When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 335 The school bully is cruel yet innocent

Luo Shui's eyes were indifferent, You are just starving me!

Who was the person who made her eat instant noodles for several days? Who is the person who took away all the scholarships from the original owner?

Thinking that her expression changed when she heard about instant noodles, the little girl looked at Zhang Chan with particularly dissatisfied eyes.

Even if you are greedy for money from a minor, bah, it is so shameless!

Zhang Chan glanced at Luo Shui strangely, I won't tell you this. There is a banquet tomorrow. You can join me.

Why is this damn girl becoming more and more capable of choking? ! !

After saying that, he stood up and returned to the room, without giving Luo Shui a chance to speak again.

Luo Shui: ...

Bai Jing laughed and screamed in her soul, Boss, you are too strong!

He saw Zhang Chan's face turned red with anger.

Were the big guys in the previous world so choking? So much fun.

Luo Shui's face was slightly confused, and he asked Bai Jing, What did I do? Why is she running so fast?

Bai Jing stopped laughing and comforted her seriously, You didn't do anything. That Zhang Chan doesn't have a clear mind.

The boss will definitely not have a problem, the problem will definitely be someone else.

Luo Shui nodded quickly upon hearing this.

Well, she also felt that the man was not clear-headed.

Early the next morning, Zhang Chan dressed up beautifully, and rarely allowed Luo Shui to wear a long dress and take her to the banquet.

On the way, Zhang Chan looked at Luo Shui's charming little face, which looked more and more like that man, with complicated eyes.

...Be good today and speak less if you can.

Afraid that she would be as speechless as last night, Zhang Chan got vaccinated in advance and said seriously.

Luo Shui was dissatisfied and looked at her with an expression full of disapproval, When did I stop being good? I just say what I want!

The mouth is on her body, she can say whatever she wants, and no one can care about her words.

After scolding Zhang Chan, Luo Shui turned his face to the other side uncooperatively, and a line of ice stood up all over his body, with the words Don't touch me! engraved on it!

Zhang Chan became more and more heartbroken, so she simply closed her eyes and calmed down.

In just over twenty minutes, the two of them arrived at the door of a hotel.

As soon as they got out of the car, Zhang Chan interrupted the silence between mother and daughter, Luoluo, today is very important. Please don't make trouble. I beg you.

Today's deal is very important for Zhengqing. They must win it, otherwise the Wei Group will shrink.

Luo Shui, this damn girl, is not yet an adult. She can't get the things that man left for her for the time being. She can only rely on the people she finally got an appointment with today to avoid this crisis.

When Luo Shui heard that Zhang Chan actually took a step back, he felt something was wrong.

Her face was calm, but her heart was slightly lifted.


When Zhang Chan saw that she agreed, a slightly distracted smile appeared on her face.

Now, she had an explanation for Wei Qing.

Luo Shui followed Zhang Chan into the box, where several men at the round table were talking.

There were two people who stood out, one was a middle-aged man with a big belly who was sitting in the main seat, and the other was a man who looked quite old, but had a handsome face and a good figure.

The handsome man turned out to be Wei Zhengqing.

When Zhang Chan's eyes met the man's, a passionate smile flashed in her eyes.

Here we come! Wei Zhengqing glanced at Luo Shui and said to Zhang Chan with a smile.

Those who didn’t know thought he saw his wife!

Luo Shui glanced at the two of them suspiciously, with deep thoughts flashing in his eyes. While he was deep in thought, he suddenly noticed a disgusting look that seemed to be stuck on her body.

She looked at the owner of her gaze, what a fat pig! !

I saw that the man weighed almost 200 pounds, his face was full of fat, and his facial features were squeezed so hard that he couldn't see clearly. His eyes were cloudy and greasy, and he was ugly.

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