When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 285 Han Guang: What's Your Name? Girl: My Name Is Senju Hanyi! (Please Customize)

When Han Guang landed in Konoha Village with Uzumaki Mana, he was full of doubts.

At this time, the village was full of fighting.

The attackers are ninjas from the Four Great Ninja Villages.

"How is this going?"

Sweeping across the warring parties not far away, Han Guang frowned.


"Wood Style——Birth of the Tree World!"

With clasped hands, thick trees burst out of the ground and began to spread in the village.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

The trees are overgrown, and the enemy is circled.

Not far away at the battle site, a young man was just in crisis when he found that the enemy was swept away by the branches.

He turned his head to look to the side, and his eyes fell on Han Guang.

"You are? Master Han Guang!"

Seeing the person coming, the young man's face showed a strong look of excitement.


"Twenty twenty" he ran over quickly, his excitement was indescribable.

"You are Master Han Guang!" Nara Shikamaru said.

"It's me. Are you?" Han Guang looked puzzled.

He didn't know this young man, the only thing he could be sure of was that the young man was wearing Konoha's Forehead Protector.

"I am Nara Shikahisa's son." Shikamaru excited Kaidō.

"Lu Jiu's son? Why are you so old?" Han Guang looked surprised.

If he remembered correctly, when he left, Zhou Jiu didn't seem to be married yet!

I have only been away for more than ten days, and Lu Jiu's son is as big as a balloon?

what a joke!


Nara Shikamaru looked confused.

What does it mean to be so big?

"My lord, I am twelve years old. But you, my lord, have been in the hospital for ten years! I couldn't help but say.

"What? I've been missing for thirteen years?" Han Guang's voice suddenly rose.

at this time.

A few figures jumped over.

"You are? Han Guang?"

Seeing this person's appearance clearly, several people were shocked.

It's why they didn't react like this, because Han Guang's appearance is almost exactly the same as three years ago!

"Oh? Lu Jiu, you have matured a lot." Glancing at Lu Jiu, Han Guang said flatly.

Then, he glanced at Morino Ibiki again.

"Xiaoxi, why are you still wearing a turban? Frontline anti-injury?"

"It's really you!" Morino Ibiki sighed, knowing that the person in front of him was the real Han Guang.

Only Han Guang would call Xiaoxi this name.


Han Guang couldn't help questioning.

"What did you do? You were beaten into the village by the Four Great Ninja Villages?"

"This!" Several people looked at each other with wry smiles.

In the end, Lu Jiu stood up.

"You didn't know it just after you came back, our village is split!"

"Huh? Split?" Han Guang was quite surprised.

However, this can be explained.

No wonder, Konoha was turned into a village defense battle, because the forces in the village were split.

With the perception activated, Han Guang's complexion became strange.

"Uchiha left the village?" he asked.

"That's right! And, it's not just Uchiha." Lu Jiu smiled wryly.

Several people walked all the way and came to Hokage's office.

Immediately, Han Guang sat on the chair, and Uzumaki Mana stood on the side.

And Lu Jiu also began to report what happened in the past thirteen years.

"Fourth Generation In the years before you left, nothing happened in the village."

"Until the tenth year, Obito came back."

"Since then, everything has changed."

Hearing this, Han Guang touched his chin.

When Obito came back, it was specially sent back by Han Guang. Could it be that Obito swelled after he came back?

Nara Shijiu continued to tell.

"Since Obito came back, he was first elected as the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, and then he announced that he is your own grandson!

"Huh?" Han Guang was stunned.

Seeing Han Guang's expression, Lu Jiu was not surprised.

Because when Obito announced the news, he had the same reaction.

As we all know, Fourth Generation Han Guang and Obito used to be in a squad! Even classmates at Ninja School.

When Obito announced the news, everyone in the village thought Obito was crazy.

Because, this is impossible.

"When we first heard the news, all ethnic groups in the village were wary of Uchiha! We suspect that Obito announced this lie because he intended to claim the position of Fifth Hokage!" Nara Shikuhisa explained.

"Obito is really stupid, he can come up with such a funny reason! We are the same class, and he actually said you are his grandfather?" Morino Ibiki also echoed....

"I'm Obito's grandpa?"

Han Guang muttered to himself with a thoughtful expression on his face.

In the eyes of others, this is simply impossible. But in Han Guang's view, this is likely to be true!

Because, when I went back to the past, I did indeed sleep with the grandma who made a fuss!

But the question is, how did Obito know about this?

"Could it be..."

Suddenly, Han Guang was taken aback and thought of a possibility.

"Is it possible that when Obito leaves the past time and space, his original memory will be forcibly changed by the established facts?"

It is not difficult to verify this.

"Where's Tsunade?" he asked casually.

"Master Tsunade is in the refuge, protecting civilians." Lu Jiu responded.

"Go and call her over."

After a while.

The office door was pushed open, and Tsunade ran in.

Her face was full of surprise, but there was also a hint of worry hidden.

thump, thump.

Just as Tsunade ran in, a girl followed.

"Han Guang!" Tsunade shouted in surprise.

After finishing speaking, she pulled the girl up and urged, "Quick, call Dad!"

Girl: "Huh?"

Han Guang: "Huh?"

Uzumaki Mana: "It turns out that Mr. Han Guang has a wife in this time and space.

2.8 in field.

Quite embarrassing.

Han Guang looked at the girl carefully, and indeed saw some of his own characteristics.

I left for more than ten days, but came back with an extra daughter?

"Father?" The girl opened her eyes wide and tried to shout.

"Yeah." Han Guang smiled and nodded.

He was a father for the first time, and he really didn't know how to respond to his daughter.

However, he had an idea in a blink of an eye.

He stood up and let Guang walk in front of his daughter.

"May I have your name?"

"My name is Senju Hanyi!" The girl responded seriously.

"Hanyi? Not a bad name." Han Guang nodded.

Immediately, he put his palm on his daughter's shoulder, and his spiritual will surged out.


"I sealed a clone of mine inside you!".

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