When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 280 The Crown Princess goes out to slap the time-travel heroine in the face again

Xiao Li nodded hurriedly, with a very serious expression, It's amazing.

Grandpa Ghost Doctor is so awesome and good, he likes it very much.

Luo Shui felt inexplicably sad when he saw the admiration and love for the ghost doctor in his son's eyes.

...Since you think the ghost doctor is awesome, there's no need to worry. Your dad will be fine, she said.

It's just a detoxification, and there are so many rare and rare herbs in the medicine garden, it must be easy for the old ghost doctor.

Xiao Li felt that his mother had a strange expression. After thinking for a moment, he raised his little face and looked at her with a soft and cute smile, ...Mother is also awesome!

After praising Luo Shui, he did not forget the silent King Zhennan next to him, and complimented him smoothly: Grandpa is also very powerful.

Xiao Wei: ...

I didn't want such a half-hearted compliment.

After a while, the closed door creaked open, and the fairy-like ghost doctor came out.

Ghost doctor, how is the prince? Luo Shui stood up and asked.

The ghost doctor slowly took the sweat towel from the little maid's hand, wiped his hands, and said, Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life!

Great, great, thank you, Grandpa Ghost Doctor. Xiao Li clapped his hands happily and saluted the ghost doctor with his chubby little body.

The ghost doctor has been lonely for half his life and has an eccentric personality, but he likes the smart and sensible little Li'er very much. Hearing this, he patted his little head and smiled kindly.

Xiao Wei, who had been living in seclusion since the death of the princess, looked at the ghost doctor and was very grateful. He said to him: I thank the ghost doctor on my son's behalf. If necessary, Zhennan Palace will do its best.

The ghost doctor didn't think he would need help from the Zhennan Palace for anything, but when he heard what he said, he felt very comfortable.

He nodded his chin proudly and walked away.

Luo Shui watched the ghost doctor leave and took Xiao Li in to see Xiao Zhi.

The man with a handsome face was lying on the large carved bed, breathing steadily, but his face was a little pale.

I think so. After losing so much blood for detoxification, it's strange that my face has blood.

Xiao Wei saw that his son's expression was okay, he breathed a sigh of relief and said to Luo Shui: ...take good care of him.

Without waiting for Luo Shui to answer, he left with his personal bodyguard Chimu.

As soon as the imposing King Zhennan left, Luo Shui instantly felt more at ease. He sat on the bedside with Xiao Li and looked at Xiao Zhi.

Mom, when will Daddy wake up? Xiao Li asked dully, lying on the bed with his butt sticking out and his chin supported with both hands.

Luo Shui's heart trembled because of the cute and unaware little cub, and he touched the little one on top of his head.

...You should be able to wake up later! she said uncertainly.

Xiao Li glanced at his mother, sighed maturely, and looked at the person on the bed in silence with her.

When it got completely dark, Xiao Zhi woke up.

When he opened his eyes, he saw his son sleeping soundly like a tender dumpling on the bed. When he raised his head, he met Luo Shui's bright eyes again.

...Luoluo? He said in a low voice.

Luo Shui's eyes lit up when he saw him waking up. He poured a glass of warm water from the wooden table next to him and helped Xiao Zhi drink it.

How do you feel? Is there anything uncomfortable?

Xiao Zhi enjoyed the feeling of his wife and children by his side. He shook his head, took her hand and said, I'm fine, better than ever.

After the poison was removed from the body, the body suddenly felt very relaxed, even better than before before being injured.

What he didn't know was that Luo Shui had been secretly feeding him spiritual spring water. If the poison hadn't been too powerful and soaked into his internal organs, he would have been cured long ago.

Now that he has been completely detoxified by the ghost doctor, the spiritual spring water in his body is so effective that even a disabled person can be healed, not to mention the white-robed young general who is physically stronger than most people.

That's good! Luo Shui said.

Xiao Zhi moved his body further into the bed to make some room, and said to her: You are tired too, come up and lie down for a while!

Luo Shui didn't refuse. He hugged Xiao Li, who was already fast asleep, and lay down on him.

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