When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 786 Best Actor Si’s True Beloved Wife Is Super Rich

[Shengshiruhua]: I don’t understand. Isn’t the young lady sweet? Why do you want to find a stinky man? We can only say that we can’t think of what rich people think...

[Shengge]: One look at the person in charge will tell you how disgusting Luo Shi is, boycott! From now on, boycott Rock's products and variety shows, get out of the country, you are just plain disgusting...

For a while, the Internet was full of comments from the Sniper family.

From Luo Jingshuo to everyone in the Luo family, and finally to the entire group.

They were like gods of judgment, finding out the Luo family's faults in every detail, as if this could knock the Luo Group into the bottom at once.

Luoshui rarely ate melons before. Ever since her company launched a variety show, she has been on the front line of eating melons. Tonight, she enjoyed her own melons.

She doesn't care much about the bloody turmoil on the Internet. Those people can't make waves, they are just swords in other people's hands. Do you still think that Luo Shi made a mistake in his previous life and fell into a loss?

The He family acted like this, they were really just throwing an egg at a stone and they didn't have any brains!

Just as he was thinking about it, an angry shout came from outside the room.

“...I don’t care what you do next, so don’t say so much and quickly remove the hot search, it’s so embarrassing!

Now everyone in the country knows that my son, Rongge, is crooked. Where do you want me to put my face?

I've already let people know that you have a fiancée and will hold a wedding soon, don't screw it up for me...

Rong Ge's face was full of anger, and he looked at Luo Jingshuo with very dissatisfied eyes.

The delicate makeup on her face has been removed, and now she is bare-faced. Some wrinkles inevitably appear on her face, especially the skin around her eyes, which looks a little loose, making her look a bit mean.

This property of the Luo family was built by the Luo family's grandparents and has only been repaired a few times. The sound insulation effect is not very good. The sound can be transmitted through the house if the volume is slightly louder, not to mention the high-pitched voice of Rong Ge.

Luo Shui and Luo Xingzhou heard the sound, and the siblings opened the door and went out together.

After coming out, the two looked at each other and walked towards the eldest brother's room.

Luo Jingshuo's face suddenly sank when he heard Rong Ge said that he had already released the news that he had a fiancée and would be getting married soon.

I don't have a fiancée, and I won't get married.

He talks little, and even if he is dissatisfied, he doesn't know how to refute, so he can only express what he thinks in his heart.

When Luo Shui came in, he happened to hear his elder brother's words.

What marriage? she immediately asked with her eyebrows raised.

Rong Ge glanced at her lightly and ignored her, looking at Luo Jingshuo expressionlessly.

I'm just informing you, not discussing with you. His voice was cold, as if he was talking to a subordinate.

Luo Shui's eyes moved, and he guessed that the reason why Rong Ge was so anxious might be related to the news on the Internet.

Luo Jingshuo had no time to take into account the presence of his two younger siblings. His eyes instantly turned cold and he refused directly: Then I will clearly answer you now, I will not get married.

As he spoke, he looked at Rong Ge firmly, his expression cold, as if his whole body was covered with a layer of ice.

Rong Ge stared at him steadily, and after a long time, he sneered, It's not your fault.

After saying that, he immediately turned around and left without even looking at Luo Shui and Luo Xingzhou.

Luo Xingzhou looked at her back and made a disdainful sound, his eyes flashing with annoyance.

Brother, is that woman forcing you again?

To be honest, he hadn't seen that woman force his eldest brother to do anything for a long time. It was quite common when he was a kid.

Now instead of forcing the eldest brother to give up his hobby and learn to do business, he is now forced to marry a wife.

You are simply not a human being!

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