When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 279 The Divine Tree Rebellion! Han Guang Picked Up Kaguya Ji! (Please Customize)


Han Guang looked surprised.

He really didn't expect that the Divine Tree would be loyal to him?

After a brief surprise, Han Guang felt relieved.

"After all, the sacred tree is also a tree, and it is reasonable to be loyal to me."

Thinking of this, Han Guang began to communicate with the Divine Tree.

"When will you be able to ripen and bear fruit?" he asked.

God tree: "I will mature in two days, but I lack Chakra, and I need to absorb a certain amount of Chakra to bear fruit."

"Is that so." Han Guang was stunned.

He touched his chin, because his brain was spinning rapidly.

Today's ninja world cannot be called ninja world. Because there are no ninjas born here.

So, where does the Chakra that the God Tree lacks come from?

"It seems that Ōtsutsuki's plan is to sacrifice Kaguya Ji to the sacred tree." Mumbling to himself, Han Guang guessed something.

No wonder.

No wonder, the later Kaguya Ji would attack Yishi sneakily, and even devoured half of Yishi's body.

It turned out to be used on the sacred tree.

At this time.

Shenshu spoke again.

"My lord, when do you need me to mature? I can control it." Shen Shu respectfully said.

"No need." Han Guang shook his head.

Then, he had a perfect idea in his mind.

"I have a very good idea, Shenshu, let's cooperate.

Divine tree: "All follow the orders of Master Han Guang."


Han Guang used spiritual communication to inform the sacred tree of his thoughts.

Shenshu: "My lord, you are simply a unique genius in the starry sky!"

Han Guang: "Low key!"

at the same time.

on the ground.

Yishi looked up and looked at the thriving sacred tree, feeling more and more excited.

"According to this speed, the sacred tree will mature in two days."

Muttering to himself, Yishi waved his hand to Kaguya who was not far away.

"Master Yishi." Kaguya Ji walked over with a respectful face.

"Kaguya Ji, you met that native last night, did you notice that he has Chakra on him?" Yishi asked.

"No." Kaguya Ji opened his mouth and came.

"That's it." Ishiki nodded, looking back and forth at Kaguya Ji.

Then, his tone was full of expectation: "As my maid, after two days, it's time for you to dedicate yourself.

"As long as the sacred tree matures and devours you, it will definitely bear fruit!"

"This!!!" Kaguya Ji's complexion changed drastically.

"What? You don't want to?" Yishi's tone sank.

"I, I do!" Kaguya Hime bowed her head.

Her strength is far inferior to Yishi, if she refuses in person, she will definitely be seriously injured.

Therefore, Kaguya Ji chose to bow his head.

Seeing that Kaguya Ji is so knowledgeable, he nodded in satisfaction.

"You will be sacrificed the day after tomorrow. I allow you to walk around the area in the next two days to see the last scenery!" Yishi smiled.

Then, he warned again: "Don't try to escape, because you can't escape.

"I understand." Kaguya Ji bowed his head in response, turned and left.

With his back facing Yishi, Kaguya Ji's face has become firm.

Myself, I must get rid of it every day!

Otherwise, the one who dies is himself.

at the foot of the mountain.

Han Guang returned to the wooden house.

"My lord, where did you go early in the morning?" Uzumaki Mana came out of the house and asked Han Guang's arm.

"You will know in a few days." Han Guang smiled and said casually.

He went under the tree and communicated with the tree again.

After a while.

Han Guang frowned.

"The landform today is very different from what it will be thousands of years ago. Even the location of Mount Myōboku can't be pinpointed precisely."

Touching his chin, Han Guang muttered to himself.

He could only find the approximate location of Mount Myōboku, with an error of hundreds of miles.

This is also thanks to the help of trees.

This error will be larger if there are no trees to provide information.

"The error of hundreds of miles is acceptable. But what if the fifth section of the road is at Mount Myōboku?"

This is what Han Guang is most worried about.

Because in this period, Toad Sage is not a fairy, but a toad ball!

This toad likes to scurry around, and maybe it's not on Mount Myōboku.

"If I destroy Mount Myōboku now without Hamamaru, it would be meaningless."

"Once this toad hides in the water, it will be very difficult to find it."

Touching his chin, Han Guang temporarily dismissed his plan to destroy Mount Myōboku.

...asking for flowers......

"My lord, you look so handsome when you think about the problem." Seeing that Han Guang finished thinking, Mana posted it in a timely manner.

"You are so coquettish." Han Guang glanced at the other party and caught a pair of tits.

After some deep digging.

Han Guang subdued this annoying little goblin.


Uzumaki Mana collapsed in the room and fell into a deep sleep.

Han Guang walked out of the wooden house and walked towards the cliff.

Cool breeze.

Han Guang came to the cliff as promised.

At this time, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya was already waiting on the edge of the cliff, sitting on a rock.

"You came."

Sensing the approaching person, Kaguya Ji turned her head, a look of surprise flashed in her eyes.

"It seems that you have been waiting for a long time." Han Guang Kaidō sat down next to Kaguya Ji.

Sitting together, the two looked like a couple at first glance.

"Han Guang, can you tell me about your school?" Kaguya Ji broke the silence and looked at Han Guang.

"Are you very interested in my sect?" Han Guang was quite surprised and turned to look at the other party.

This story is completely made up by him, how to say?

this moment.

The two faced each other, only an inch apart.

"I'm just curious, why do you call yourself an abandoned disciple of Qing Yun Sect?" Kaguya Ji blinked her eyes.

"The past is too bad to look back on, I don't want to talk about it." Han Guang shook his head.

Then, his face moved forward, almost touching Kaguya Ji's face.

"It's you, I'm curious, where are you from? Are all your women as beautiful as you?" Han Guang said seriously.


Hearing these teasing words, an unnatural blush flashed across Kaguya Ji's face, and she hurriedly pulled away.

"What? You're a star traveler, still shy?" Han Guang leaned forward and leaned in front of Kaguyaji again.

"I, I'm actually not a few years older than you." Kaguya Ji said truthfully, moving her butt back again.


She emptied her buttocks and sat down on the ground with a 'plop'.

"I'll help you up!"

Han Guang hurriedly stood up and picked up Kaguya Ji who fell to the ground.

Being held in Han Guang's arms, Kaguya Ji's mind went blank.

"You, don't you say help me up?".

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