When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 514: I accidentally abused my lucky stepsister by studying

On the way, he looked contented and contented, even happier than he was about making money.

Most of the people in Qushan Village are simple and kind, but there are also some who are ungrateful. It was so sour to see Luo Cheng and his son follow Luo Shui and the Gu family to the city before.

Who doesn't know that life in the city is easy, and after leaving Luo City, no matter what they do in the future, they will be different from the people in their village.

They left the village with a pair of children from Luocheng, and various speculations about the three of them in the village never stopped.

There were even rumors that life in Luo City was bleak and that Luo Jin and his son were kicked out of the Gu family.

Luo Cheng took the Luo Shui siblings back to the village and shattered those bad rumors in one fell swoop.

Oh, isn't this Luo Cheng who went to the city? Why are you back? A villager said in shock when he saw Luo Cheng.

Didn't everyone say that Luocheng was in a state of poverty? What was going on now? He looked left and right, up and down, front and back, but he didn't see any sign of being in poverty. On the contrary, he was much better off than the people in the village.

I saw that he was wearing clean and decent clothes, and he was tall and tall. His back, which was a bit hunched before, was straightened, and his aura looked different.

Luo Cheng said with a smile: Qushan Village is my roots. Isn't it normal to come back? My daughter ranked first in the province in the high school entrance examination. I came back this time to let everyone be happy together.

...No. 1 in the whole province? The expressions of the villagers were even more shocked.

He didn't dare to think that his child was ranked first in the school. His daughter was ranked first in the province. This was amazing... amazing!

The villagers were in a daze and didn't pay attention until Luo Cheng handed him a bag of candy, said something and left.

Luocheng took the Luoshui siblings with them, handing out candy as they walked. When they met villagers who were really curious, they could also speak a few words about Versailles. It seemed like they were just taking the high school entrance exam, and there were many smart kids in high school.

Chengzi, you're back, and you didn't even say anything in advance. Zhang Shuisheng was shocked when he saw Luo Cheng.

When various speculations about the current situation of Luo City appeared in the village, he ignored them because he always felt that his brother was still alive. How could he put himself in a situation where he could not afford to eat and could only sleep in a bridge hole? Isn't this a joke? !

Luo Cheng's grin widened when he saw his good friend, and the smile on his face became more genuine.

Shui Sheng, long time no see, how are you?

Zhang Shuisheng took a look at his outfit and said with a wry smile: It's still the same, I can't compare to you, brother.

Stop talking about this, why did you come back suddenly?

Luo Cheng thought of business, handed him a piece of candy, and said with a hint of embarrassment: My daughter ranks first in the province in the high school entrance examination, and she comes back to make everyone happy.

Zhang Shuisheng was stunned.

High school entrance examination? Isn’t Luoluo just a freshman in junior high school? Did he remember it wrong?

After thinking this way, I asked, Isn't Luoluo in the first year of junior high school? Why did he suddenly pass the high school entrance examination? And he ranked first in the province?

Someone finally asked this question. Luo Cheng felt happy and looked at Zhang Shuisheng with admiration in his eyes.

...My daughter is smart and skipped a grade directly.

As a good friend who grew up with him, how could Zhang Shuisheng not see how proud he was and look at him with sour eyes.

After Luo Cheng noticed it, he became even more proud.

Luo Shui watched the whole process with an expressionless expression, as if she was not the one Luo Cheng was praising in the sky.

So something like shame can really be learned. She has experienced several social death scenes in the Gu family. If she doesn't go back to the village, she won't feel ashamed no matter how much her father praises her.

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