Then, the chuuni girl remembered a series of chuuni speeches in the group before, and immediately covered her cheeks with her hands and let out a scream of shame and anger.

  "Yeah~~ I have no face to see anyone~~!"


  In response to her were the confused expressions on the faces of the two sisters.

  After a while, the intoxicating blush on the girl's cheeks gradually subsided. The black cat first comforted the two sisters who were in a relationship, and then started diving and peeping in the chat group with a shyness mixed with fluke.This glimpse, happened to see Kaguya's speech.

  【Neet Ji: Ah~!It turns out that the tyrant comrade is the stinky man who cut me off last time~! 】

  [The male protagonist of the comprehensive comics: Cut Hu? 】

  Sikong Xuan, who was mulling over his words and thinking about how to inquire about the identity of the group owner, saw Hui Ye's speech, and couldn't help but ask a question mark on his face.In this regard, the angry Kaguya quickly replied:

  [Neet Ji: You are too embarrassed to say it~!Last time, I rushed to the world hero of Black Cat to save the beauty, but I was one step ahead of you and made Black Cat fall in love at first sight, and I almost promised her~! 】

  【Neet Ji: Humph~!I used to think of you as a comrade, but who would have thought that you were the stinky man who confronted me on NTR, I really misread you~! 】

  [Chiba's Fallen Black Cat: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! ! ! 】

  [Chiba's Fallen Saint Black Cat: Kaguya~! ! !You are making up my rumors again~! ! ! 】

  [Chiba's Fallen Black Cat: I@#%¥%¥#¥@@#*¥%]

  Seeing what Kaguya said about falling in love at first sight, promising each other, and facing the tauren, the black cat who was executed in public once again enjoyed the 'pleasure' of shame and anger.

  It's a pity that she and Kaguya get along in two worlds. She couldn't make Kaguya shut up. She picked up a Zhuxi rag doll and regarded it as Kaguya. It was a burst of crazy output, which scared Hyuga and Zhuxi to hide. In the corner, tremblingly watched their gentle and considerate eldest sister transformed into an evil spirit.

  "Woooooo~~ Sister Hyuga, are we going to be eaten by my elder sister?"

  "Don't, don't be afraid, Xiaozhu. Lyu, Liuli-sister no, won't hurt Xiaozhu."

  As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the incarnation of the evil ghost black cat directly tearing off the doll's hand, and the white cotton was immediately exposed to the vision of the two little loli.

  Five more days: "..."

  Woohoo~~ Lord Father, Lord Mother, haven't you come back yet?Your cutest daughter is going to be ripped off by Sister Liuli QAQ


  Prompt, [Neet Ji] was banned for 10 minutes by the administrator [Comprehensive Daily Literature Male Protagonist]

  Prompt, [Chiba の Fallen Heavenly Black Cat] was banned by the administrator [Comprehensive Daily Literature Male Protagonist] for 5 minutes

  He casually rewarded Hui Ye with a righteous mouth ball, and by the way put a calm mouth ball on the black cat who was obviously in a state of confusion and kept scrambling the screen. Sikong Xuan, who was enjoying the pleasure of the authority dog ​​for the first time, frowned. Looking at the group owner who didn't move at all, he finally asked tentatively:

  [Comprehensive daily male protagonist: The group leader is... Quiet? 】

  [Sikong Jing: Really... Brother Sikong? 】

  [The male protagonist of the daily text of the comprehensive comics: It's really quiet...]

  Sikong Xuan was a little dumbfounded, this coincidence is too outrageous, right?How small is the probability of this dimensional chat group to be able to draw myself and Jingjing into the group from the thousands of worlds?

  Not only Sikong Xuan, but also the other members of the group noticed the smell of dog blood.

  "Do the group owner and the newcomer know each other?"

  "Tsk tsk~~ It feels like the bloody plot of a soap opera."

  "This is too coincidental, isn't it?"

  "Hehe~~ I feel like having fun watching it."

  In addition to the gray wolf who took care of his wife offline and the black cat, the rest of Stark, Xiaobu and Kaguya dived to watch the show.With those expectant eyes, he was about to move a small bench and sit down to eat melons.


  Prompt, the group owner [Si Kongjing] has been offline




  Not only Stark and Xiaobu, but Sikong Xuan was also confused when he saw the news of the group leader going offline.Just the next second, the sudden spatial fluctuation made Sikong Xuan react immediately, and then a fragrant breeze entered his arms.

  "Brother Sikong, long time no see~~"


  Seeing the girl who suddenly appeared and hugged him suddenly, Sikong Xuan blinked, and it took several seconds to react.He looked at the black-haired girl sitting on his body, the face that seemed to be familiar, he couldn't help but speak.



  In the living room with only the two of them, a 17-year-old black long straight girl sat astride Sikongxuan's body. Those black pearl-like pupils stared at Sikongxuan affectionately, with surprise and excitement overflowing on the surface.

  "Brother Sikong, four years... we can meet again..."



  Sagiri, who was drawing with great enthusiasm, suddenly raised her head, like a rabbit on the prairie wary of a hunter.

  "A girl came to the house, and she was with Nissan~?!"

  It may sound like a superpower, but Sagiri, who is severely squatting at home, does have a stunt - she can detect what is happening at home, such as visitors, just by sound and breath in the bedroom.

