When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 787 Best Actor Si’s True Beloved Wife Is Super Rich

It's okay. Luo Jingshuo had long since lost his expectations for the parents and no longer painted a false front for them in front of his younger brothers and sisters, saying:

Don't worry, I won't compromise this time, and I won't suddenly give you an extra sister-in-law. The tone of the last sentence was more joking.

Luo Shui smiled and said, That's good. As long as Big Brother likes it, Xingxing and I will accept it!

He blinked teasingly, and before his eldest brother could react, he quickly pulled Luo Xingzhou out.

Luo Jingshuo's stern face flushed slightly, and he lowered his eyes with some invisible discomfort.

Luoluo learned bad things! -

When the hot search broke out, there was also a magnitude 10 earthquake in the Yan family...

Yan's mother looked at her son expressionlessly, Xiao Chi, what's going on with the hot search on the Internet?

Her fingers were trembling slightly, and she looked like she was so shocked by the news that she still hasn't recovered.

When she received a call from her friend saying that Yan Chi was on the hot search, she was really confused.

Because of the hot search for something, my friend didn’t tell her directly and just told her to see it by herself.

When she searched it and took a look, she was dumbfounded.

His son and a man...

Yan Chi also saw the hot search, and his face turned pale. He didn't expect that his personal affairs would be made public online.

Especially now that Luo Jingshuo's attitude was unclear, his heart was in his throat.

Hearing his mother's shocked and unbelievable question, Yan Chi was silent for a moment, pursed his dry lips, and said, ...Mom, I'm sorry.

He didn't explain much. He just thought that his incident had affected his family, and he felt filled with guilt.

Father Yan's heart skipped a beat when he saw his son's appearance. He thought to himself that this boy doesn't really like men, does he?

Yan Chi, you can't really... The man's eyebrows were tightened, and his eyes seemed a little unbelievable.

Yan Chi glanced at his father, his lips turned white.

He looked away from the Yan family couple and did not deny it.

Yan's mother suffered a huge blow, and asked in a daze but carefully: Zhang'er, are you mistaken? How about mom introduce some girls to you?

How could her good son like men?

So shocking!

The Yan family is considered a scholarly family, and both husband and wife are open-minded people. They don't care much about their children and respect their feelings to the maximum extent.

Yan Chi has older brothers and sisters. He is the youngest in the family, and his family also loves and protects him.

Since he was a child, he has always been sensible and calm-tempered and doesn't make people worry. The Yan family really can't figure out why he likes men.

Yan Chi pursed his lips, his face pale, and for the first time he told others about his struggles and pain.

That's right, he is my senior in high school. When I was in high school...

I was the one who pestered him. If your parents want to blame you, blame me. I am the one who embarrassed you...

When he first learned that he had thoughts about the outstanding and aloof senior, he felt extremely disgusted and even thought of giving up on himself.

During those days, I almost didn't dare to appear in front of my seniors for fear of being disgusted by Luo Jingshuo.

This anxiety and self-loathing lasted for a year. It was not until his cousin who had returned from studying abroad discovered his secret and repeatedly comforted him that he slowly came out of the fear of being alone in the darkness.

That year, before Luo Jingshuo went to college, he mustered up the courage to say the out-of-bounds sentence I like you.

After being rejected, he gave up.

He was content if he didn't see disgust in the man's eyes.

From that day on, he made up his mind to fulfill that person's dream. As for the future, he didn't think much about it.

When they met again at a hot pot restaurant, his heart beat like a drum and he was in a panic. However, his many years of work experience allowed him to remain calm even if his heart was full of emotions.

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