When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 334 The school bully is cruel yet innocent

I don't have much money, so I can only treat you to whatever you want for the time being. When I make a lot of money, I will treat you to a big meal. Luo Shui said calmly.

The little girl doesn't feel that having no money in her pocket is a big deal. For her, all difficulties are temporary.

There will be bread, and there will be milk.

Besides, when the results of her competition come out, she will have a huge amount of income!

Qin Rong's face was dignified, but his expression was very gentle, Okay, I'll wait for you!

Luo Shui glanced at him quietly, her heartbeat a little tangled, the boy's words were a bit flirty!

Falling in love is not fun at all, studying is the most fun!

Falling in love is not fun at all, studying is the most fun!

After reciting it silently in his mind several times, Luo Shui'ergen's blush gradually faded away.

The atmosphere became silent, and for a while there was only the faint sound of breathing and chewing by the two of them.

Suddenly, Luo Shui's cell phone rang.

The little girl looked at the notes on her phone and frowned, feeling a little surprised and a little disgusted.

How does she have time to call herself? It’s been almost a month since he disappeared, why don’t he continue to disappear?

After the call was connected, before Luo Shui could speak, Zhang Chan called over with a cold and dissatisfied voice.

...Why are you taking so long to answer the phone? Why aren't you home yet? Come back quickly. I have something to tell you.

After speaking indifferently, she hung up the phone before Luo Shui could react.

The table in the restaurant is not big, and Qin Yan also heard the voice coming from the phone.

Qin Rujun's handsome eyebrows were knitted together, and he felt a sense of anger and resentment towards the person on the phone.

The little girl is well-behaved, delicate and soft. How dare that man talk to his little girl like that?

His little girl? his? Qin Yan was shocked when he realized what he was thinking.

How could he think so? Is he...

The somewhat confused young man suppressed all kinds of strange and unfamiliar thoughts, his eyebrows were a little deep.

Luoluo, are you okay? Qin Ru asked.

Luo Shui's face was calm and he said nonchalantly: It's nothing, just think she's crazy.

With that said, he put his phone back into his bag and continued eating.

If you feel angry, you might as well eat a few more bites. Is it because the noodles don’t taste good or the soup doesn’t taste good?

Qin Yan saw that the girl was not affected at all and was still eating well, and his words of comfort were stuck in his chest.


Why doesn't she always act according to common sense? !

Luo Shui didn't notice the young man's silent complaints to him, and when he saw that he didn't eat, he kept looking at him.

You don't like eating?

She thought it tasted pretty good, and it was even better than instant noodles!

Qin Yan looked at the girl's innocent look, and his expression became much gentler, It's okay!

With this person's influence on him, he felt that he was willing to eat chaff together.

When Luo Shui returned home, Zhang Chan was sitting on the sofa waiting for her with an indifferent expression.

Why are you back now? Don't you know I'm waiting for you? Zhang Chan looked at Luo Shui with stern eyes, very dissatisfied.

She wears exquisite makeup even at home, but her temperament is a little cold, and her eyebrows are arrogant and sharp.

Luo Shui looked at her as if she were a fool, There is no food at home!

The implication is that I have to look for food outside now, and there is no food at home.

Zhang Chan was stunned for a while, and then she said dissatisfiedly: Am I hungry or what? Why are you so ignorant!

They completely forgot that she had been missing for more than a month without saying a word, and had dismissed her nanny, leaving Luo Shui not even a dime of living expenses.

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