When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 284 Kaguya Ji: Black Zetsu, You Must Find Your Father! Han Guang Returns To The Original Tim

Uzumaki Mana left.

On the spot, Kaguya Ji stared blankly at the fruit of the sacred tree in his hand.

It was given to him by Han Guang's maid. This means that he still has a place in the heart of the other party.

With a look of joy on her face, she picked up the fruit and ate it.


The fruit enters the stomach, and powerful energy immediately fills the body.

The majestic Chakra spilled out, enveloping her and floating her to the sky.

Kaguya Hime's body is undergoing metamorphosis.

The fruit stimulated the Ōtsutsuki blood in her genes and carried out a deep purification.

She could feel that Pisces grew on the top of her head.

not only that.

Her pupil power also transformed and upgraded, and a third nine-hook jade Rinnegan appeared on her forehead.


This is the most intuitive feeling of Kaguya Ji.

The metamorphosis lasted all afternoon.

When he brought her to the ground, the reality of Kaguya Ji at this time has undergone earth-shaking changes.

"I'm going to find Han Guang."

As soon as it landed, Kaguya couldn't wait to think of Han Guang.

She guessed that the other fruit should have been eaten by Han Guang, so that she could stay with Han Guang forever.


The figure floated into the air, and Kaguya Hime flew towards the direction of the sacred tree.

In her opinion, the probability of light is near the sacred tree.

After a while.

Kaguya Ji fell from the sky and landed beside the sacred tree.

"Huh? What about others?"

Looking around, Kaguya Ji did not find anyone.

"Blind eyes!"

Opening the white eyes, she looked for the trace of Han Guang.

Unfortunately, there is still nothing around.

"Where did he go?"

Confused, Kaguya looked up at the sacred tree.

It's just that, at this time, the sacred tree was quiet, without any mental fluctuations.

"He must have something important to do, and he should be back in a day."

Not lost in her heart, Lian Yeji found the reason for Han Guang's absence.

So, she decided to wait by the sacred tree.

after one day.

Kaguya Ji stood on the top of the sacred tree, looking around.

She waited for a day, but Han Guang still didn't come back.

"He may have gone far."

Muttering to himself, Kaguya Ji built a house next to the sacred tree.

She decided to live here, waiting for Han Guang to return.

This live!

Half a year has passed!

Walking out of the room with a big belly, Kaguya Ji stood on the top of the sacred tree as usual, looking around.

She waited for half a year.

But Han Guang still hasn't returned.

"Our child is about to be born, why haven't you come back yet?"

Holding a portrait in his hands, Kaguya touched his abdomen.

after one day

The emperor of the ancestral country was killed, and the regime was controlled by a woman.

And this woman is regarded as the "Goddess of Mao"!

The first order issued by the goddess Uno is to send soldiers to look for traces of Han Guang.

one year later.

Inside the palace.

Kaguya Ji flipped through the information, and the two milk babies were lying on the table, watching together with big watery eyes.

"A large-scale earthquake occurred thousands of miles away, and dozens of mountains collapsed."

"This happened a year ago. Because of the long distance, it was delivered to me now."

"Could it be Han Guang who did it?"

Looking at this information, Kaguya Hime muttered to herself.

She guessed that this incident might have something to do with Han Guang. Because, the direction where the mountain range collapsed was the direction where Han Guang once left.

But the question is, what about the people of Han Guang after the mountain collapsed?

"Come on!"

Thinking of this, Kaguya Ji summoned his subjects and gave the order to continue searching far away.

Tickets were refunded to several subjects, and she picked up the two children.

Immediately, she took out a portrait from her sleeve and looked at it quietly.

This portrait is what Han Guang looks like.

"Ma Ma, is this Papa?"

"Yes, he has gone far away." Kaguya Ji patted his son's head and responded.

"When will Papa come back?"

"Will be back."

Ten years later!

Han Guang, still no news.

Kaguya Ji searched almost the entire planet, but still couldn't find Han Guang's whereabouts.

to this end.

She finds the sacred tree and activates Infinite Tsukuyomi!

Kaguya Ji tried to use the sacred tree to find the whereabouts of Han Guang.


Even so, there is still no news of Han Guang.

……ask for flowers……

until one day.

A toad finds Yuyi and Yucun, and seduces them to deal with Kaguya Ji on the grounds of common people.

The battle between mother and child is abolished.

Not surprisingly.

Kaguya Ji was sealed.

However, before being sealed, she condensed her own will and a little Chakra, and gave birth to her third son, Black Zetsu.

"Black Zetsu, you must find your father!"

"We must find him!"

Kaguya Ji's will was passed on, and Dang advised Lie's will.

"I understand, I will find my father, and my father will definitely rescue my mother!" Black Zetsu cried and fled to the ground.

dragon veins.

The dazzling light shot straight into the sky.

Han Guang took Uzumaki Mana out of the dragon's veins.


"My lord, what era have we traveled to?" As soon as he appeared, Uzumaki Mana looked around curiously and asked.

She saw that the desert was all over here, and there was not even a tree.

"Theoretically speaking, this is my original time and space, but——

"It seems that something went wrong!"

Han Guang touched his chin, feeling something was wrong.

He can be sure that this is indeed his original time and space. But the question is, where is Loulan?

"I've only been away for more than ten days, why is Loulan gone?"

With doubts, Han Guang's spiritual will surged out, condensing a sand cushion.

"Come on, let's go see what happened."

After a gesture, Han Guang stepped onto the sand pad.

The sand pad lifted into the air, leading the two of them towards the Fire Country.

Konoha Village.

The sound of explosions is endless.

A large number of ninjas are fighting all over the village.

"Damn Konoha, actually secretly manipulated the shadows of our Four Great Ninja Villages!"

"I've been waiting ten years for this day! Our Four Great Ninja Villages finally jointly attacked Konoha!"

"There is no way, if we confirm that the person is missing, we will confirm it for ten years!"

"Now the leaves are torn apart, what's blocking it?"

The four figures stood together, with a strong desire for revenge in their eyes.

If Han Guang heard what they said, Han Guang must be very surprised.

It took him only ten days to travel to the past, but here, more than ten years have passed!.

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