When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 294 The Crown Princess goes out to slap the time-travel heroine in the face again

Luo Shui even saw something was wrong with Qin Wanniang, not to mention Prince Xiao, who was known for his wisdom and cunning.

How about it? Do you think Chiganyue is at the mouth of Wujiang River?

Xiao Zhi chuckled and said, Don't you know whether Madam is here or not?

The lady who had already guessed it but still asked about it was very cute.

Luo Shui said perfunctorily and looked at him, Then you're not going to arrest them? Are you going to wait for them to escape back to the wilderness?

...Ayan has already gone to arrest him. The man pondered for a moment and then spoke silently.

Luo Shui: !!!

If you didn't tell me earlier, why are you pretending to be a big-tailed wolf?

A ball of alpacas ran through my heart, but my expression became colder and calmer.

Luo Shui responded lightly from his nose and began to close his eyes to rest. His face said, I'm going to rest, don't disturb me.

Xiao Zhi's heart melted when he saw his wife's arrogant look. The smile on his face became gentler, and the handsome and peerless young man looked inexplicably crazy.

The carriage was driving quickly, and Leng Feng and the others were following on horseback.

Suddenly, Chu Yan's urgent voice came from afar.

Lingjun, Chi Qianyue injured three people and fled towards the official road...

When Xiao Zhi heard this, he immediately flew out of the carriage.

Hahaha, Xiao Zhi, you, a defeated general, want to capture me. Just wait in the next life. One day I will attack you in the Imperial Capital of Yan Kingdom... In the distance, Chi Ganyue was riding a horse, shouting.

I originally thought that I could make a big splash in Beijing, but who knew that Chu Yan, the grandson, had spotted him first, and now he had caught the eye of Xiao Zhi, the fox.

This time he came to Yan Kingdom, he really hit Tai Sui, and he was unlucky and extremely unlucky.

Xiao Zhi was unmoved at all, flew on a horse, and took a huge bow and arrow from Leng Feng.

The well-proportioned horse was galloping. The man stood firmly on the horse, drew the bow and arrowed in one go, and then an arrow with murderous intent flew out.

He is tall and slender and looks thin, but in fact he is very powerful inside. Otherwise, he would not be a famous jade-faced general in various countries.

After Chi Ganyue finished shouting, Xiao Zhi drew his bow, but his body was honest and he rode away quickly.

He has been riding horses since he was a child, and his riding skills are superb. Logically speaking, he should not be afraid of arrows shot by Xiao Zhi from a distance.

But after several defeats, he was frightened. At this moment, he saw the word escape subconsciously flashing in his mind.

Chi Ganyue galloped past on horseback, raising layers of soil on the official road, followed by a sharp arrow that was as powerful as breaking bamboo.


The sound of arrows piercing the air carried the coldness in the air.

Chi Qianyue felt an inexplicable chill on his back, and his muscles all over his body collapsed. He took a moment to look back and saw that the arrow piercing the clouds and carrying the wind did not slow down at all.

Damn it, is it possible that this arrow has eyes? Chi Ganyue cursed and flew forward faster.

Unexpectedly, no matter how steady he was, the arrow was still chasing him until another arrow came from behind. This arrow penetrated the one in front and penetrated Chi Ganyue's shoulder blade with a fierce momentum.

Xiao Zhi, you don't follow martial ethics. Your grandson is always good at shooting cold arrows in the back. If the first arrow fails, he will fire a second arrow. You are a black-hearted thing. Sooner or later, I will beat you to pieces and bruise you...

Chi Ganyue was shot off his horse by an arrow. He covered the arrow on his shoulder and cursed fiercely in the Central Plains language that he was not very proficient in.

Xiao Zhi held up the horse's reins with one hand and dismounted. He looked at Chi Qianyue with a touch of disdain and coldness in his eyes, I'm still talking hard even when I'm about to die.

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