When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 718 Best Actor Si’s True Beloved Wife Is Super Rich

Luo Shui patted him on the head again, Why is he possessed by a ghost?! Can the brat speak?

This kid has a bad mouth, and I don't know what he learned from his bad friends.

Luo Xingzhou's eyes were dissatisfied, and he swept her hand away again, raising his chin in an unruly manner.

It's not that you're possessed by a ghost. When did you ever talk to me when you were at home?

Although he disliked Luo Shui on his face, his body did not completely avoid her, and his movement of waving her hand away was too gentle to be true.

Of course Luo Shui noticed it, sat in front of him, and said with a smile: Why does Xingxing speak sourly, is he jealous?

Luo Xingzhou's face turned red, and the blush spread directly from his face to his neck, making him look like a steamed crab.

...Who asked you to give me a nickname?! He growled sternly, his eyes seemed to be soaked in water, and he didn't look oppressive at all. How did you come up with such a disgusting name like Xingxing? ?”

Luo Shui glared at him dissatisfied, What's so disgusting? Weren't you called Xingxing when you were a child? Xingxing is so cute, why are you so resistant?!

Luo Xingzhou's face was still red. He was silent for a moment and said, You said you were a child, but you suddenly screamed... I'm not used to it.

Ever since he entered high school, his brother entered the company, and his sister studied abroad, no one has ever called him a star.

Luo Shui noticed that his brother was a little disappointed, rubbed his short hair gently, and said with a smile: I will scream often in the future, you have to get used to it now!

Luo Xingzhou looked into her gentle eyes and suddenly felt that he was cared about by her, and suddenly felt like crying.

...Hmph, I got it, you can scream if you want. He said nonchalantly.

After Luo Xingzhou finished saying these words, Luo Xingzhou's cell phone rang on the table.

...Hello...Zhoushan road racing? Okay, I'll go there later, you...

Luo Shui keenly heard the words Zhoushan Highway and was shocked. He reached out and grabbed his mobile phone.


Luo Shui ignored him and said to the person on the phone: Xingxing has something to do today and can't go out. I'm sorry, you go find someone else!

After saying that, he hung up the phone directly.

Luo Xingzhou wasn't angry at all, just a little surprised, Sister, what's wrong with you? Do you want to see me for something?

As he spoke, he looked at her with bright eyes, filled with inexplicable desire and excitement.

Rather than playing with his friends, he wanted to spend more time with his sister.

Luo Shui originally thought that his brother would be angry because she took away his phone, but he didn't expect that he was not angry at all and looked conniving. He was deeply moved.

Yeah! She nodded.

As for not letting my brother go out, it was purely because in his previous life on the Zhoushan Highway, he overturned his car and fell off a cliff and broke his leg, almost killing him.

Luo Shui couldn't tell the truth directly, so he made an excuse, Let's go to the company to find our big brother later.

Luo Xingzhou's face dropped, Can you not go? My eldest brother is very cruel. I don't want to hear his thoughts.

In his eyes, the eldest brother Luo Jingshuo is an extremely terrifying existence.

Luo Shui was particularly puzzled and said with confusion on his face: Brother, even though his face is a bit cold, he still cares about us. Why are you afraid of him?

As the eldest son, the eldest brother has had a lot of things since elementary school, and he has almost no freedom, let alone doing whatever he wants. Therefore, he is indeed a bit indifferent, but he is extremely patient and gentle towards her and her younger brother.

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