Luo Yu is not interested in this kind of scenery that girls find extremely romantic, but since his sister likes it, he thinks it's not bad.

Well, not bad! He nodded.

After being together for several years, how could Luo Shui not know the boy's preferences, but he was still moved by his indulgent attitude.

What kind of fairy brother is this? He has an extremely high IQ, great looks, and the key is... the ultimate sister control.

You are such a treasure brother! Luo Shui hit Luo Yu on the shoulder with a hibiscus-faced smile that looked prettier than cherry blossoms.

Ji Chuan, who was walking quickly, suddenly heard such a sound, as if he was familiar with the laughter deep in his soul. He suddenly stopped and turned around as if in slow motion.

Under the cherry blossom tree, the little girl's face has lost its baby fat and has become more beautiful.

She has grown a lot taller, and has become a slim figure with a pretty face. The smile on her lips is as sweet as honey.

It's her, Luo Luo! !

Ji Chuan looked at Luo Shui steadily, his eyes suddenly a little astringent, and underneath his calm expression was a turbulent heartbeat.

Luoluo... he called softly, his voice starting from his throat and ending at his lips.

Luo Shui on the other side noticed the burning gaze falling on her. She looked over in surprise, and a flash of surprise suddenly flashed in her eyes.

What a handsome young man, with deep and clear eyes, exuding a refreshing aura.

She had always been more tolerant of good-looking people, so she rolled her eyes at the boy, and then left the school with her brother.

Ji Chuan looked at the girl's leaving figure. After a long time, he covered his racing heart with a dazed expression. There was a dazzling smile between his lowered eyebrows.


Luo Shui didn't know that the person she was looking at had been looking for her for more than three years. She just felt a little strange. When she saw this person, the pear blossom mark on her wrist became inexplicably hot, and her heart palpitated slightly. Her intuition told her that she was related to this person. The intersection of people goes beyond that.

His eyes seemed to be silently telling him that he knew himself.

The major events that happened in the past three years flashed through Luo Shui's mind, but she couldn't remember meeting this person. Instead, it reminded her of the relief and complexity she felt when she left Luoping with her mother and brother.

Time goes back to three years ago——

When Luo Shui and Luo Yu followed Mother Lin onto the train, the three of them felt confused and uneasy.

They don't know where they are going, what the future will be like, and they are so desperate that they don't even dare to think about the future, they only think about how to take care of the present.

Luo Shui was actually not too panicked, but after all, she was only an underage junior high school student. Even if she had countless thoughts in her mind, it was of no use facing the current predicament.

The siblings were entangled all the way, but they didn't know that from the moment they planned to leave, Lin's mother had already determined her way back to her hometown.

Back then, she made a desperate move and left home. No matter how hard and tired she was for so many years, she never thought about going back.

But when she was really desperate, she realized that she had been wanting to go home for so many years.

I miss my stern father, my loving mother, and even the roses at home...

This incident suddenly broke through all the defenses in her heart and gave her the courage to make a desperate move.

She thought that even if she was beaten by her father and scolded by her mother, she would still go back and see them.

Even though the two old men were still unwilling to forgive her, she decided to go back and have a look.

After being unfilial for so many years, you have to face what you have to face.

After figuring it out, Lin's mother, also known as Lin Wan, returned home with her children.

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