When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 515: I accidentally abused my lucky stepsister by studying

Zhang Shuisheng was envious in his heart and punched Luo Cheng on the shoulder, ...I know you have a pair of good children. Stop being complacent and give your brothers some life.

Chengzi is probably the only man from all over the country who is divorced and is living a better life.

Luo Cheng returned the favor with his fist and said with a smile, Okay, let's not talk about it for now. I'll go find you later...

After saying that, he gave Zhang Shuisheng a look that said you understand.

Zhang Shuisheng's eyes lit up, Chengzi, could it be...

Luo Cheng nodded and took the Luo Shui siblings home.

Zhang Shuisheng, who was left standing, looked at their backs, smiling so hard that the corners of his mouth almost reached the back of his head. In an instant, his whole body's energy and energy were different.

The two of them have a tacit understanding that when the business they are doing in Luo City opens up in the city, the brothers will go over and do it together.

Zhang Shuisheng got his brother's trust, and his steps became much lighter with joy.

After seeing his youngest son playing not far away, he walked over in a rare good mood and carried his son on his shoulders.

The little guy was playing with mud when he suddenly changed his position and was startled. All the mud in his hand was smeared on Zhang Shuisheng's head.

Dad, what are you doing? I want to play.

Zhang Shuisheng was in such a good mood that he didn't even care about the mud on his head. Why don't you have fun? Dad will take you back to eat sweets.

The little guy became excited and slapped his face with his muddy hands, Candy? Where? I want to eat it.

Zhang Shuisheng is a doting child. Hearing this, he said indulgently: Okay, eat it when you get back. Son, why do your hands stink?

The child chuckled, his face slightly red, ...I peed.

Zhang Shuisheng's generous body froze and he didn't ask any more questions. He just wanted to wash his face.

Luo Cheng returned home with his children. They thought that the house would be dusty and messy if they didn't live in it for a long time. However, they were surprised by the cleanliness they saw.

This is it? Luo Cheng was confused.

Luo Shui thought of those people in the Luo family. It would be nice if they didn't take advantage. It would be impossible to help them clean the yard for nothing, but it was possible for Xiaocao.

Could it be Xiaocao? Luo Shui guessed.

As soon as she finished speaking, Luocao arrived.

Sure enough, I came right. I heard you talking about me when I arrived. Luocao said happily when he saw Luoshui and the others.

She heard from the villagers that Luo Luo was back and ran over without even washing her clothes.

Luo Shui was also very happy to see Luo Cao, Xiao Cao, how are you doing these days? Also, are you taking care of our yard?

I'm pretty good. I tidied up the yard by the way. It didn't take much effort. But it's you. I heard that you took the high school entrance examination and ranked first in the province. You are so awesome. The first-year junior high school courses are nothing for me. It’s very difficult.” Luo Cao said.

She helped Luoluo clean up the yard, but her mother was actually dissatisfied. She handed over all the money she had saved and pretended that Luoluo had given her money to help clean up, so her mother acquiesced to the matter.

Luo Cao didn't want to say it, and Luo Shui also guessed what price she must have paid. With Zhang's temperament, how could she possibly agree to Luo Cao coming over to do something that was not beneficial?

Luo Shui didn't ask any more questions, but said: I'm going to stay at home for a few days. If you have any questions, you can come to me. I also brought you my notes. You can take a look at them and write them down if you have any questions. I’ll tell you next time, or you can write to me.”

It's unrealistic to ask Luocao to go to the city to ask her. Not to mention the expenses on the road, there is no time.

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