When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 590 The beautiful, powerful and miserable devil kidnapped the little fairy from Yaowang Vall

Cheng Yanlan came to her senses and stood up immediately, Since I promised to thank you generously, I will not break my promise. Yanqing, you can do it.

After saying that, he left without looking back.

Everyone looked at her back, and suddenly felt like the poisonous lady was deliberately avoiding someone.

Then I thought about it, who is the poisonous lady? How could she hide from people? It was too late for others to hide from her.

Luo Shui actually noticed that Cheng Yanlan's gaze on her was particularly complicated and entangled, as if they had some inseparable relationship.

She didn't know why, but Cheng Yanlan's eyes made her feel flustered.

After thinking about it, she realized that she had never heard of this person, so Luo Shui put the matter down.

At this point, Tantai Villa's purpose of inviting martial arts people to gather together has been achieved, and some sects have already left one after another that day.

Ye Wange returned to Yundu some time ago, and Luo Shui planned to leave the next day.

That night, a scream suddenly came from Qingqiuyuan.

...Ah... Ningqiu screamed as if she had seen something particularly terrifying.

Luo Shui was reading a medical book when he heard the sound and walked out quickly.

Ningqiu, what's wrong with you?

Ningqiu's face was pale, her pupils shrunk slightly, as if she had been greatly frightened, and her whole body froze on the spot, like a tree stump.

Luo Shui was so frightened when he saw this, he took out a silver needle and stuck it on an acupuncture point on her body.

Seeing Ningqiu's eyes rolling, Luo Shui took back his hand, looked around, frowned and asked, Are you okay? What did you see?

This symptom... is a bit like the little girl I saw dismembering her body last time.

Ningqiu's expression was dull, and her body shook violently when she heard Luo Shui's voice.

Her voice trembled, Miss, slave... I saw that girl again.

That girl with a weird smile!

This time it was even more terrifying. The little girl looked at her and smiled. She looked pretty and lovely, but there was no warmth in her smile. She looked at her with the coldness of a wild beast staring at its prey.

Is it the girl you mentioned last time?

Ningqiu nodded repeatedly, Yes, it's her. I can see it clearly. She just looked at me and smiled. It's so... so weird.

Where did she go?

Ningqiu glanced at Nangong Jue and Ling Xiao's yard next door, swallowed, ...next door, go next door.

Ling Xiao has great martial arts skills, so that little girl shouldn't be able to do anything to him.

Luo Shui felt uneasy and said, I'll go over and have a look. If you're afraid, go back to the house first.

Ningqiu's expression changed. Although she was afraid, she took courage and said firmly, No! Ningqiu will go wherever the young lady is. I am not afraid anymore.

Luo Shui took one look at her trembling legs and didn't believe it, but when he saw the little girl's firm eyes, he had no choice but to compromise.

If you want to follow, just follow!

As soon as the master and servant entered the courtyard, they met Nangong Jue who seemed to be about to go out.

You want to go out? Luo Shui looked confused.

Nangong Jue looked at her deeply, a glimmer of light quickly flashed in his eyes, Well, are you... okay?

It's okay. Ningqiu said he saw a little girl. I came over to take a look. Did you see her?

Nangong Jue narrowed his eyes and smiled softly, No, there is no little girl here. You must have seen it wrong!

Really? Luo Shui's eyes flickered for a moment, and when he raised his eyes again, his cold brows were like Chuxue's smile, ...Maybe Ningqiu saw it wrong!

Ningqiu became anxious and said with a sure look on her face: Miss, I can't mistake this. There is really a little girl.

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