When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 293 The Crown Princess goes out to slap the time-travel heroine in the face again

When she heard her brother say that a noble person came to the house to ask for water, she was stunned at first, and then she didn't believe it.

As a noble person, how could he come to a place like theirs and ask for water? How could it be possible?

Just after hearing her brother's repeated confirmation, Qin Wanniang cleaned her hands and walked outside.

You want to ask for a drink? She frowned and asked in confusion.

Don't these people have carriages? Why do they ask for water at home?

Luo Shui saw the face of the heroine. She had a gentle appearance, almost no offensive power, and her temperament had the scent of poetry and books. She was indeed a good-looking beauty.

Yes, we were out to play. Something happened when we were leaving the city. The water was gone, so I asked you to ask for some water. Luo Shui said calmly.

Qin Wanniang's eyes were mostly on Xiao Zhi, but she didn't look at her until Luo Shui spoke.

As soon as she saw Luo Shui's face, Qin Wanniang's face stiffened for a second, and a look of jealousy flashed in her eyes.

She originally thought that she was already a rare beauty, but she didn't know that this person in front of her was even more beautiful.

What's even more hateful is that this person not only has a stunning appearance, but also an enviable family background.

How unfair this world is! !

Luo Shui noticed the malice in Qin Wanniang's eyes, and she shook her head helplessly.

With such a small mind, it is not surprising that things will become more and more extreme in the future.

Qin Wanniang didn't know that her little thoughts had already been exposed, and she said with a smile, Wait a moment, I will help you get water.

With that said, he took the water bag that Leng Feng had given to his princess and went in.

After a while, Qin Wanniang came out again.

Okay. She walked over and handed the filled water bag to Luo Shui.

Luo Shui raised her eyebrows lightly and reached out to take it, Thank you!

How weird, she thought to herself.

Qin Wanniang saw Luo Shui take it, her lowered eyelids covered the smile that flashed in her eyes, she raised her eyes and said with a smile: You're welcome, it's just a little effort.

Luo Shui lowered his eyes and smiled, and asked as if unconsciously: Have any strange people appeared at Wujiangkou during this period?

Qin Wanniang was secretly happy in her heart and her vigilance was much lower. After hearing this, she thought for a while and said, A strange person? Does it count someone who is tall, has rough and dark skin, and has a weird hairstyle?

Reminiscent of Chi Qianyue's appearance in the original plot, Luo Shui suspected that the person Qin Wanniang mentioned was that man.

Oh? Is there such a person? Where did you see him? Luo Shui asked smoothly.

Qin Wanniang suddenly became alert and glanced at her suspiciously, Why do you ask this?

Although that man didn't look like a good person, he didn't do anything harmful to the world while living in Wujiangkou. On the contrary, these people in front of him were strange and not like normal people.

The Luo Shui people were inexplicably attracted to the abnormal, ...

Who is out of character? When you are scolding Qianyue for burning, killing, and looting, you still don’t know where to eat dirt.

Luo Shui looked thoughtful when he saw the ice that suddenly stood up on Qin Wanniang's body.

He raised his eyebrows and gave Xiao Zhi a look of understanding that only the couple could understand. He looked at Qin Wanniang again and said, I'm just asking. If it's really inconvenient, I won't ask anymore.

After saying that, he thanked her again and everyone left Wujiangkou.

Qin Wanniang watched the majestic carriage go further and further away, her eyes flickered, and she loosened her tightly clenched fingers.

A thought about heaven, a thought about hell, a small decision may affect the trajectory of a person's life.

Sometimes, good and evil can happen in an instant.

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