When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 557 The beautiful, powerful and miserable devil kidnapped the little fairy from Yaowang Vall

Thank you, senior brother. It's just that after I leave, senior brother will have to worry about things in the valley.

Junior sister, you don't have to be polite. These are what you should do for your brother. I just hope that junior sister will be careful outside... Bai Yu instructed.

Yeah, I will.

The news that Luo Shui was leaving the valley exploded in Yaowang Valley after she made a special trip to see Bai Yu.

Caiwei was the most out of touch with excitement, and there was a wind in her eyes when she walked.

She felt that she was Luo Shui's personal maid. The two had grown up together. Since the young lady was about to leave the valley, she would definitely be able to go out and have a look.

Until she heard that the person the young lady was going to take out of the valley this time was not her, but Ningqiu. At that moment, her face turned dark.

...Ning...Qiu? !

Caiwei's eyes were changing rapidly, making it difficult to see the emotions in her eyes.

Sister Caiwei, don't be too sad. Maybe the young lady...maybe has something important to arrange for you to stay in the valley! A little maid saw that something was wrong with her expression and kindly comforted her.

It's just that the little girl's words touched some sensitive part of Caiwei's heart, making her even more angry.

Caiwei's face was slightly cold and she said in a cold voice: Do I need comfort from you, a fire-burning girl? Get out...

The little maid glanced at her blankly, then ran away with red eyes.

Caiwei looked indifferent and went to Ningqiu's house.

Seeing Ningqiu who was packing her things, she said coldly: What despicable tricks did you use to let the lady take you out of the valley instead of me?

Ningqiu was slightly startled, knowing that she was in a bad mood and didn't care about her rudeness and pettiness.

I didn't do anything. I just followed the lady's instructions.

Caiwei didn't believe it at all and gave her a dissatisfied look, It's best this way. Don't think that if Miss takes you out of the valley this time, you can surpass me and become the first person around Miss, hum!

After putting down the harsh words, Caiwei snorted arrogantly and left before Ningqiu could react.

Ningqiu had long been accustomed to her appearance, and was not surprised. A flash of thought flashed through her lowered eyes.

Luo Shui didn't know about the overt and covert fight between the two maids. Once she confirmed who was accompanying her, she put the matter behind her.

Ye Wange proposed to leave the valley together, and Luo Shui agreed, so the two parties left the Yaowang Valley together.

On the way out of the valley, the journey went smoothly because of Luoshui.

The formation of Medicine King Valley is indeed well-deserved. Ye Wange looked back at the vast Yunwu Mountain and said with a smile.

Luo Shui nodded calmly and said pertinently: You're not bad either.

Others don't say whether they have the ability, but they don't even have the courage to try it out.

In her memory, the only person who dared to go to Yaowang Valley and break into the first level of formation was Dirge.

Ye Elegy smiled, holding Luo Shui's arm, his smile as bright as the sun.

Luoluo, you really don't want to go to Yundu with me? Although there are a little more rules there, there are also a lot of fun things. When you get there, I'll treat you to hot pot and a movie! she advised.

No, if there is a chance in the future, I will come find you.

Ye Wange felt disappointed, but also knew that this matter could not be forced, so he said: Okay, then our family of four will just wait for your good news!

...a family of four? Luoshui looked confused.

Ye Wange slapped her forehead, and then she remembered the two younger ones at home, whom she hadn't mentioned to Luoluo yet.

Yes, I forgot to mention, I have two little ones at home, they are my and Yun Xiu's children, a pair of twins, the girl is named Jiayan, and the boy is named Yixing.

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