When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 281 The Crown Princess goes out to slap the time-travel heroine in the face again

It's the end of another year, and the Spring Festival is a relatively big festival in the Yan Kingdom. On this day, hundreds of civil and military officials, their wives, and their children enter the palace to share the grand ceremony with the royal family.

Xiao Wei has not been to the palace to celebrate the festival for two years due to health reasons. Although Xiao Zhi goes every year, he only watches his colleagues and their wives singing and playing music. He does not notice the feeling of the year at all, but feels unspeakably uncomfortable.

...Why have you been looking at me? Luo Shui felt uncomfortable at the man's hot and resentful gaze, so he simply asked.

A glint flashed in Xiao Zhi's eyes, ...Luoluo, will you be willing to come to the palace with me to celebrate the festival this year?

Luo Shui didn't expect that this would be such a difficult thing for him, so he nodded and said, Okay!

How could she tear apart the original owner's weird and charmingly confident sister without entering the palace?


Time flew by quickly, and the day of entering the palace came within a few days.

Luo Shui put on the bright red princess palace uniform, and with the maids waiting on her, she combed her hair in the popular Lingyun bun and walked out of the room.

Xiao Zhi looked at her, a look of surprise flashed through his black eyes.

I saw a woman with long black hair tied up in a bun, a red dress and snow-white skin. Bright peonies were outlined with silver thread on the cuffs. Her shoulders were cut into a plain waist, and her skin was as blue as fat.

It's beautiful. Xiao Zhi said.

When Luo Shui looked at him, surprise appeared in his eyes.

He is wearing a black brocade robe with folded lapels, a jade crown on his head, and a silver patterned brocade belt around his waist. He is elegant, elegant, and profound.

Before Luo Shui had time to speak, Xiao Li Xiaotuanzi ran over and hugged her leg.

...Mother looks good today. The little guy raised his little face and looked at her, as if his mouth was stained with honey.

Luo Shui was coaxed to smile by Xiao Li, picked him up and looked at him carefully, Well, little Li'er is so cute today!!

After exchanging blows, the family of three, surrounded by maids and guards, got on their horses and rushed to the palace.

The carriage of Zhennan Prince's Mansion was pulled by two tall horses. It was completely black and decorated with gold and silver embroidery ribbons on one side of the roof. It was very elegant.

Xiao Li had never been to the palace to celebrate the New Year, especially with his parents. He was beaming with joy all the way.

There were several carriages parked at the gate of the palace, and the guards guarding the gate were checking them one by one. When they saw the carriage of Zhennan Palace, the leading young general quickly asked the people below to open the palace door.

...open the palace gate.

Everyone knows that Zhennan Palace is different.

The people below dare to have any objections to the privileges given today, so they can only simply obey.

The other families saw Tonghei's carriage with a unique logo entering the palace gate, and they all showed envious expressions.

They had all gone out as early as possible, but they still had to queue up, which was really frustrating.

Grandmaster Luo's family was also among them. Luo Qian'er was sitting in the carriage. When the carriage from Zhennan Palace roared past, the wind blew open the curtain of the carriage, and she saw a familiar face that she had not seen for four years.

...Mom, it's my sister...I, I saw my sister! What should I do? Luo Qian'er hugged her mother Mu's arm in a panic and said nervously.

Hearing this, Grand Master Luo's wife Mu, who was closing her eyes to rest her mind, suddenly opened her eyes and asked with a somewhat complicated expression: ...You mean Luo Luo? Are you reading that right?

She hadn't seen her for several years, but when she heard the news about her daughter, she didn't miss her, but she felt a sense of strangeness.

I saw it when I saw it. Luoluo has a good nature and won't do anything to you! Mu said calmly without changing her expression.

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