When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 301 The Crown Princess goes out to slap the time-travel heroine in the face again

Where's Xiao Zhi? Luo Shui asked with a resentful tone.

He eats people and then leaves. He really smells like a heartless scumbag.

Caiqi saw her princess's resentful expression and covered her mouth with secret joy.

The young lady in her family has been stable since she was a child, and she rarely gets angry like this. Now the young lady has the liveliness and willfulness of a young girl. Such a young lady makes her feel sour and happy at the same time.

The tenderness given by Grand Master Luo's Mansion is now fully complemented by Prince Xiao, and this is enough.

Before Caiqi could speak, a warm and clear chuckle came from the door.

...I didn't know that Madam cares about me so much. I deserve to be punished!

The jade-like man seemed to be stepping on a sheet of soft light, lighting up the entire interior room.

You go down first, madam, I have my son here. Xiao Zhi said to Caiqi.

Yes. Caiqi lowered her head and withdrew with an ambiguous smile in her eyes.

Luo Shui glanced at Xiao Zhi, snorted and said, Kick my maid out, will you come and serve me?

She had long hair draped over her shoulders, black hair and snow-skinned skin, and a few red marks on her neck. These marks were not enough to hide her beauty, but instead added a layer of seductive beauty to her noble temperament.

Xiao Zhi sat in front of the bed, gently twirled the woman's hair, and hugged her from behind, Well, my prince's wife is so beautiful, how can she let others take advantage of her?

Luo Shui rolled his eyes, broke away from him, and put on his clothes, as if the fiery sight behind him did not exist.

This character's character is getting worse and worse. Now it's not just boring, it's starting to show off.

After washing up, Luo Shui sat on the dressing table and started doing her daily skin care.

At this time, no woman had the courage to dress up in front of her husband. Her casual look made Xiao Zhi's heart move, and he sat next to her and looked at her seriously.

Luo Shui felt no embarrassment at all, and patted his face slowly with his white jade-like fingers.

Suddenly, she thought of Princess Anyang's palace again, and picked up the topic from last night, Is Princess Anyang really a monk?

Xiao Zhi was confused by her sudden topic, and the expression on his face was a bit dumbfounded.

...It's about practicing Buddhism, not becoming a monk.

Madam doesn’t know why she got into trouble with Prince Anyang, but her proud and happy expression is quite cute.

Luo Shui said perfunctorily, Aren't they all the same? Aren't they all seeing through the world of mortals and becoming a Buddha?

Xiao Zhi was speechless: ...

Ma'am, what you said makes sense.

Luo Shui raised his eyebrows and said proudly: Of course!

Then, he exclaimed, Oh, my eyebrows are crooked...

Xiao Zhi looked at it and laughed. He saw one of her eyebrows extending diagonally upward. It was not ugly but a little funny.

...I'll help you draw it. He leaned forward and took the eyebrow pencil from Luo Shuai's hand.

Can you? Luo Shui frowned and asked uncertainly.

Xiao Zhi didn't answer, he held her face in his hands, looked at her intently, and traced her stroke by stroke.

You won’t know until you try it.

Luo Shui looked at him seriously. The face in front of him was extremely delicate, but not feminine at all. He had the kind of handsome features with picturesque features and a handsome face.

...Okay, take a look.

So fast? Luo Shui was surprised and put his face in front of the mirror to take a look.

Not bad, I am very satisfied. She nodded with satisfaction.

Xiao Zhi hugged her from behind and met Luo Shui's eyes with gentle brows.

Cai Jin, who unexpectedly walked past the door, turned red when she saw this tender scene.

Ouch, that’s so embarrassing!

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