When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 769 Best Actor Si’s True Beloved Wife Is Super Rich

Si Yao smiled slightly and pulled Luo Shui outside. His car was parked outside.

I'm not afraid, Luoluo, are you afraid? he asked as he walked.

Luo Shui snorted, What am I afraid of? Even if I get scolded by those unimportant people, I still have to live my life, so why bother with them.

I’m not saying that. Some people on the Internet are so immature. They rush to speak when they haven’t graduated from elementary school. They don’t know how wrong they are. Some of their comments are really speechless!

The two got into the car while they were talking.

Si Yao continued the previous topic and said: Well, I met all kinds of weird people when I first debuted...

That was the first time that I was inexplicably written a thousand-word long article because of my good looks, saying that I could only rely on my face to be good-looking, and so on. I was criticized as worthless at that time.

Later, after being around the circle for a long time, I realized that it was a routine operation used by opponents to suppress them.

It's a pity that I didn't know that at the time, I didn't even know who the person who targeted me was.

It was also from that time that I realized that there were few people who could be trusted in this circle, and there were many people hiding traitors inside.

Luoluo, I want to say all this because I want to tell you, don’t read or believe those comments on the Internet. After all, you... will definitely not be able to avoid them in the future...

Luo Shui's eyes flashed lightly, and she leaned slightly towards him, getting closer to the man, close enough to smell the faint cold fragrance on his body.

What about me? His eyes were cunning, and his eyebrows were as beautiful as flowers.

Si Yao had already taken off his 'equipment', how could he not see the amusement in Luo Shui's eyes.

He pursed his lips slightly, hooked Luo Shui's finger uncomfortably, and his ears were slightly red.

...After all, you will be my girlfriend from now on. I was right.

His heart beat like a drum when he spoke, his deep eyes wandered, he was too nervous to look at Luo Shui for a second.

Luo Shui looked at Si Yao's handsome face, which seemed to be carefully carved, and felt that the timid man who could barely suppress his embarrassment was particularly cute, especially his hands, which were smooth and delicate, making her intertwined with them.

Si Yao was stunned, staring blankly at the hands held by the two of them, the corners of his lips raised high, and the coldness on his body disappeared in an instant.

Ahem... He cleared his throat and looked at Luo Shui with his deep eyes like fire, Luoluo, do you agree?

Luo Shui deliberately teased him, pretending to be ignorant and confused, What did you agree to?

Si Yao became anxious and raised their clasped hands in front of her, with a handsome face in disbelief, It's already like this and you haven't agreed yet?

After asking, he looked at Luo Shui with an incredulous expression on his face.

Luo Shui felt that his eyes were strange, but he didn't know what was strange, so he turned to him and said word by word: You didn't say a word, but you just wanted to have a girlfriend for nothing. What a beautiful idea you have!

Si Yao then realized what the problem was and quickly grabbed her hand, his eyes looking a little fiery.

Luoluo, I like you and want to start a family with you. Will you be my girlfriend?

Luo Shui really couldn't resist the handsome and upright man in front of him. At this moment, when he met his dark eyes, he felt his heart trembling.


When this man is serious, no one can refuse him!

A big smile appeared on Si Yao's face, the kind of hearty smile Luo Shui had never seen before, and he even laughed softly later on.

He held Luo Shui's hand tightly and said, Luo Luo, thank you for giving me a chance. I will definitely protect you.

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