When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 330 The school bully is cruel yet innocent

The boy quickly averted his eyes and reached out to cover his abnormal heart, feeling inexplicably that he might need to buy some heart-saving pills.

But what the hell are classmates? Doesn't he have a name?

My name is Qin Li.

Luo Shui looked at him and blinked, My name is Luo Shui.

Classmate Qin is such a good person!

Bai Jing bubbled up at this moment, ...Boss, it's the master!

I didn't expect the master to be so good-looking. When Xiaotuanzi in Luoshui's soul consciousness saw Qin Ru, his eyes suddenly lit up.

It was a bit aggrieved to say that this was the first time he saw his master, even though it was just his soul.

When he first met his master, he had just cultivated his body. Unexpectedly, as soon as he met his master, he was knocked back to his original form by a sword energy and was forced into a contract.

It’s also very miserable!

He was the only soul-gathering spirit in heaven and earth, the only one in the three thousand worlds, and he lost his freedom.

This is completely inconsistent with his tall and noble setting!

The worst thing was that he only had time to see that the man was a tall, terrifying man. He didn't even see his facial features clearly, and he was given his fate.

Luo Shui's eyes flickered, Master?

The cute little Bai Jing nodded obediently and admitted, Yes, my master is also the most lucky person in this world.

...Then how can I fix the luck on someone else's side? Are you sure this won't cause me to do a lot of harm? Luo Shui thought of what Bai Jing said about collecting luck and felt it was very unreliable.

If someone has strong luck, that's God's blessing. If she behaves like this, won't she harm others?

Bai Jing was speechless. The three thousand worlds were all created by his master. That person was probably eager for the boss to gather his luck on him!

Don't worry, I won't let you bear the consequences. You just need to fulfill his wish and that's it!

desire? Luo Shui felt that Bai Jing's remarks were a bit strange, but he couldn't explain why.

Is it true that all he needs to do is satisfy Qin Ru's wish? !

Sensing the girl's murmurings, Bai Jing felt inexplicably guilty.

This is the master's setting and has nothing to do with him.

The master clearly wanted to take advantage of the big boss to travel through the three thousand worlds and live with her in all lives. Otherwise, his fate would not be just to wait for her in every life, and then kill himself before he could wait.

To be honest, he, a little weakling who had just cultivated a human form and then was knocked back to his original form, really didn't understand this kind of emotion that he had to pursue for all his life.

What puzzles him at this moment is why the big guys have become novices, but people are becoming smarter? !

Every question she asked made me choke up...

Luo Shui responded suspiciously, Okay.

These are not important yet, the most urgent thing now is that she has to drive for another hour and submit the comics.

Thinking about it, Luo Shui stood up and planned to go downstairs to the front desk.

...Where are you going? Qin Yan asked.

Go to the front desk and charge it for another hour!

Qin Yan reached out and pressed her shoulders, I'll go.

With that said, he walked directly downstairs.

The eyes of the young man who walked out of her sight flickered, and the corners of his lips curved upward uncontrollably.

Seeing him leave, Luo Shui felt a little stir in his heart. This young man is really good.

Taking out the sketch from her bag, she planned to take a picture first to try it out. She didn't know if it would work if she took a picture with her mobile phone and submitted it for submission. But she was too poor and could only hope that the story would be good and the editor would have a good eye.

Qin Ru's phone didn't have an unlock password, so Luo Shui started taking pictures.

The original owner's painting style had a somewhat gloomy and depressive flavor. Luo Shui had her memory and directly followed her style.

Luo Shui knew what kind of world the original owner wanted to build, so he named the story Escape.

This was a wish that the original owner kept deep in his heart but never dared to act on. It was also Luo Shui’s most intuitive feeling after spending a few days with Zhang Chan.

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