When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 963 Madam, my husband has earned your life.

I also saw that the original owner was so good-looking that he couldn't bear to do anything.

In the end, Luo Er was so angry that he asked his daughter to reconcile with Fan De.

The original owner was pointed at, said to be stupid, and said that her beautiful face was lost in vain...

In the end, I was depressed and died in my early twenties.

This is all the fault of Guo, a good mother-in-law.

Do you want to be sentenced to death in this life? Think about it slowly!

Guo nodded lightly and said nothing.

Wang Wanniang smiled coldly when she saw how disgusted she was with her daughter.

He took the bowl from Luo Shuai and took a sip.

With this attitude, you still want to drink her sugar water? Even if you give it to the dog, you won’t give it to Guo.

Luoluo, go and do your work.

Luo Shui was stunned when she saw her mother finish drinking the sugar water in several gulps.

After giving Guo a strange look, she went back to the bamboo house.

I don’t know why that person offended my mother?

Wang Wanniang looked at her daughter's back, her chest twitching with distress.

She is such a good daughter, why should the Fan family dislike her?

Wait for me. Wang Wanniang said to Mrs. Guo, then turned back to her room and took out a jade pendant from the room.

After the tokens are exchanged, the engagement between the two families will be cancelled. Your son and my daughter will have nothing to do with each other from now on, and they can marry freely.

If it's okay, just leave! I still have things to do.

Mrs. Guo was stunned for a moment, clutched the jade pendant she wanted back tightly, smiled, and then left the Luo family.

I thought it would take some trouble, but I didn’t expect it to be so smooth!

Finally the marriage was called off.

She only felt that the air became fresher and the village became more beautiful.

Wang Wanniang sat where she was without moving, her nails digging into her palms and leaving a few crescent moon marks.

Fan family!


That's too much!

The engagement was broken off after the son passed the exam to become a scholar. This was a family with a clear family tradition, a farming and studying family.

How disgusting!

Luo Er came back from outside and saw his wife sitting blankly in the yard with a bad look on her face. He felt nervous and quickly sat down next to her.

What's wrong? Why does your face look weird?

Wang Wanniang's eyes turned red, she gritted her teeth and said, My husband, when the family has more money, let's take An An to the academy!

Daikin and Komori are at best like this.

An'an is young and smart, and her future is boundless.

If he can pass the exam to be a scholar, he can also support Luoluo.

If there was a scholar in the family, Mrs. Guo would not dare to humiliate her daughter like this.

Luo Er nodded in agreement, Okay, but why did you suddenly think of this?

Lolo's engagement has been broken off. Wang Wanniang said bitterly.

The voice seemed to be squeezed out of his throat, with suppressed anger.

What? Luo Er's voice sounded louder, You said the Fan family has come to break off the engagement?

When he said the word break off the engagement, he took a careful look at the bamboo house and lowered his voice again.

His face was full of disbelief.

Wang Wanniang let go of her hand, and inside was the engagement token that Mr. Luo had given to the Fan family.

Of course Luo Er remembers it.

His eyes darkened and his face became a little ugly.

No one would be happy if their daughter was so disliked that she broke off the engagement.

Just retreat. Luo Er said.

I don't think the Fan family is a good place to go. The Guo family is poor, fastidious and mean-spirited. I was originally worried that Luo Luo would be wronged if she married him, but it's better now.

Our daughter is still young, so we are not in a hurry to find her husband's family.

Besides, if our family had a stronger foundation, and if An'an even passed the exam to be a scholar, no matter how bold you think, if you pass the exam and become an official, who dares to bully your daughter again, I'm afraid that the doorstep of the family will be destroyed by then. Flatten...

What he said was very visual.

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