When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 288 The Crown Princess goes out to slap the time-traveling heroine in the face again

Xiao Qian did not want to let this farce continue and said directly to Master Luo: Luo Qian'er is full of nonsense, slandering and contemptuous of the royal family. I want her to leave the capital and never return to the capital.

His simple words decided Luo Qianer's fate.

When Luo Qian'er saw that Luo Shui was unscathed, but she had fallen into the fate of leaving the capital and never coming back, her eyes suddenly burst into tears, and her eyes looking at Luo Shui seemed to be quenched with poison.

But before she could curse, someone covered her mouth.

Taishi Luo knew that there was no way around it, and he felt a strong sense of exhaustion in his heart.

How on earth did he believe that such an idiot would be the lucky star who would lead the Luo family to glory and wealth, and to a higher level? !

Trash Taoist priest, defrauded me of my money and ruined my official career! !

I am crying in my heart, but I am grateful on my face.

Thank you Lord for your grace.

Master Luo put his head on the ground, kowtowed with a strong desire to survive, and quickly asked his servants to take Luo Qian'er out of the hall.

At this point, the matter came to an end, and in a short period of time, the Luo family became the butt of jokes in every house in Kyoto.

Luo Shui looked at the swaying flowers on the temples. The beauty was as beautiful as a picture. He took a sip of the fragrant pear blossom white and felt incredibly comfortable.

Sure enough, tearing off the little white flowers is physically and mentally pleasurable.

Drink less, this wine has a lot of stamina. Xiao Zhi frowned when he saw her accidentally drinking up a small pot of pear blossom white.

Luo Shui grabbed the hand that had snatched his wine glass. It was like white jade, smooth and slightly cool, with well-defined joints and was extremely beautiful.

Okay, no more drinking. She said, holding his hand and not letting go.

Xiao Zhi only felt an itch coming from his fingers. The itch seemed to be moving, quickly running along the skin and reaching his heart.

His throat moved slightly, and he suddenly picked up the wine glass and took a sip, trying to calm down the crazy surge of restlessness.

Luo Shui glanced at him with a pair of hooked watery eyes, with a bright and open smile, like a seductive river demon.

When she saw the man's eyes completely darkened, she pursed her lips, suppressed her laughter, tugged on his sleeve and shook it as if begging for mercy.

Xiao Zhi looked away, but a helpless smile flashed in his eyes.

Luo Shui felt a little dizzy, turned her body towards him, and said softly: I'll go out to enjoy the wind for a while, and I'll be back soon.

And after sitting for a long time, my back is sore, so why not go and see the rare beauty of the palace.

Xiao Zhi frowned and said worriedly: I'll go with you.

Before Luo Shui agreed, a tall man with bronze skin walked towards the two of them.

Xiao Zhi frowned when he saw this man, What's the matter?

The man, Chu Yan, looked slightly stiff. He could not imagine that his friend could be so heartless. He indicated with his eyes that something was wrong, and whispered: How about we go out and talk?

Although Xiao Zhi was unhappy, he also knew that Chu Yan was not imprudent. He looked at Luo Shui apologetically, Luo Luo, I'm sorry, I can't accompany you anymore.

Luo Shui pinched his fingertips at his sleeves with an understanding smile on his face.

It's okay. Cai Jin and Cai Qi are with me. I'll just go outside and enjoy the breeze. I'll be back soon.

Xiao Zhi watched her leave, then turned his attention to Chu Yan, If you have something to do, please tell me?

He looked like a gentleman, but he gave off an extremely impatient urgency.

Chu Yan never knew that Xiao Shizi from Gaoyang in the clouds was such a heterosexual and inhumane guy. He covered his heart that was hit and replied with deep resentment: I just got the news that I ordered Qianyue to come to Beijing.

As soon as he heard the name Chi Qianyue, a sharp look flashed in Xiao Zhi's eyes, as if some enemies were extremely jealous when they met him.

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