When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 292 The Crown Princess goes out to slap the time-travel heroine in the face again

Xiao Zhi looked at her angry side face, raised the corners of his lips slightly, and moved his body next to the little girl.

Don't be angry. Lingjun admits his mistake to Madam. Don't get angry! He pinched Luo Shui's smooth little face and apologized with a smile.

Madam is really like a book, she can be as cold as jade, but also as delicate and lovely, making him happy no matter how much she does.

The Crown Prince, Crown Princess, are here. Leng Feng's voice came from outside.

In order to apologize to his wife, Xiao Zhi passed over Cai Jin and the two people outside the carriage, took Luo Shui's cloak, and put it on her gently.

Madam, let me help you, be careful where you step. As he said that, he stretched out his arm and lifted the person out of the carriage.

Luo Shui: ...

Where's the promised help? !

Xiao Zhi met her clear eyes, his expression did not change, but his ears slowly turned red.

He never knew how to coax a little girl, and he seemed to have messed up again just now! !

Although Luo Shui wanted to complain, he still wanted to pamper his man no matter what, so he pulled him forward and walked forward.

Not far away, as far as the eye can see, there is a dilapidated small earthen house. At the door of the house is a stove built casually with straw.

It seemed that it had just rained, there was some mud at the door of the house, and half of the kitchen had collapsed.

Xiao Zhi didn't know why Luo Shui came to such a strange and run-down place, so he didn't ask any questions and followed her side, carefully holding her slightly longer cloak.

Cai Jin has a lively personality, and she grew up with Luo Shui. She is not a person who can hold back her words, so she asked directly if she didn't understand.

Prince Princess, what are we doing here?

As he spoke, he looked around, but didn't see anything worth visiting in this place.

Luo Shui was thoughtful, with a hint of deep meaning on his face, I wonder if there will be any extraordinary people here.

Who would have thought that in such a remote and desolate place, there would be such a person who could successfully lead the entire family to transcend classes?

Cai Jin's face was stunned and she said no more.

Anyway, she couldn't see anything, and the Crown Princess was definitely right.

Brother, wait for me, I'll go with you! A slightly immature girl's voice came from the door.

Sister, hurry up, otherwise everyone will pick up all the fish. said the boy who was called brother.

As he said that, he took the basket, took his sister and walked towards the door.

As soon as they opened the courtyard door, the brothers and sisters saw a group of men and women dressed in luxurious clothes and with outstanding temperament.

...Who are you? A look of vigilance flashed in the young man's eyes, and he asked while protecting his sister behind him.

Luo Shui looked at the two little carrot heads in front of him. One was ten years old and the other was eight years old. They should be the heroine's younger siblings.

We are passers-by, we just want some water. Luo Shui casually found a reason.

Xiao Zhi and others stood behind her without saying a word, watching her serious nonsense, with calm expressions and without blinking.

Qin Dalang stared at the group of them suspiciously for a while, then said, Wait a minute, I'll go find my sister.

Luo Shui looked at the young man's leaving figure with a complex look in his eyes. It seemed that this young man had been conquered by the heroine when he was a child.

It's no wonder that when he grew up, he treated his wife coldly and violently just because she didn't get along with his sister, leaving such an innocent little girl to wither in despair in the backyard.

The heroine is not a bad person, but she is too controlling and cannot tolerate any criticism. Later, after marrying into Prince Anyang's palace, her character became more domineering and intolerable.

Qin Wanniang was chopping stuffings anxiously at home, and she added a steamed bun business to the family. In order to earn more money, she could only serve as a person for several people.

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