When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 781 Actor Si’s real sweet wife is super rich

Luo Xingzhou stared, with anger all over his body, fearing that Luo Jingshuo and Luo Shui would agree with Rong Ge's bad idea, so he looked at his brother and sister, his eyes full of worry.

And you, brother, sister, don't listen to her. You can make do with anything, but you can't make do with who you want to talk to. Don't be stupid...

Luo Xingzhou came to this realization at school. One of his classmates had a crush on a girl. He confessed his love to a girl but was rejected by the girl.

Then he turned around and started talking to another girl. It didn't matter that neither of them were happy. They would quarrel from time to time, not to mention how annoying it was!

Luo Shui saw that his younger brother was anxious. His eyes were fixed on him and his eldest brother, as if they were about to jump into a pit of fire in the next second.

Smiling helplessly, she took Luo Xingzhou's arm and motioned for him to sit down.

Sit down and talk, what's the rush? Brother and I know what's going on!

To comfort his excited brother, Luo Shui looked at Rong Ge with calm eyes.

What Xingxing said is what I think. My eldest brother and I are not tools for you as a couple. If you want to go on a blind date or something, you can go on your own. My eldest brother and I are not interested.

Whether we get married in the future or who we marry has nothing to do with you. You didn't care about us in the past ten years, so don't meddle in our business in the future!

She thought that the behavior of Rong Ge and Luo Hongru, a couple who cared only about life and not about raising children, was already weird, but she didn't expect it to be even worse now.

Rongge had always known that the He family and the Luo family were rivals. Just because she had a relationship with the He family's wife, he proposed to let her go on a blind date with that scumbag from the He family.

What a fart! Luo Shui wanted to curse.

In his previous life, because the Luo family was in crisis, Rong Ge fell ill and went to the hospital in a hurry. He thought that the He family's wife could say a few words to the Luo family and save the Luo family whose building was about to collapse, so she directly got engaged to the original owner and the sissy of the He family.

Little did he know that the status of the He family women in the He family was not even as good as that of a nanny.

The He family has been thinking about the Luo family for a long time, how could they help the Luo family? It’s fine if you don’t step on it!

The more Luo Shui thought about it, the angrier he became. Then he thought about the son of He's parents-in-law mentioned by Rong Ge. Wasn't he the same idiot in his previous life who only liked strong men but not women, and was violent at home?

There is nothing wrong with the mother's brain to introduce such a person to her biological daughter!

Thinking like this, Luo Shui looked at Rong Ge with disgust.

Rong Ge was initially confused by Luo Xingzhou's rebuke, but when he heard Luo Shui's words, the anger in his heart exploded instantly as if a bucket of gasoline was poured into the fire.

have a finger in the pie?

She gave life to the three brothers and sisters of the Luo family, but just like other parents, she urged them to get married early. How could she be meddling in others' own business?

...I didn't expect that you three brothers and sisters would be so resentful towards me... Rong Ge said with a somewhat disappointed tone.

As soon as she started, Luo Hongru, who was eager to protect his wife, glared at the three Luo Shui people opposite him, with anger and dissatisfaction written on his face.

What are you dissatisfied with? Your mother and I gave you life and a good life. We think we are much better than those incompetent parents.

Is this how you talk to your mother? Especially you, Luo Xingzhou, can you change your temper, which is like lighting up firecrackers? I can’t help you change it!

Luoluo, you have always been well-behaved and sensible. Why are you talking to your mother like this today? Your mother has always been thinking about you, apologize to your mother, don’t let me down...

Luo Jingshuo frowned lightly, looking at the Luo couple with a cold look in his eyes.

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