When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 589 The beautiful, powerful and miserable devil kidnapped the little fairy from Yaowang Vall

Zhongli frowned slightly, feeling something was wrong in his heart, and said: We have no evidence to prove that the two sects were wiped out by the Demon Palace.

In my humble opinion, how about sending people from each sect first to investigate the matter together and then discuss it separately?

Firstly, we will not be wronged by the Demon Palace, and secondly, we will have more time to prepare.

Unjustly accused? What is unjustly accused? Is it true that the Demon Palace is murderous? Isn't it the Demon Palace that has caused so much bloodshed in the world in recent years? Xu Li said quietly.

Zhongli has his own principles as a man and is unwilling to make casual judgments. He insisted: I do not deny that the Demon Palace has indeed done many evil things, but for such a big event as two sects being exterminated, we will directly convict and accuse them without any investigation. How will the world see it? ?

Wouldn't it be a pity if the morality of Jianghu people was lost because of this? I also hope that Elder Xu will be calm and calm.

Xu Li was disdainful. In his eyes, the Demon Palace deserved to be killed. How could there be any moral discussion with them?

But he also knew that there was an invisible force behind Zhongli. He, an empty leader with no money and no one, was not qualified to challenge him, so he remained silent.

whatever! As long as the family is avenged, it doesn't matter whether they are investigated or not.

Some people here agreed with Zhong Li's words, while others disagreed.

However, no matter what they thought, things were settled as Zhongli said.

After everything was said and before everyone left, Cheng Yanlan suddenly spoke.

I haven't been born for a long time, but I miss Yaowang Valley. I wonder if any of the heroes here know the news about Yaowang Valley. No matter what, I, Cheng Yanlan, will thank you with a heavy gift.

Everyone was in an uproar, Yaowang Valley? !

As she spoke, her eyes glanced at the crowd gloomily, and finally her eyes were fixed on Zhongli and Tantai Ce. She suspected that these two people had known that the people from Yaowang Valley were coming.

If this is really the case, then...

It's been many years since Medicine King Valley came out. I really haven't heard of it. I just don't know if other leaders know about it? said the leader of a small sect.

The flesh on Feng Ning's face trembled, and his eyes were filled with sadness, ...it would be great if the people from Yaowang Valley came out.

He couldn't lose weight even if he drank cold water. He was really worried and wanted to wait for the people from Yaowang Valley to save him.

He Yi remembered a rumor he heard accidentally a few days ago, so he said: I have heard about it, but I don't know if it is true or not!

Oh? What is it? Cheng Yanlan's eyes flashed with complex emotions of surprise and anger.

Her expression was extremely strange, with anticipation mixed with deep hatred.

He Yi met the poisonous lady's eyes that were on fire, and felt a chill down his back for some reason.

On the way to Tantai Villa, I heard that a miracle doctor with excellent medical skills appeared in Yifeng County. I don't know if he is from Yaowang Valley.

I just heard people say that that person's medical skills are very high. No matter how difficult or complicated the disease is, he can cure it immediately with medicine.

After hearing this, Cheng Yanlan's eyes were bright and clear, and her expression was cold, making it difficult to see her true emotions.

Luo Xuetang, are you coming out? !

At this moment, the charming disciple Yan Qing, who was hit in the face by Cheng Yanlan and her face was disfigured, came over and whispered something in her ear, and the poisonous lady's expression suddenly changed.

Waving her hand to indicate that the inkstone should be cleared, Cheng Yanlan looked at Luo Shui and her eyes became struggling, and her expression looked a little unbelievably dazed.

This person is...

After He Yi finished speaking, he saw that she seemed to have lost her mind and asked tentatively: ...Poisonous lady?

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