When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 768 Best Actor Si’s True Beloved Wife Is Super Rich

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Luo Shui lightly and said in a neutral tone: Luoluo, you can go back to my office first, or you can go shopping.

At first glance, he wanted to send her away.

Luo Shui looked at his eldest brother's serious eyes, glanced at Si Yao, secretly gave him a self-seeking look, and left with Luo Huai.

She sent Director Luo to the door of the company, and a car slowly drove up.

After Luo Huai got in the car, a kind smile flashed in his wise eyes.

Okay, I know you won't leave now, so go back quickly. He said with a narrow smile.

Luo Shui couldn't hide his affection for Si Yao, and he didn't feel shy when Luo Huai found out, and his expression remained as usual.

Hmm, I'll go in right away. Be careful on the way, Guide Luo.

With that said, he waved his hand and went in.

Luo Huai suddenly laughed out loud when he saw her unreasonable temper.

...this girl...

Speaking of the other side, Luo Jingshuo and Si Yao stopped at a quiet corner.

His deep eyes fell on Si Yao's face, showing no emotion at all.

Are you pursuing my sister?

Si Yao felt slightly panicked when he saw the man's eyes that could not tell the difference between happiness and anger.

Even so, he still nodded firmly and seriously, and said, Well, I really like Luo Luo and plan to pursue her. I am sincere to Luo Luo. Please make it happen.

Luo Jingshuo's eyes flashed sharply, but quickly disappeared.

Luo Jingshuo thought of the way his sister looked at this man, with a light she didn't know she had in her eyes, so he stopped what he was about to say at this moment.

It's up to her to decide Luoluo's affairs. It doesn't matter whether I succeed or not. I just want to tell you that I'm not someone you can mess with.

If you are playing with a frivolous attitude, I will let you have a taste of being played with.

Don’t bring those disgusting things in the entertainment industry to my sister. I hope you will think twice before you act...

Si Yao knew that Luo Jingshuo said this for Luo Luo's good, so he was not angry. He just said: ...Whether I am sincere or not depends only on my mouth. You don't believe it. Just watch my actions in the future. I will let you Know that I am the best person for Lolo.”

Luo Jingshuo looked at him deeply, nodded slightly, and instantly regained his coldness, I have nothing to do. I'm sorry for wasting your time.

Si Yao was flattered and had a much better impression of his future brother-in-law.

...No delay!

After the two said goodbye, Si Yao went to the rest area of ​​the lobby on the first floor and met Luo Shui.

Luoluo, you didn't leave! The man was very surprised to see her.

Waiting for you. Luo Shui smiled slightly.

Si Yao was fully equipped, including a hat, mask, and sunglasses. He couldn't even see his face, but he raised the corners of his mouth and looked at her and said, I'm very happy! Are you okay today?

It's okay, what's wrong? You want to date me? Luo Shui raised his head and tried hard to see his expression clearly, but he couldn't see anything.

Si Yao looked at her and nodded, with a smile in his voice.

Yes, I want to date you. In the name of a suitor, I wonder if Miss Luo is willing to give me this opportunity?

After speaking, his breath froze, and he looked directly at Luo Shui through his sunglasses.

Luo Shui pursed his lips and smiled, The famous Actor Si takes the initiative to invite me. Who can refuse? But, can you go out?

Fans are all called truth lords, and they all have sharp eyes. If they really know that she is going on a date with their idol, how can they get it?

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