When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 558 The beautiful, powerful and miserable devil kidnapped the little fairy from Yaowang Vall

Speaking of the two children, Ye Wange's eyes flashed with longing. Jiayan and Yi Xing had little babies who were only a few years old. They left the children at home, and just thinking about them made her eyes heat up with guilt.

Is Jia Yanyi okay? What a good name. Luo Shui said.

As soon as she heard the name, she thought she was a very well-behaved and cute baby. She would definitely go and see her if she had the chance.

He took out a small bag from his luggage and handed it to Ye Elegy.

This is for you, my gift to the two babies.

Ye Emange's eyes lit up, Luoluo, what is this?

Isn't it some magic medicine that can detoxify and heal injuries? !

Luo Shui felt that her eyes were bright, as if she was looking forward to it. He pursed his lips and said lightly: ...it's just a few bottles of medicine. The purpose is written on the bottle. You can see for yourself. The road ahead is different, so we will Let’s just say goodbye!”

After saying that, Luo Shui nodded slightly and walked in the opposite direction with Ningqiu.

We already know that we are not going in the same direction, so we should leave earlier, so as not to feel sad when we have to go separately.

Luoluo, take care, I'll wait for you in Kyoto. Ye Wange put his hands around his mouth and said loudly.

What responded to her was Luo Shui's slim back, waving her hands.

After watching Luo Shui and his party leave, Ye Wange opened the small bag she gave him and was stunned.

Detoxification pills, hemostasis powder, blood-enhancing pills, intoxicating drugs... there are so many...

Luo Luo must have prepared these things for her and Yun Xiu, and just gave them to them in the name of the baby.

Yun Xiu stayed in Yaowang Valley for more than a month and was cured of his injuries. He was more aware of Yaowang Valley's medical capabilities than Ye Xiangge.

A flash of depth flashed in his eyes, Miss Luo should not be short of these things. When she goes to Kyoto, we will treat her well.

Ye Elegy glanced at the place where Luo Shui disappeared and said, That's all we can do.

At this moment, several tall and strong men in military uniforms rushed out. When they saw Ye Wange and Yun Xiu, they were so excited that they were unspeakable.

General, madam?! You two have finally come out. Your subordinates thought... Realizing that the following words were unlucky, Gucheng swallowed the words that came to his lips.

When Ye Wange saw the first guard of the General's Mansion, he looked slightly happy and asked: Gucheng, how are Jiayan and Yixing? Are they okay?

Gucheng was silent, with a cold expression filled with guilt, and he knelt down directly.

My subordinates are not doing well... they failed to protect the young master and young lady. The two young masters were frightened a few days ago and are still ill...

Ye Wange's heart skipped a beat when he heard this, and his expression was anxious.

Sick? How could Jiayan and Yixing be frightened? Didn't I tell them to stay in the house?

Before leaving the mansion, she told her close associates in the mansion to keep an eye on the two children and try not to take them out of the mansion.

Gucheng didn't even raise his head and replied: It is true that the young master has never left the house, but that day a group of men in black suddenly broke into the house...

While the two sides were fighting, the two young masters suddenly came out. They were frightened by the corpses everywhere and fainted. They had a fever that night. They took medicine and acupuncture to no avail. They kept burning over and over again, and there was even more confusion in their mouths. Calling my mother.

Ye Wange heard that a pair of children were calling her, and when she thought of the pitiful little appearance of the children, her heart almost broke.

There were tears in his eyes, Yun Xiu, let's go back quickly. I can't even imagine how scared my Jiayan and Yixing are. I...

Seeing her forbearing look, Yun Xiu felt a pain in his heart and hugged her, Elegy, don't panic, I will take you home now.

He originally wanted to comfort her, but he felt that any words would be in vain at this time. It would be better to take her home as soon as possible, so that she would feel relieved when she saw the child.

After this incident, Ye Wange, who had originally planned to visit Qianji Pavilion, no longer had any extra thoughts to worry about such things, and he and Yunxiu flew away to Yundu with a group of subordinates.

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