When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 782 Best Actor Si’s True Beloved Wife Is Super Rich

Luo Xingzhou felt very uncomfortable after hearing this, and said bluntly: I don't think my sister needs to apologize. What did my sister say wrong?

Speaking of disappointment, aren't the three siblings even more disappointed in the couple?

What qualifications do they have to mention disappointment?

Luo Hongru's expression suddenly turned cold, and his cold eyes stared straight at Luo Xingzhou.

Luo Xingzhou, don't make me angry!

Luo Xingzhou has been disobedient to discipline since he was a child. Even Luo Jingshuo can't control him, let alone his unfamiliar father.

The young man immediately raised his face and said dissatisfiedly: If you don't take advantage of my eldest brother and my sister, I won't bother to talk to you!

This is also very irritating!

Luo Hongru was startled for a moment, then frowned and said, What do you mean by attacking your eldest brother and your sister? Aren't they my children, Luo Hongru?

Your mother worked so hard to help them find a partner and was thinking about their marriage. Is it possible that she was wrong?

Luo Xingzhou sneered, with a sarcastic tone, My eldest brother and my sister don't need this kind of care. We didn't need it before, and we won't need it in the future!

Can't these two continue their trip? Why do you want to come back and break the peaceful life of the three of them? God is annoying!

Rongge couldn't figure out what was going on with her three children. She was waiting for her husband to smooth out the edges and corners of their bodies. Who knew that the children seemed to have completely changed, and they didn't even want to maintain their semblance of decency.

She looked at Luo Hongru beside her, her eyes were disappointed, as if she had received a huge blow.

Hongru, forget it, since they don't want to, let's stop working!

Luo Hongru couldn't bear to see Rong Ge's disappointed look, and his eyes that were hesitant just now turned cold again.

I don't care if you need it or not, don't make your mother angry. His tone was warning.

Luo Jingshuo looked at his younger brothers and sisters with soft eyes. When he turned to Luo Hongru and his wife, the tenderness was gone, and his emotions did not fluctuate at all.

...Dad, what you say is too overbearing. This was the first thing Luo Jingshuo said after meeting the Luo family couple.

Without looking at the two people opposite him, he took the tea cup and opened the lid. The warm tea was soaked in moisture, covering the emotions in his eyes.

Luo Hongru didn't expect that his eldest son would disobey him. He was stunned for a few seconds and suddenly smiled lightly.

Luo Jingshuo, do you think that if I hand over the company to you, you will become Luo's unwavering head, so you don't have to take me seriously?

Luo Jingshuo lowered his head slightly, not looking at him at all, and did not pay attention to the anger on the other side.

How dare I! A faint chuckle came from his mouth, ...You need me to make more money, I will satisfy you, but... Luoluo and Xingzhou, don't touch them!

I just want them to do as they please, puppets on strings. I am enough for this family!

Luo Jingshuo expressed his dissatisfaction for the first time. He called himself a puppet with no freedom.

Luo Shui and Luo Xingzhou couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

They are indeed under the protection of their eldest brother. They are much more free than his eldest brother. They can choose their own university and their favorite career. As long as it is not illegal or disciplinary, the eldest brother will support it. He is truly like a big parent, protecting them from the outside world. of wind and rain.

...Brother. Luo Shui said softly.

Luo Jingshuo didn't look at her, he looked at Luo Hongru with cold eyes, and the two faced each other tit for tat.

Rong Ge didn't want to see her husband and eldest son fall out, so she stopped keeping silent and quickly held Luo Hongru's hand.

Husband, don't be angry with Jingshuo, or you may get angry and damage your body.

We have indeed failed to fulfill our responsibilities as parents, and it is normal for children to feel resentful...

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