Just one look at the familiar courtyard wall and the blooming roses made her unable to hold back her tears.

After being away from home for many years, a leaf or a local accent in my hometown can create huge waves in my heart.

Lin Wan felt ashamed of her parents, and had never thought about getting their forgiveness. However, when she saw the two old people who were obviously much older, she gave up the idea. She wanted to ask for their parents' forgiveness, and she also wanted to take care of her parents until they grow old. Enjoy your retirement...

...Dad! The woman called out Dad in a heavy and longing voice. The old man who went out to take out the garbage was stunned for a moment.

He rubbed his eyes that had been blurred for a long time, and the garbage bag in his hand fell to the ground, Wan, Wan'er?

Lin Wan burst into tears, her throat suddenly choked up. She felt guilty and ashamed to face her father, and said in a choked voice: Dad, I'm sorry, the unfilial daughter is back.

The old man seemed to be shocked. He checked his bad eyes several times until his eyes felt sore, and then he moved his eyeballs to relieve the dryness of his eyes.

His lips trembled slightly, but not a word came out of his mouth.

Lin Wan thought that his father was extremely disappointed with him, and silently lowered his head with tears in his eyes.

After an unknown amount of time, the old man spoke, his voice hoarse, Just come back, just come back!

Parents' love for their children is deep and tolerant, and there is no overnight feud. Grandpa Lin and Grandma Lin have not seen their daughter for decades and thought she was no longer alive.

I feel so grateful to be able to see her again.

When he saw the boy and girl behind his daughter who looked very similar to her, and knew that they were his grandson and granddaughter, the old man felt sad.

...Come in! After saying that, he didn't even bother to clean up the garbage on the ground. He looked at Luo Shui and Luo Yu and said lovingly.

Lin Wan saw that his father had forgiven him, so he endured the soreness in his nose and took his children into the house.

From then on, the three of Luoshui settled down here. Those nights when they were woken up by demons from time to time seemed like a nightmare, and they were forgotten when they woke up.

In three years, Lin Wan started a second career after putting aside the scumbag. Starting from a small business, he has now opened several stores, and his whole person has become more confident.

Lin Wan is very satisfied with her current life. Her parents are here, her children are filial, and her family has a small fortune.

Of course, it will be even more perfect when there are children at home.

Back in time, Luo Shui received a notice that it was the first day of school.

Luo Yu originally wanted to see her off, but something happened at the institute, so Lin Wan drove her there that day.

It is the beginning of the school year, and there are so many banners, billboards, and tents from various colleges in front of the school that you can see that there are still heads everywhere.

Luo Shui followed Mother Lin with her trolley suitcase, looking around at the college's freshman reception area.

Today, Lin Wan has long lost the timid and pitiful little woman she once was. She wears high heels, has long hair that reaches her waist and is slightly curled at the roots. She has perfect makeup and red lipstick, which makes her aura even more powerful.

Why are there so many people? Give me the suitcase and I'll pull it. Lin Wan saw Luo Shui's leisurely look and thought she was tired, so she took the trolley suitcase and said.

Luo Shui was groggy from the sun and just wanted to sleep. He yawned and followed her closely.

The two of them followed the direction of the sign and walked towards the reporting office of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Ji Chuan, who was standing at the freshman reception desk of the Chinese College, could see Luo Shui through the crowd because of his unique height advantage.

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