When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 846 Best Actor Si’s True Beloved Wife Is Super Rich

Luo Shui looked away, turned to look at him, and said half-jokingly: So, you have another room? Tell me, where is it?

She was joking, but the man took her seriously.

Si Yao smiled lowly, Even if some of it has been sorted out, the property is a bit too much. If you ask suddenly, I can't explain it clearly. How about I make a list for you tomorrow?

He acts like a wife slave who does whatever his wife says.

Luo Shui's melodious laughter overflowed from her lips, But goodbye, I'm afraid of trouble. The days are still long. I will know sooner or later.

It was indeed a long time, and they had decades to get to know each other.

The smile on Si Yao's face deepened, he held her waist, leaned on the sofa and watched the night view, the atmosphere was quiet and warm.


Lin Yan, who had become famous because of Meet the Dreamers, looked at the ferocious-looking couple in front of her with bitterness on her face.

Dad, Mom, can we go inside and talk? Her voice was tired, and she really didn't know what to do with the two people in front of her who were supposed to be the closest to her.

Mother Lin's eyes widened, her hands on her hips, and her saliva was spitting out.

Say it in the house? Why do you say it in the house? You are an unfilial daughter. When you become famous, you will become famous and the old parents at home will not care about you?

Why are you so unfilial? Those who are unfilial will be struck by lightning sooner or later.

If your father and I hadn't found out you were here, how long would you have wanted to hide?

You have good food and housing here, and you let your father and I suffer in our hometown. Why are you so cruel, you damn girl?

If I had known you were so selfish, I should have smothered you in cow dung when I gave birth to you.

You bitch, you lose money, I'm just too good to you...

She scolded her no matter how dirty she was, as if the person opposite her was not her daughter, but her enemy.

When the woman got tired of scolding, the man next to her, Father Lin, also spoke, and when he opened his mouth, he scolded her.

Your mother is right! I think it's because your mother and I were so good to you that you became such a selfish person. Alas... He sighed and continued:

You are promising now, but your brother is in a difficult situation. It's so hard to find a job outside and the salary is low.

Those private company bosses are all dishonest. They are jealous of your brother's talent and try to keep your brother's shoes on behind your back.

Your brother has been in poor health for two and a half years since he was born. Now he is lying at home, unable to even eat a good bite. You don't even feel sorry for your brother!

Yanyan, you can't be heartless. If it weren't for you to go to school, your family wouldn't be without money.

You have to take care of your brother. If nothing else, help your brother find a job.

Thinking of their 'thin' son, the Lin family's parents almost shed tears of distress.

They are just one Miaomiao. If something happens, what will happen to them when they are old? !

Lin Yan frowned slightly, and the smile on his face was a little cold.

The boss is jealous of his younger brother's talent? Only this hateful couple would believe this.

It's not that she looked down on him, Lin Jian was just a loser who only knew how to suck the blood of his parents and gnaw on his old age.

As for my brother's health? This is even funnier.

He must be fat! He's a little over 1.7 meters tall, almost 200 pounds, and he's still very lazy. How can he be in such good health?

But she knew how difficult her parents were, so she didn't object.

This couple has always been unreasonable, so it's okay if she doesn't refute, but if she does, she will definitely get a good beating.

I don't have a stable job myself, how can I help Lin Jian find a job? Lin Yan smiled bitterly.

I've scolded you, let's go in and have a glass of water before we talk.

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