When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 719 Actor Si’s True Beloved Wife Is Super Rich

Who is afraid of him? Luo Xingzhou raised his head like a rooster whose wings were caught, his face turned red, and he seemed very uncomfortable.

I just... I just don't want to listen to his preaching.

In fact, he also likes his eldest brother.

Luo Shui rubbed his brother's head with a gentle smile, Well, I know Xingxing likes eldest brother very much...

After finishing speaking, he sighed deeply.

Luo Xingzhou was stunned, looked at her and asked doubtfully: Why are you sighing like this?

Luo Shui was silent for a while, feeling a little heavy in his heart, ...Xingxing, have you ever thought that we are actually much happier than eldest brother?

I have been thinking a lot during this period. My eldest brother has to learn this and that from a young age, and has no time for himself at all. He has been expected from a young age, but these are not what he wants at all...

Under the protection of Big Brother, you and I were never forced to learn anything we didn’t like, we were only asked to be happy.

In fact, the two of us are least qualified to alienate our eldest brother. He has shown us all his gentleness and patience, and he is a particularly good elder brother.

It’s time for both of us to be sensible, and not letting our eldest brother worry is the only thing we can do.

Luo Shui felt that his eldest brother didn't like his current life at all, but he had no choice but to be stuck in it.

If a person has been asked to shoulder something since he was a child, once that thing is broken, that person may be severely hit, or even unable to recover.

This was the case with Luo Jingshuo in his previous life.

He knew from birth that Luo Shi was his responsibility, and he did so from the time he was sensible to adulthood.

Because of this, after the Luo family was ruined, he felt that it was his incompetence that caused his father and younger brother to die, his mother to leave home, and his sister to change from a pampered young lady to an ordinary person with nothing and being humiliated everywhere.

All of these made him blame himself so much that he once lost the courage to stand up again.

The original owner knew what the eldest brother was carrying, so he silently shouldered all the debts without any complaints.

When she arrived in Luoshui, of course she knew her eldest brother's pain in his heart and his love for them, so she said the above words to Luo Xingzhou.

Luo Xingzhou was stunned, and after a while he pursed his dry lips, his voice slightly hoarse.

...Sister, eldest brother really doesn't want to take over the company? Don't you like your current life?

He had never thought about it. He only knew that his eldest brother joined the Rock Group after graduating from college and became the president of the Rock Group. He wanted to have everything he could if he became famous at a young age. He never thought about whether this was what he liked...

What do you think?

Luo Xingzhou lowered his head silently, You must not like it!

At this moment, he remembered many things from his childhood.

At that time, my eldest brother would sit in the yard and look at the sky from time to time, rarely smiling on his face.

Seeing his brother's thoughtful look, Luo Shui asked, Are you still afraid of eldest brother now?

Luo Xingzhou looked uncomfortable and moved his face away, ...I'm not afraid in the first place!

I just don’t know what to say.

Luo Shui smiled and said smoothly, Okay, you're not afraid, not at all.

This arrogant and awkward brother is kind of cute!

Luo Xingzhou: ...

I always felt that my sister didn't mean what she said and was trying to deal with him.

Deliberately ignoring the strange feeling in his heart, Luo Xingzhou changed the topic.

Sister, didn't you say you wanted to see big brother? When will you go?

The previous resistance was completely gone.

Luo Shui stood up, stretched his body, and said, I'll go up and take a shower. I'll go there later.

Oh, go ahead. I'll play games and wait for you. Luo Xingzhou took the phone without raising his head.

You wouldn't go racing while I was taking a shower, would you? Luo Shui frowned.

Luo Xingzhou looked at her in disbelief, ...Can't you trust people more? A manly man, I will definitely do what I promised you, okay?

It's so sad when his credibility with his sister disappeared!

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