When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 289 The Crown Princess goes out to slap the time-travel heroine in the face again

Where is he now? he asked.

Chu Yan pretended to beg for mercy, crying in his face and in his heart: Prince Xiao, please don't embarrass me. I didn't know this. Chi Qianyue is such a cunning person. Only you can control him. , I have tried my best to get the news about his coming to Beijing.

Xiao Zhi was not surprised that Chu Yan would respond to him like this. He stroked his sleeves slowly and said calmly: Ayan, let's continue with the arrangements. This time I will make sure he never comes back.

He, Xiao Zhi, never suffered a loss, so he took this opportunity to deal with the Barbarian clan, just in time to avenge that arrow.

Luo Shui took the two girls to a pond. The wind blew and the faint fragrance of flowers came, and the drunkenness disappeared quickly.

What are you making a fuss about? A gentle and clear male voice came from behind the flowers.

When Cai Jin and Cai Qi heard a very familiar voice, their pupils suddenly widened and they looked at each other with complicated expressions.

Prince Princess, let's go somewhere else? Cai Jin had an ominous premonition in her heart, so she whispered in Luo Shui's ear.

Luo Shui didn't want to hear other parents' shortcomings, so he nodded and said, Well, let's go!

It's just a pity to lose such a beautiful scene.

As soon as she stood up, a woman came out from behind the flowers. This woman was the daughter of the Jingzhao Yin family and Mu Ze's wife.

Her eyes were red, and she looked like she had just cried. When she saw Luo Shui, a blush appeared on her fair face, and her eyes showed annoyance, inferiority, despair, and pain.

Although her heart was extremely complicated and uncomfortable, Ji Hannuo still showed an elegant smile on her face and saluted Luo Shui appropriately, Greetings to Princess Xiao!

Luo Shui stepped forward to support her, smiling warmly, You don't have to be so polite. Speaking of which, I also want to call you cousin.

At this moment, Mu Ze also walked out.

Seeing Luo Shui, a bright light flashed in the man's eyes, ...See Princess Xiao.

Master Mu, there is no need to be polite.

When Mu Ze heard her unfamiliar words Master Mu, the smile at the corner of his mouth was a little bitter.

The etiquette cannot be discarded. He replied with a smile.

Mu Ze never thought that he and Luo Luo would be so estranged to each other. Even calling her name would be transgression.

Perhaps most things in the world are like this: love is separated, resentment and hatred meet, you can’t get what you want, and you can’t let go...

Luo Shui couldn't bear to see Ji Hannuo, a decent and polite woman, withering in the backyard, so he didn't leave immediately, but said a few more words.

Master Mu, things in the world are impermanent and everything goes by. Some people and some things are destined to be just the past. All we can do is cherish the present and cherish the people in front of us. If we let go, we may not see new scenery... What do you think?

Mu Ze frowned, thoughtfully.

It's not that he can't get out, but he is willing to make a prison.

However, if seeing him come out is what Luoluo wants to see, he will fulfill her wish.

For a long time, Mu Ze raised his eyes and looked at Luo Shui, with all kinds of complicated emotions in his eyes as if they had never appeared before.

Thank you, Crown Princess, I've been taught a lesson.

Luo Shui didn't know whether what he said was true or not, but she said everything she could and hoped that Mu Ze could really have happiness.

In the scandal of the Luo family's marriage change, Mu Ze was equally innocent as the original owner, and both were cannon fodder.

At this moment, Luo Shui's displeasure with the Luo family deepened.

Nodding towards Muze and Ji Hannuo, Luo Shui planned to take the two maids and leave, but as soon as she turned around, she saw Xiao Zhi coming to find her.

Husband? Luo Shui ran towards the man with a bright smile, affection in his eyes, Why are you here?

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