When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 847 Best Actor Si’s True Beloved Wife Is Super Rich

If I stay any longer, I'm afraid I'll attract the neighbors upstairs and downstairs.

Although she is not popular yet, someone might recognize her.

Mother Lin was dissatisfied and wanted to say something else, but Father Lin stopped her.

Go in and talk.

Take a look at this dead girl's house by the way. If it's good, bring it to your son. Father Lin's eyes flashed with thought.

As soon as he opened his mouth, Mother Lin didn't dare to refute at all.

This man is ruthless and will punch his fist when he doesn't get his way. His fist hurts!

Mother Lin glared at Lin Yan fiercely, pinched her angrily, and followed Father Lin into the room.

After entering, like a locust crossing the border, he grabbed everything he could take away and put it on the coffee table on the sofa.

Vegetables and fruits in the kitchen, hair dryer, laptop, cosmetics, even clothes in the wardrobe...

Mother Lin swept across quickly like a robber, taking away everything she could and sweeping everything she couldn't on the ground while cursing.

It's not wrong at all to say that you are an unfilial daughter. You have money to buy things that you don't have, but you have no money to give to me and your father. What a dead girl!

Your father and I ate chaffy vegetables in our hometown, and you enjoyed the blessings, even if you deserve a life as low as yours...

Lin Yan didn't expect that after not seeing each other for several years, Lin's mother would go too far.

In just a short time, the clean and tidy home was turned into a mess, so she quickly went to stop it.

Mom, what are you doing? You've rummaged through everything until it's unusable. What are you looking for?

Mother Lin raised her hand and swept her away, You damn girl, get out of my way. You don't know how to be filial. I'll find it myself...

He looked like he was going to dig out all Lin Yan's valuable things.

She had been working all year round and had grown fat and strong. She pushed Lin Yan aside with a raised hand.

Lin Yan watched helplessly as Mrs. Lin rummaged through her wardrobe, even throwing her underwear on the ground and stepping on it with her feet.

Father Lin watched quietly at the door without stopping, and an outrageous look of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

This was how Lin Yan should be taught a lesson. If she didn't suppress her daughter's arrogance, she might fly to the sky.

Lin Yan sat on the ground embarrassedly and smiled, his eyes covered with a layer of mist as he smiled, and he was so desperate that he couldn't breathe.

These are the parents who gave birth to her!

If possible, she would rather be an orphan that no one cares about and no one wants.

Every time, every time when she started to have expectations for life, this couple would suddenly kick in the door and break the window to break into her world, stir up chaos inside, and then leave.

It seemed like he came here specially to tell her: You can't escape! Born in this family, as long as you are alive, you can never escape.

After a long time, Mother Lin felt tired and stopped.

At first glance, the room was turned into a mess by himself, and his face was slightly worried.

The woman glared at Lin Yan dissatisfiedly and scolded him when she opened her mouth.

The house is in such a mess and I don't know how to clean it up. Don't blame me for looking down on you. You are too lively and stupid. Even if you marry, you won't be able to marry into a good family...

But when it comes to getting married, Lin Yan seems to be quite young, and he has a pretty face, maybe...

If she can be married to a rich man, the Lin family will also have a rich uncle, and the son will not have to worry about the future.

The bride price should be larger, and it is best to buy a new house for the son.

There are other boys, but she cannot be wronged by her obedience.

Thinking about something in her mind, Mother Lin's eyes sparkled when she looked at Lin Yan, as if she were looking at a gold brick.

Lin Yan didn't understand why, and looked at her without any trouble with his clear eyes.

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