  In the dark, Sagiri felt a strong threat.Maybe it was intuition, maybe it was an illusion, but Sagiri felt vaguely that the girl who suddenly appeared downstairs would steal her Nissan.

  "Snatch... Nissan?"

  She was stunned for a moment, Sagiri muttered to herself, and then, vaguely, she suddenly heard a female voice.

  "Brother Sikong, come home with me."

  "Brother... go home?!!"

  A flustered look filled Sagiri's cheeks, and she subconsciously stomped the floor with her little feet wrapped in white silk.However, to her surprise, Nissan did not respond to her this time.

  "Nissan went! Nissan didn't go out at all~! The smell of Nissan and that girl was always there~!"

  The panic and panic became more and more intense, and even Sagiri was able to make up the scene of Nissan abandoning her and leaving the house with other women.

  Just imagining such a scene, Sagiri couldn't accept it at all.The fear of losing Sikong Xuan even made her overcome the fear of the world outside the room. She tumbled off the bed, hurriedly opened the door, and then stumbled down the stairs, following the sound and breath to the living room.


  "No~! Nissan, don't abandon me~!!!"

  What responded to Sagiri was the surprised gaze of the two in the living room.

  "Sagiri, you... went downstairs?"

  "Are you... Heizumi Sagiri?"

  PS: I drank a bottle of beer in the afternoon, then took a bath, and the result was a headache for one afternoon and one night, a tragedy.

  PS: I can't code the words, I will deal with it with the manuscript, alas, the manuscript-1.

Chapter 18

  [Sister Ganwu: ah ah ah~!Why is the group owner offline~? 】

  [Playboy: Pfft~~ [-]% of them went directly to the world of the boss]

  [Qianwumei: The group leader's action force is too strong, right?But what is the relationship between the group owner and the big guy? I'm super curious to say (o▽)o]

  [Playboy: Well... Didn't the boss say that he is a transmigrator?And what the group owner calls the big guy... Brother Sikong? 】

  [Playboy: Could it be that the group owner is the big brother’s younger sister before crossing over? 】

  [Chiba's Fallen Saint Black Cat: Very likely]

  The five-minute mouthball was taken off, and the black cat immediately spoke in the group.Seeing Stark's guess, the black cat couldn't help but nodded affirmatively, and at the same time heaved a sigh of relief in his heart.

  'It's just my sister~~'

  Thinking like this, the black cat suddenly blushed, covered his cheeks and thought shyly:

  'Wait, what was I thinking just now?Whether the group owner is Senior Sikongxuan's sister or girlfriend, it has nothing to do with me, right? '

  Thinking of this, the black cat's mood became messy again.And the two younger sisters beside her sneaked away as early as the end of the black cat's blackening.

  [Ganwumei: Ahhh~~ All in all, the liveliness is impossible to watch, obviously I think it must be super interesting~~]

  [Playboy: When did you become so gossipy, Xiaobu? 】

  [Sister Ganwu: What, Stark, aren't you interested? 】

  [Playboy: Sorry, Uncle Tony has a date tonight and is not interested in any gossip.Hmm~ By the way, what should Uncle Tony wear for a date tonight? 】

  [Danwumei: Hey~~ Stark, you are here again.You playboy, be careful of being hit by a hatchet (three bloody kitchen knives)]

  Seeing that Stark was showing off in the group, and the black cat and the big gray wolf didn't speak, Xiaobu, who was so bored, went offline.And Stark just wanted to explain that his date tonight was Chili Pepper, when he saw the news that Black Cat and Kaguya went offline together.He smiled wryly and went offline.

  "Hey~~ Uncle Tony is no longer a playboy. How can I change this nickname?"


  "Uuuu~~ Big Brother Sikong..."

  In the living room, the group leader girl named Situ Jing had already got off Skong Xuan's body.She looked at Sikong Xuan, who was comforting Sagiri, and at Sagiri, who had a timid and terrified look on her face, not knowing what to do for a while.


  "Hey, Sagiri, brother is here."

  Under the complicated gaze of the group leader girl, Sikong Xuan turned around and gently comforted Sagiri who was clutching his clothes tightly.The white-haired loli sister has a lot of psychological shadows, and it can even be said to be mentally ill; before, she only ran the stairs on impulse, but after she yelled at Situ Jing, Sagiri seemed to have used up all her courage and energy. With the same strength, he fled behind Sikong Xuan, unwilling to look directly at Situ Jing, but his small hand tightly grasped Sikong Xuan and did not want to let go.

  In this regard, Sikong Xuan just sighed regretfully, and then carefully calmed Sagiri, who was in an extremely unstable mental state.

  After more than ten minutes, Sagiri finally stabilized a little.Sikongxuan let out a sigh of relief (mainly because his heart was tired), then turned his head to look at Situ Jing with a wry smile on his face.

  "Jingjing, you have seen it, and Sagiri has known it. Under such circumstances, how dare I go back with you?"

  "Uuuu~~ Big Brother Sikong..."

  Situ Jing also showed an embarrassed expression when she heard S Kongxuan's words.However, thinking of her aunt who regards herself as her own daughter, and her feelings for Sikong Xuan that have been fermenting in the past five years, even in the face of the pitiful Sagiri, she really does not want to retreat.

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