When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 302 The Crown Princess goes out to slap the time-travel heroine in the face again

A few days later, a big event happened in Kyoto. The barbaric envoys came to the capital.

Each of them is tall and strong, with thick hair, and their beards are as thick and fluffy as their hair. They look like a barbaric beast who drinks blood from their hair.

The leader of the envoy was a slightly thin man. He looked a little shrewd. When he saw Xiao Yuan and Xiao Zhi, the princes of Yan Kingdom, standing at the gate of the city, his eyes flashed.

Meet the Crown Prince of Yan Kingdom, Crown Prince Xiao!

Xiao Yuan is not very old, but he has been taken by Xiao Qian since he was a child. He is calm and sophisticated, not inferior to Xiao Zhi.

The envoy will be excused from the gift. I and Prince Xiao will take you to the post house first. Xiao Yuan stood up straight and said to the envoy without any fear.

Thank you, Prince Xiao, the envoy said politely.

After a while, a large group of people arrived at the door of the post house.

The mission of Xiao Yuan and Xiao Zhi is to deliver the envoy to the post house, so that their mission is completed.

Envoys please go to the post house to rest for a while. There will be a welcome banquet in the palace in the evening. Please attend on time. Xiao Yuan said directly with one hand behind his back.

The envoy from Manhuang was originally going to meet His Majesty Yan Guo, so he had to go to this banquet, so he nodded and said: Thank you, Your Majesty, Prince, I will attend on time.

That's good!

After saying that, Xiao Yuan and Xiao Zhi left with a group of guards.

The leader of the group looked at their departing figures with gloomy eyes. His expression was a little solemn, his eyebrows were knitted together, and he couldn't guess what Yan Guo's plan was.

Bah! What kind of welcome banquet? I'm afraid it's the Hongmen Banquet they often call in the Central Plains. They show off their power to us as soon as they arrive. Why are you pretending to be a big-tailed wolf? A tall young man next to the leader cursed in a low voice with dissatisfaction. .

The envoy immediately gave him a warning look and lowered his voice: When people are under the eaves, they have to lower their heads. Don't say these nonsense. Even if you are dissatisfied, bear with it.

Jumping up and down the territory of the Yan Kingdom is not what smart people should do. The people of the Yan Kingdom must have been well aware of their hatred and disgust towards them along the way.

The young man was obviously unconvinced, but when he saw the obvious coldness in Laizhi's eyes, he immediately restrained himself a lot.

When the envoy came to see that the thorns in the team had disappeared, his sharp eyes swept over the others one by one, You are the same. For the banquet tonight, everyone will act according to the situation.

Yes. Everyone replied in unison.

the other side.

Xiao Yuan looked at Xiao Zhi with a smile on his face, and he breathed out a sigh of relief.

Cousin, have you seen it? It's so funny that these arrogant barbarians are so angry with us that they look constipated.

When the young man smiled, his eyes and brows were full of vigor and vitality that refused to admit defeat. Even when he was pretending to be calm, he had a domineering look that was in line with today.

Xiao Zhi listened to the young man's complaints with a faint smile on his face and did not say anything.

He was used to seeing both open and covert attacks on the battlefield, so he wasn't very interested in this kind of child-like revenge, but he didn't stop the children from playing.

Xiao Yuan talked for a while and realized that this was just a one-man show for him. His cousin didn't even talk to him, and he was immediately dissatisfied.

Cousin, your cousin is so boring, doesn't your cousin dislike you?

Xiao Zhi glanced at him indifferently and finally said, How could it be? Your cousin-in-law is so kind, gentle and virtuous, beautiful and intelligent, and has a lot of poems and books in her belly. She is the best woman, and can be called a role model for all the women in Kyoto, so she wouldn't I despise this prince.

He spoke with a bit of pride, and the happy expression on his face made Xiao Yuan next to him want to poke his own eyes.

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