When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 329 The school bully is cruel yet innocent

When Qin Li heard Luo Shui's name, he looked stunned for a moment. Yan Xing burned his fingers and he came back to his senses.

Who are you talking about?

Yu Jing thought he didn't know Luo Shui, so he introduced him: Luo Shui! The first in his grade in ten thousand years, the legendary god of learning, even more awesome than Wei Ji!

Wei Ji could be regarded as the god of learning who had beaten them since elementary school. Who would have thought that after entering high school, a little girl appeared who could beat that turtle grandson, which made them sigh hard.

Ever since elementary school, the grandson has been pretending to be the best in the world with his nostrils turned up all day long. When they see him, they want to punch him! !

Qin Li didn't know that his friend was complaining crazily in his heart. After understanding that he was talking about the Luo Shui he knew, the young man stood up.

You guys play first, I'll go out for a while.

Yu Jing and the others thought he was going to the toilet, so he waved his hands, I got it!

Qin Ru's eyes flickered and he went out without saying anything.

He walked out of the private room and saw the girl in front of the computer not far from the stairs in the hall.

She was wearing a round-neck top, a light blue skirt, her long, silky hair tied in a ponytail hanging down her back, her skin was white and glowing, and she was as beautiful as a little fairy.

The little girl moved the mouse with her right hand and held her chin with her left hand, looking at ease and wandering. A hint of softness appeared in Qin Li's indifferent and fierce eyes.

He walked over and stood behind Luo Shui. His deep voice was somewhere between a man and a boy, with an indescribable charm, ...what are you doing?

Luo Shui finally saw an acquaintance, and his eyes lit up for a moment.

Do you have a cell phone? she said.

Qin Yan was slightly startled, his eyes looking at her became darker, and the back of his ears turned red quietly.

Could it be...could she want her own mobile phone number? Does he want to give it?

If so, will she get it wrong? If you don't give it, wouldn't it be too disrespectful?

The young man was so troubled that a thin layer of sweat formed on his back.

Yes. He replied with a slightly hoarse voice.

Luo Shui's eyes brightened when he heard this, and he looked at him and said, How is the pixel count of your phone?

Qin Ruo, who was still a little nervous at first, was stunned.

...It's okay! He said calmly.

Could it be that she didn't want her mobile phone number but wanted to take a photo with him?

Luo Shui didn't know that the cold-looking young man had already imagined the country of Java. When she heard Qin Ru's answer, she was excited and confused at the moment.

She didn't seem to know what this person's name was, so it was not a good idea to borrow someone's phone so presumptuously!

Seeing her tangled look, Qin Yan felt more and more that what he thought was right, and even his hands were sweating.

His heart was as messy as a mess. Unexpectedly, Luo Shui didn't speak for a long time, but instead... got distracted.

Qin Ru: ...

Embarrassed (excited) for nothing!

Luo Shui thought for a while, if she didn't make money, she would be in trouble in a few days.

How much is face worth? Face is not worth a dime! !

So, she breathed a sigh of relief, her face tightening, ...can I borrow your cell phone?

Borrow a cell phone? Qin Ruo's face was filled with questions.

So she asked so many questions, was the actual purpose just to borrow a mobile phone? !

...Here. He handed the phone to Luo Shui, unable to tell whether he should be relieved or depressed.

Luo Shui didn't expect this man to be so generous, and he was so happy that his face was stained with a smile like the sun, Thank you, classmate!

Qin Yan was dazzled by the light in the girl's eyes, and his heartbeat suddenly lost its rhythm.

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