When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 165 Seventy Cannon Fodder’s Counterattack

Luo Shui waved his hand and said avoidantly: Congratulations to you, I wish you both a long life in advance.

Dele, you two can harm each other for the rest of your life, and don’t worry about other people!

Hearing this, Yu Shufang's face softened slightly, and she asked happily: Are you willing to lend me money?

Luo Shui glanced at her strangely, not knowing what was going on in her brain, and said inexplicably: When did I say I wanted to lend you money? Also, why do I have to lend it to you?

No one's money falls from the sky, and she asked her family to support her, so where did she borrow the money from?

Yu Shufang's face was serious, her brows were furrowed, and she said with a commanding tone: Isn't your family very rich? Go and ask your parents for it!

She usually has such a good life, but she just borrowed the money and it's gone. It's really hypocritical.

Luo Shui laughed angrily at Yu Shufang's obvious shamelessness, and said with a cold face: Why should I go to my parents to ask for money for you? Are we familiar with each other? Also, you are the one getting married, not me. I It’s not your parents, I don’t care about you that much.”

After that, Luo Shui was too lazy to pay attention to her anymore, rolled his eyes and entered the room, closing the door behind him.

She was so thirsty after talking so much nonsense!

Yu Shufang watched Luo Shui roll his eyes in one breath, enter the door, and then close the door, guarding against her as much as he guarded against thieves.

With a tight breath in his chest, he shouted through the door: If you don't want to borrow it, I won't. It's so arrogant. I don't believe it. I can't get married without you...

After saying that, Yu Shufang angrily kicked over the mushrooms that were drying in Luoshui, and stepped on them a dozen more times.

After her anger was almost gone, she saw the mess on the ground, a look of panic appeared on her face, and then she ran away in a hurry.

The wind blows on the road, and Yu Shufang's rationality returns. Thinking of the mountain goods that she has completely ruined, she feels a little guilty. What if Luo Shui asks her to pay?

Then I thought about it, since Grandma Zhao's house is so remote, no one should have seen what she did, and as long as she didn't admit it, nothing would happen, so the panic in her heart slowly dissipated.

But what to do about the wedding? The borrowing of money from Luo Shui fell through. Where did the money for the wedding come from?

Xiangyang couldn't afford the bride price her family asked for, and her mother had a very tough attitude. She wouldn't agree to their marriage without two hundred dollars.

If you want her to say that Xiangyang's family is too stingy, isn't her daughter-in-law worth two hundred yuan?

Yu Shufang was so worried that she could only go back first and planned to talk to Xiang Yang again.

It's easy to guess what happened next. In the end, Yu Shufang's family took a step back, and Xiangyang's family took a little more on the original basis. The two held a simple wedding in the village and became husband and wife.

In this life, because Xiang Yang was betrayed by Luoshui when he first came here, the little girl in the village was strictly prohibited from interacting with male educated youths by her family. Xiang Yang lost the initiative from the beginning and was forced to be tied up with Yu Shufang.


Time flew by, and three years passed quickly.

Han Chengyou is almost eight years old and is a big boy.

Many major events happened this year. Two big leaders passed away one after another. The ten-year movement finally came to an end with the breakup of a certain gang.

Then, the news that shocked the whole country came out. The college entrance examination... was resumed! ! !

As soon as this news came out, the whole country was shocked, and countless educated young people who went to the countryside were excited.

Those young people who had gone from holding a pen to doing farm work all cried. When they were overwhelmed by life and were about to accept their fate, a light suddenly appeared.

As a result, various telegrams and letters sent back to the city to review materials arrived from the countryside to the city one after another, causing an uproar in both cities and rural areas.

The resumption of the college entrance examination has brought a huge shock to society. The fate of countless people has undergone earth-shaking changes because of this battle.

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