When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 565 The beautiful, powerful and miserable devil abducted the little fairy of Yaowang Valley

Aren't you going out? he asked.

Luo Shui came back to his senses, remembered the purpose of returning to the carriage, and took out a small bottle of medicinal powder from the small bag.

What is that? Nangong Jue took the initiative to talk.

Insect repellent powder.

The two got off the carriage, and a faint fragrance came from the fire not far away.

Miss, dinner will be ready soon, please wait. Ningqiu saw Luo Shui coming out and said with a smile.

Take your time, don't be in a hurry! Luo Shui said.

She sprinkled insect repellent powder around and asked Ling Xiao, who was standing with his sword in hand, Ling Xiao, is there any water source around?

Ling Xiao nodded, Yes, it's not far ahead.

Luo Shui looked at Nangong Jue, whose face was dirty, and asked, Do you need to cleanse your face?

Nangong Jue touched his face. It was sticky and greasy. It was really uncomfortable. He nodded immediately and said, Yes.

Luo Shui responded and looked at Ling Xiao, Ling Xiao, protect Ning Qiu. I'll be back in a moment.


He was not worried about his master being in danger. The camping place was not far from there and he could hear her if she shouted. Besides, the master had means to save his life, and the means were not weak.

Luoshui and the others walked towards the place where Ling Xiao said. Nangong Jue followed behind him holding a torch. Within a few steps, they reached the river.

This is a small river, the water is not deep but very clear, and the current is not fast.

Luo Shui took the torch from Nangong Jue's hand and said, I'll hold the fire. You can wash it first.

The man's face was covered with dirt and blood. It looked sticky and made her feel uncomfortable all over.

Nangong Jue squatted half down, splashed water and washed his face. The half-coagulated blood melted instantly when it touched the water, and flowed downstream with the gurgling water.

Feeling that the washing was almost done, he raised his head and looked at Luo Shui, Is it clean?

When he spoke, his eyebrows were very beautiful, the corners of his lips raised a warm arc, and his eyes were as clear as springs, as if they had crushed the stars in the sky.

Luo Shui's eyes flashed with surprise, pointing to his temples, There are more here.

Nangong Jue obediently squatted down again and washed it again.

What now? He stood up and asked.

Luo Shui looked at it carefully, nodded and said, Yes, it's clean.

His hair is slightly damp, his skin is very white and his lips are red, and he looks very thin, making it easy for people to feel affection for him.

Luo Shui looked away and leaned towards the river, intending to wash his hands, but was stopped by Nangong Jue.

The water is cold at night. I'll wet the handkerchief for you. Can you wipe it? The tone was solicitous.

When his pair of star-like black eyes focus on people, their lethality is extremely strong, leaving them almost helpless to resist.

Luo Shui was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, Okay!

Nangong Jue looked happy, as if he had received great affirmation, and he hurriedly knelt down and soaked the veil for her.

This is new, never used. As he said that, he handed the wet handkerchief to her.

Luo Shui took it and said, Thank you.

He wiped the sweaty stickiness from his hands and returned the handkerchief to him.

Nangong Jue took it and put his face back naturally.

Seeing that he hadn't washed himself, Luo Shui wanted to remind him, but he didn't know how to say it, so he just pretended it didn't happen.

Thinking that maybe he would just throw it away, but now he doesn't throw it away just because he cares about her face?

When the two returned to the camping place, the Ningqiu rice was ready, and the aroma became even stronger.

The environment outside is simple, with only dry biscuits prepared in advance and the broth cooked by Ningqiu.

Luo Shui saw that Nangong Jue only ate dry biscuits and did not drink soup. Looking at him from the corner of his eye, he felt that there seemed to be an almost invisible forbearance in his expression.

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