"But brother Sikong, what about auntie?"


  "Uncle has never been heard from the bird, and my sister has already married a woman, so brother Sikong is the only one left in the family..."



  Sawu, who was clutching Skongxuan's shirt, clearly felt the stiffness of Skongxuan's body. Listening to Situ Jing's words, she seemed to have misunderstood something, and she couldn't help but muster up her courage and said:

  "I...I'll try my best..."


  "Ni, Nisan...I...I will try my best to get out of the room. When, when...I go with...and Nisan to see my uncle and aunt...

  So, so... Nissan, don't... leave me! "

  At the end, Sagiri almost cried out.It's just that Sagiri's voice is too low, so shouting it out is just like a normal person speaking loudly.However, seeing Sagiri's distorted face because of the shouting, both Sagong Xuan and Situ Jing felt Sagiri's feelings.

  So, he saw Sikong Xuan chuckle lightly, then stretched out his hand to take Saagu into his arms.Then, the shy Sagiri heard Sikong Xuan say to the girl who wanted to steal her Nissan:

  "I'll go back."


  "When the time comes, I will go back with Sagiri."


  Sagiri's cheeks suddenly turned red, and her eyes rolled in circles because she was too shy.And Sikongxuan felt the rising question from Sawu, she smiled slightly, and said to Situ Jing:

  "Didn't mom always want a little girl? I think she'll like Sagiri."


  Sagiri, who understood that she was thinking too much, suddenly showed a sad expression.And Situ Jing looked at Sagiri who was taken into his arms by Skongxuan, and when she heard Skongxuan's words, her eyes showed admiration.

  "Even so, Brother Sikong better go back with me to see Auntie."

  "Well, of course."

  Sikongxuan nodded, and then she looked at Situ Jing, who was 17 years old. In the blink of an eye, in five years, the once innocent and cute little black-haired loli had grown into a slim black-haired girl today. It was an overnight illusion that made Sikongxuan feel It was like being in a dream.

  He waved his hand and smiled at Situ Jing with a knowing smile.In response, the girl was stunned for a moment, looking at the familiar behavior of the boy, she smiled sweetly in an instant, and then went forward and hugged Sikong Xuan just like she was five years ago.

  "I haven't seen you for five years, brother Sikong, I miss you so much."

  "Yes, me too."

  In this regard, the silver-haired Lolita, who was sandwiched between Sikongxuan and Situ Jing, only felt that her little head was wrapped in a ball of cotton, but the comfortable enjoyment made Sagiri's face darken.

  I really want to push away the hateful cow behind (well, relatively speaking, Situ Jing's scale is actually not that exaggerated), but Sagiri is the timid Sagiri after all. I can only imagine the scene of my Nissan abandoning this hateful woman in my heart.

  And then, the words of this hateful woman behind her were even more like a sound to Saagiri.

  "Brother Sikong, I have to go back and tell my aunt the good news. I'll leave for now."

  Feeling the long-lost embrace from Brother Sikong, although there is Sagiri in the middle, Situ Jing is also an anime lover and is very tolerant towards Sagiri.I saw that she let go of Sikong Xuan, and then smiled and bid farewell to Sikong Xuan.This made Sikong Xuan feel a little reluctant, but made Sawu overjoyed.

  'Damn woman, hurry up and don't come to my house forever~! '

  Sagiri thought happily in her heart.Then, seeing Skongxuan let go of herself, she quickly trotted behind him, and then showed a hostile look at Situ Jing.However, the next scene made her dumbfounded.

  "I'll be there in the evening. You should prepare your mother."

  "Well, then Jing'er will say goodbye first."

  After finishing speaking, Situ Jing smiled slightly, and waved his hand to Sagiri friendly, and then disappeared under Sagiri's gaze.



  Blinking her eyes, a big question mark appeared on Sagiri's head.

  "Nissan, is our house... haunted by a female ghost?"

  At this moment, Situ Jing returned to her own world, the girl trotted out of the bedroom with a look of joy, and then hugged the middle-aged woman who was busy in the kitchen:

  "Mom, Brother Sikong is coming back~~!".

Chapter 19


  "Sagiri, what do you want for dinner?"


  "Well, let's make Sagiri's favorite omelette."



  Finally, unable to bear the gaze from Sagiri's little sister, Sikong Xuan, who pretended to be busy in the kitchen, put down the frying pan, looked at Sagiri, who was lying on the sofa and pouting her butt, with helpless eyes, sighed, and then said:

  "So, can Sagiri leave the room now?"

