When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 964 Madam, my husband has earned your life.

When Wang Wanniang thought of that scene, a faint smile appeared on her face.


Anyway, Luoluo is only twelve years old, and there are still a few years before she gets haircut.

First, save up your family wealth. When the time comes, the dowry will be large, which will also give your daughter some face.

Wang Wanniang felt that what her husband said made sense, but she felt very confused and worried.

She was afraid that people in the village would gossip about Luoluo.

Those women in the village didn't speak lightly or seriously. She was really afraid...

Luo Er thought for a moment and knew what his wife was worried about.

He patted her hand and said: The facial fat business at home is getting better and better. When we start it, we will build a small workshop.

If the people in the village want to work, they won’t make irresponsible remarks, and no one will have trouble with money. Don’t worry!

Wang Wanniang's eyes were surprised, she didn't expect her husband to be so sober.


As long as her family holds everyone's jobs, let's see who dares to talk nonsense.

What your husband said is true! I'm the one who got it.

Luo Er smiled and shook his head. He suddenly felt embarrassed and his smile was a little silly. ...My wife is anxious and confused.

Wang Wanniang looked at his smile and remembered that this man also smiled like this when they just got married.

It's been almost twenty years.


You must not hide the breakup of the engagement from your daughter.

Luo Er and Wang Wanniang thought about it for a while, but still felt that they had to tell her bluntly.

After Luo Shui came out, he found that his parents looked solemn and their eyes were full of heartache.

Looking at her expression was like looking at a porcelain doll.

Luo Shui: ?!

Luo Er glanced at Luo Shui with a heavy expression.

When I looked into my daughter's clear eyes, I couldn't say anything.

He glanced at the lady and turned away.

He didn't dare to say it, he was most afraid of his daughter crying.

Wang Wanniang glared at him and said: Luoluo, your Aunt Guo came to the house today, you should know it!

Of course Luo Shui knew.

She also poured a cup of sugar water, and her mother drank the bowl of sugar water before sending her away.

I know, what's wrong?

Is it possible...

Wang Wanniang didn't see the emotion on her daughter's face. She looked at Luo Shui carefully and said, ...the Fan family has broken off the engagement.

She and Luo Er looked at each other, both faces filled with worry.

Luo Shui's first reaction was, ?

Broken off the engagement? To describe my feelings, I was a little surprised, but mostly happy.

She always wanted to break off the engagement, but never found the right time.

She thought that breaking off the engagement might be troublesome now that her family was getting better.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Guo regarded money as dirt.

On the contrary, I was a little impressed by that person.

Luo Shui was distracted by his thoughts, but Luo Er and his wife thought that their daughter had been severely shocked.

Luo Er said quickly: Daughter, don't cry! That Fander is not a good person.

You are still young. If you stay at home for a few more years, your life at home will get better and better.

Even if you don't get married, your father will support you for the rest of your life.

It’s better not to marry!

Whenever he thought about a man taking away his daughter in the future, he couldn't help but want to sharpen his axe.

Wang Wanniang also said: ...your father is right.

That's right.

If Luoluo stayed at home all his life, he would be drowned in the spit of the villagers.

You're still young, don't be in a hurry.

Then Mr. Guo has too many small thoughts and is not easy to deal with.

Mom was originally worried that you would be wronged if you married into the Fan family. It would be a bad thing to break off the engagement and disappear.

The only advantage of this marriage is that we are in the same village. Mom and your father can keep an eye on you at any time.

If you retreat now, you will retreat. Your father and I want to tell you this, just to give you some peace of mind.

Just stay at home these days. Mom is worried that those people in the village won't speak well...

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