana whispered.

"This woman is very important. Once she is caught, the consequences will be very serious. Han Guang's tone is serious.

"Huh?" Mana exclaimed.

It was the first time she saw that Master Han Guang also had people to be afraid of.

"Is her strength terrible?"

"No! I can slap her to death with one hand now." Han Guang shook his head.

"Then what are you worried about, my lord?" Mana was puzzled.

"I'm not worried about myself, but about you, your Uzumaki family, and even other families." Han Guang said quietly.

Hearing this explanation, Uzumaki Vacuum was even more puzzled.

Could it be that the woman just now is the ancestor of his family?

No way?

"Looks like you guessed it." Han Guang smiled.

Then 710, he briefly explained.

"This woman's name is Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, and if she died, there would be no Uzumaki clan, nor Senju clan, Hyuga clan, or even Uchiha clan.

"Because, she is your real ancestor."


Uzumaki Mana covered her mouth and exclaimed.

Even though she had guessed something just now, she was still shocked when she heard Master Han Guang say that.

It turns out that the ancestors of my family were aliens?

Just thinking of this, Uzumaki Mana was taken aback suddenly.

She hastily asked again.

"By the way, my lord, just now two streamers fell, is there another alien?"

"That's right." Han Guang nodded.

Then, he turned his head to look at Yamanaka, where a sacred tree appeared faintly.

"Another person, named Ōtsutsuki Ichishiki."

"Just now Kaguya Ji went to the cliff to relax, there is a high probability that it is not compatible with Yishi."

Han Guang guessed something.

"Then what should we do? Do you want to help Kaguya Hime?" Mana asked nervously.

"Of course I want to help!" Han Guang's tone was affirmative.

"Yeah, I knew it, sir, you are the best." Mana cheered and hung on Han Guang.

Then, she began to remove Han Guang's pants.

"Wait a moment!"

Han Guang was speechless,


"Wood Style——Single Row Technique!"

With the implementation of Wood Style, the Japanese wooden house rose from the ground.

Then, the resounding sound resounded.

Beside the sacred tree.

When Kaguya Ji returned, her heart sank.

Because, at this time, Ōtsutsuki Ichishiki had already woken up, and looked at himself with a playful face.

"Kaguya Hime, what did you do just now?"

"I checked around." Kaguya Hime Kaidō.

"Oh? Then did you check what's going on?" Yishi smiled but wasn't smiling.

"No, everything is calm." Kaguya Ji shook his head.

Hearing this answer, Ōtsutsuki sneered.

"What a low-level lie. You don't think I didn't find you chatting with a native on the cliff, do you?"


Kaguya Ji was startled.

Was my communication with Han Guang discovered by Yishi?

"The natives of this planet are too weak. If you communicate with ants, you will only lose face to my Ōtsutsuki clan." Yishi reminded.

"I remember." Kaguya Ji nodded with relief.

It seems that Yishi didn't see Han Guang's punch.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for the other party to say such a thing.

"Just now I was awakened by a burst of thunder, it looks like it will rain tonight." Yishi looked up at the sky and muttered to himself.

He didn't know that the so-called thunder just now (bedi) was actually the sound of Han Guang breaking the space.

Continue to lie on the stone, gesture to Kaguya Ji to continue to massage her shoulders,

"Kaguya Ji, don't go in contact with those humble natives again, you have to remember, you can only be my maid forever!" Yishi squinted his eyes, and his tone was warning.

"I understand, Master Yishiki." Kaguya Ji bowed his head in response.

Her long hair concealed her expression.

On her face, there was a deep unwillingness.


I, Kaguya, will be your maid?

this moment.

The seeds of resistance in Kaguya Ji's heart began to grow continuously.

At this moment, she was extremely looking forward to meeting Han Guang tomorrow night.

Because that boy is the best tool for him to get rid of Yishi.

Nothing to say all night.


Han Guang walked out of the wooden house and glanced at the property panel.

Name: Han Guang

Age: 12 years old

Power: 117248 [Super Six Paths level]

Physique: 147456 [Super Six Paths level]

Agility: 5936 [times Six Paths level]

Spirit: 81920 [Six Paths Level Immunity]

Chakra volume: 351445

Skills: None

Ninjutsu: Planetary Devastation (Six Paths level) [Quality Evolution]

Abilities: Wood Style super Six Paths level control (characteristic: loyalty), ultimate perception (100000 meters)

Comprehensive Strength Evaluation: Genin

"Huh? Wood Style doubles as Ultra Six Paths?"

Seeing the attributes of Wood Style, Han Guang was surprised.

Touching his chin, he closed the panel casually.

"Super Six Paths Wood Style, I need to test it." After muttering to himself, Han Guang's eyes lit up.

To test Wood Style, the best way, of course, is to test it on the sacred tree.

"I approached the sacred tree from the ground to see how the sacred tree responds." Han Guang had an idea.


His body squirmed for a while, sank into the ground, and disappeared without a trace.

Under the ground, Han Guang quickly threw it towards the position of the sacred tree.

along the way.

He saw dense thick tree roots, criss-crossing, and he didn't know where they extended.

"This tree has only grown overnight, and there are so many roots?"

Surprised, he continued to approach the sacred tree along the roots.

Not for a while.

He came under the sacred tree.


Han Guang put his palm on the tree root.


At this moment, a huge spiritual will appeared, connected to Han Guang's spiritual will.

God Tree: "See the great Lord Han Guang!"

Han Guang: "Huh?".

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