When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 166 Seventy Cannon Fodder’s Counterattack

The changes in Kaoshan Village have also been great——

At the Educated Youth Point, the male and female educated youth who had confirmed the news of the resumption of the college entrance examination were laughing and crying like crazy.

Some married female educated youths with children in their arms also laughed and shed tears.

The college entrance examination has resumed...

I can return to the city!

After all these years, I can finally leave here and go home!!

Han Chengzhi knew the news earlier than others, so he could still control his emotions.

The college entrance examination has resumed, but we haven't reviewed the materials. Wang Guoan's words were like a drop of water falling into the oil pan, and there was a splash of oil.

Who doesn't want to go back to the city? Everyone wants to go back. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, they want to go back even if they are exhausted.

Not to mention that they haven’t touched a book for many years, but they don’t even have any reference materials!

For a moment, everyone was silent.

The female educated youth holding the baby collapsed first, Can't you think of a way? I want to go back to the city.

Who doesn't want to go back to the city? What's the point of crying? Let's work together to find a solution. Zheng Xiulan, whose temperament has improved a lot after staying in the countryside for several years, said.

Liu Zhi glanced at his wife in approval, and said to the crying lesbian: My wife is right, crying is of no use, let's find a solution together.

If I could go back to the city if I cried, the river would have burst its banks long ago.

Yu Shufang glanced at Liu Zhi and Zheng Xiulan with a sour look, and said in a strange way: I know that you and your wife have a good relationship, but this is outside, so you should pay more attention to it.

How come Zheng Xiulan, who is not as good-looking as her, has a good husband who values ​​and loves her, but she...

After several years of hard work, coupled with the anxiety that she couldn't resolve, Yu Shufang's temperament became even more bizarre.

She was a lesbian, and no matter what she said was ugly, Liu Zhi couldn't argue with her, so he could only pretend that he didn't hear it.

Her husband was told that it was not easy to reply, but Zheng Xiulan had no such worries and directly opened fire, When it comes to being shameless, who can compare to you? Look at your sour words. People who don't know would think you are so dissatisfied with Comrade Xiang Yang. , when you have time, wipe the shit off your own ass first before talking about others.

Looking at Yu Shufang's old and mean look now, she still doesn't have half of the spirit she had when she first came here. He doesn't know how Xiang Yang can endure her increasingly sinister temperament.

For others, Yu Shufang dared to put aside her face and make trouble, but for Zheng Xiulan, she always felt a little guilty in her heart, especially since she couldn't talk or beat her, so she had no other choice but to endure it.

Han Chengzhi looked at the noisy educated youth spot and felt annoyed. He shouldn't have come.

What time has it been? Everyone is still noisy. Why don't you spend more time with Luoluo?

I'm leaving first. Han Chengzhi shook his head helplessly and left without looking back.

Yu Shufang looked at his back, suddenly thought of something, and a deep thought flashed in her eyes.


Luo Shui, who was staying at home, sneezed without warning and trembled, feeling an ominous premonition in his heart.

A tall, handsome man with a pine-like posture came quietly and saw her through the slightly open courtyard door.

The delicate and soft little girl in the memory was already so big. Luo Anyan's eyes were a little hot when she looked at Luo Shui.

He can still recall that when he left home that year, the cute little girl Yuxue pulled the hem of his clothes with a look of reluctance but pretending to be strong.

If his father hadn't written him a letter, he wouldn't have known that his sister, whom he had doted on and protected since childhood, was tricked into going to the countryside by his sister-in-law's family.

When he first learned the news, he was almost so angry that he spit out blood.

But the border defense was not very peaceful in those years. He was in the army and couldn't help himself. He could only wait for the day when we could meet again.

Now that I have actually seen it, I feel a little shy about being close to home.

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