  "Is Nissan changing the subject?"

  "Change the subject or something... Sagiri didn't talk to me, did you?"

  "But Nissan must know what I want to ask~!"

  Two little hands patted the cushions of the sofa, and her baby-like face swelled with two small buns. Sagiri launched a 'super fierce sister' attack on Sikong Xuan, almost making Sikong Xuan sprouted with blood.

  Seeing Sikong Xuan's unbearable appearance, Sagiri was also a little overjoyed in her heart, but she still had the kawaii expression of 'I'm super fierce', and asked her Nissan:

  "That guy, Abu... Who the hell is that nasty female fox (#'∧') from Nissan, who suddenly disappeared. Could she be a superhuman being hidden in the world?


  And that female fox is actually called Brother Nisan Sikong or something...Mo~~Isn't Nissan the only one younger sister?

  Sagiri, who was excited about discovering the legendary superhuman just now, thought about this, and suddenly stopped.However, Sikongxuan did not notice what she was thinking, instead he said to Sagiri in a didactic tone:

  "What female fox? Sagiri, please don't say this quietly~"


  "You are all my sisters. You should call her sister regardless of age."


  I have to say that sometimes Sikong Xuan's emotional intelligence is really in arrears.Is this not? The 'Super Fierce Sister' evolved directly and bit Sikong Xuan.


  "Ah~~! Sagiri, what are you doing?"

  "Hmm~ The department doesn't have the Spring Festival, Nissan, Western medicine punishment~!"

  "What punishment? It hurts~~! Sagiri, let go~~!"

  After a lot of tossing, Sikong Xuan didn't make lunch, and sat on the sofa with Sagiri, who was still angry.Looking at the frizzy Sagiri, Sikong Xuan clamped her hand and explained with a smile:

  "Jing Jing's name is Situ Jing, and she is also my sister. Well, speaking of which, you should call her sister."

  "I don't have a sister, hum (¬︿¬☆)~~!"


  Facing Sagiri who didn't buy it, Sikong Xuan smiled awkwardly, and then continued:

  "As for the sudden disappearance... Well, what about this problem, I'll tell you when Sagiri can walk out of the house normally?"

  "Get out of this house..."

  Hearing the conditions proposed by Sikongxuan, Sagiri was stunned for a moment, and then her face became bitter:

  "Nissan didn't want to tell me at all, did he?"

  "how could be?"

  Touching the small head of Sagiri who was sitting in his arms, Sikong Xuan said with a smile:

  "As long as Sagiri works hard, one day I can be like a normal girl. Look, didn't Sagiri leave the room today?"

  "Umm~ That's because..."

  "Because of what?"

  That's because Nissan is about to be taken away by others, how could I not run out to stop it?Sagiri thought so in her heart, but she looked at Sikong Xuan, but she didn't have the courage to say it. She could only blushed and played with her little finger with her head lowered.

  Seeing Sagiri's shy appearance, Sikong Xuan's smile became even brighter:

  "Not only that, Sagiri not only walked out of the room today, but is now being held by me for the first time. Isn't this a great breakthrough?"


  hug, hug?

  "As long as you keep working hard and persevering, I believe that Sagiri will definitely be able to overcome the weaknesses of fear of life and cowardice. Hmm... eh? Sagiri, why is your body suddenly hot?"

  "Nissan hugged me? Nissan hugged me..."

  "Huh? Sagiri, why is your face so red? Do you have a fever?"

  Seeing the abnormal blush on Sagiri's skin, Sikong Xuan was immediately worried, and quickly reached out and touched Sagiri's forehead.It wasn't over yet, after a few seconds, he directly lowered his head and measured Sagiri's body temperature with his forehead.

  "The temperature is so high, why did you suddenly have a high fever? Huh? Sagiri, why did you suddenly faint?"

  Seeing the red skin, the steam on the head, and the spinning in the eyes, he shook it a few times, but he didn't see any reaction. Sikong Xuan immediately thought that she had a high fever and fainted, which scared him. She quickly picked up Sagiri and was taken to the hospital.

  At this time, System Jiang, who had been watching the play in Sikongxuan's body for a long time, finally couldn't bear the laughter and let out a happy laugh in Sikongxuan's heart.

  [Hahaha~~ Hyun's reaction is so funny~~]

  'System sauce, you are...'

  [This idiot Xuan, Sagiri clearly fainted out of shyness, you actually thought it was a burnout, haha~~ Is this what humans say about nature?Hahaha~~ so much fun. ]

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