When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 564 The beautiful, powerful and miserable devil abducted the little fairy of Yaowang Valley

Luo Shui had already had a premonition and was not surprised, so he responded: Okay.

With that said, the two got off the carriage.

Ling Xiao neatly set up the tent and lit a fire, and the dim night suddenly lit up.

He lit the fire, and Ningqiu took out his equipment from the carriage and planned to make dinner.

She first took out a soft cushion and placed it not far from the fire, and said to Luo Shui: Miss, please sit down and rest for a while. I will cook. It will be ready soon.

After saying that, he started to get busy like a hardworking little bee.

The early autumn night was indeed a bit chilly, a gust of wind blew by, and it was indeed chilly. Luo Shui calmly sat down next to the fire.

She looked around and found that there was jungle all around. Worried that the light of the fire would attract the 'little cutie' to visit, Luo Shui stood up and planned to go back to the carriage to get some insect repellent powder and sprinkle it around.

As soon as she opened the curtain, she met a pair of deep eyes.

These eyes look a bit like Jun Yao's. They are very familiar. I might have mistaken him. Let's take another look!

Are you awake? Are you feeling unwell? Luo Shui asked with a smile.

Nangong Jue's eyes lit up when he saw her, but his restored energy seemed to wilt in an instant.

...I feel a little uncomfortable... The man said softly, leaning weakly on the car.

Eh? Are you uncomfortable? Luo Shui was confused.

When she took her pulse before, it wasn't that serious. As long as she woke up, she would be fine. What happened now?

With this thought in mind, Luoshui got on the carriage, put his fingers on the man's wrist, and felt his pulse again.

I tried it several times and found nothing out of the ordinary.

Nangong Jue looked at the woman's focused side face, and his heart moved slightly. It was as if a stone had been thrown into the calm lake of his heart, causing waves of waves.

She saved him the second time...

Why did you save me? he asked in confusion, as if being saved was outrageous and unbelievable.

Luo Shui looked calm and said straightforwardly: I'll save you if you happen to meet me!

Nangong Jue was startled when he heard her answer, and then laughed out loud.

...Hahaha...what a chance encounter.

But even if other people happen to meet them, they will not save them, but will only escape as soon as possible. Being wise and careful is the way to go in today's world!

Should he say that the person in front of him is indeed the little fairy from Medicine Valley? How could there be such a pure and innocent person? !

Luo Shui felt that although this man was smiling, his laughter was mixed with inexplicable sadness.

So he said, Don't force yourself if you don't want to laugh.

The smile on Nangong Jue's face suddenly disappeared, his deep eyes became dark, and his black pupils seemed to be burning with something, which could suck people in if they were not careful.

This was the first time someone told him not to force himself if he didn't want to laugh.

Okay, I'll listen to you. Nangong Jue said, with a slight smile appearing on the corner of his mouth as he spoke. This smile was extremely real and warm.

Luo Shui thought what he said was strange. What do you mean by listening to her? What does his decision have to do with himself?

Although she was puzzled, she was not of a fussy nature. She passed by this situation and asked, Do you want to go down and take a look?

Nangong Jue wished he could stay with her for a while longer, so he nodded, Okay.

Luo Shui blinked and asked curiously: You don't feel uncomfortable anymore?

This body is so amazing. The Hua Gong Powder is useless. I didn’t expect that the recovery power is so amazing...

Nangong Jue's body stiffened, and he said with a natural expression: Yes, suddenly I don't feel uncomfortable anymore.

He originally told a lie that he wanted to stay with her for a while, but how could it stand up to scrutiny?

That's it! Luo Shui looked at him inquiringly, curious about this man's body.

Nangong Jue felt that she looked at him strangely, as if he was a piece of pork, and her eyes were shining.

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