
  Looking at the yellow monkey who appeared in front of him, and also revealed his origin, Ba Jin's face suddenly became particularly ugly.Seeing this scene, Whitebeard II, who was still mourning, hurriedly raised his Naginata and slashed at Kiabou.

  "Bad man, don't hurt my mother~!!"

  However, in the face of Whitebeard II's violent attack, Kizaru was like a slippery loach, easily dodging Whitebeard II's crazy attack like a storm.

  However, in the end, he was also afraid of Whitebeard II; under the crazy attack of Whitebeard II, Kizaru had to distance himself from the other side.

  "Silly son, you are not his opponent, take me with you~!"

  "But I can't swim or row a boat, can you, mother?"

  Hearing Miss Ba Jin's call, Whitebeard II stopped dumbly.Seeing this, Kizaru, who saw the timing, teleported behind Whitebeard II and kicked the opponent directly into the sea.

  "Hodo~~ I can't swim, so I can learn, yo ho ho ~~"

  "Good son?!"

  Seeing Whitebeard II being kicked into the sea by Kizaru, Miss Ba Jin was stunned.By the time she realized the malicious intent from Kiabou, a laser had pierced through her heart.

  And this short and ugly old woman does not have the perverted physique of Whitebeard II.

  Buried soil: "Hmm~ Grandpa Kizaru is so despicable."

  Wugeng Liuli: "Such a shameless speech, and two consecutive sneak attacks, as expected of a wretched old man from the heart."

  Tony Stark: "Is that old woman dead?"

  Sikong Xuan: "Well, he should be dead. But Bai Er, that guy, shouldn't be wiped out so easily. You should pay attention to Kizo."

  "Of course, after all, that guy is a monster as strong as Whitebeard. It's really scary, hohoho~~"

  A flash appeared at the top of the mast that was sinking into the sea, and the yellow monkey looked down at the sea.I saw that Whitebeard II, who was knocked off the bottom of the sea, had climbed up on a wooden board at some point, and his huge body sat on the wooden board and looked around blankly.

  "Mom? Mom? Mom?"


  Looking at the scene where the three-year-old child and his mother were separated, Kizaru was a little silent, and the live broadcast room fell into a strange silence.

  For a while...

  Situ Jing: "Really a child of several decades?"

  Sikong Xuan: "This is really mentally retarded."

  Tsushima: "It sounds pitiful, but I have no sympathy at all."

  Wugeng Liuli: "It's normal. After all, it was this tens-year-old child who directly slaughtered a pirate group."

  Tony Stark: "Hahaha~~ Mr. Kizaru, do you want to consider adopting this tens-year-old child? Anyway, you are an old bachelor in your fifties."

  "Sorry, the old man is not a white beard, and he doesn't have the bad habit of adopting a heinous pirate as his son~!"

  (PS: I heard that Karma, the octopus captain under Whitebeard, and his crew are actually human traffickers, and I feel really ruined. Although the behavior of the war is also a man, but I really feel for the whitewashed human traffickers. can't appreciate it)

  Saying that, Kizaru leaped into the sky.In the next second, a dazzling light shone on the earth, Whitebeard II, who was looking for his mother, raised his head blankly, covered his eyes with his hands, and said dementedly:

  "It's so dazzling, why are there two suns in the sky?"

  The voice fell, and countless light bombs fell from the sky, bombarding the entire sea area to boiling.The Whitebeard II on the wooden board quietly sank to the bottom of the sea in the baptism of light bombs.

  After doing this, Huang Yuan answered the phone bug with a blank expression:

  "Moses Moses~~ Is that Mr. Sengoku?"


  "Ah, Mr. Warring States is terrible. But I'm sorry, I still have some things to do, and I can't return to Malinford for the time being."

  "Also, please take me to tell the annoying Teacher Zefa that Edward Weibull, who killed his lovely student, is now in the waters near the Seven Waters City, and was attacked by his student Polsalino."

  After speaking, Kizaru turned off the phone bug, and then looked down at the gradually calming sea in silence, until the reminder of the dimensional chat group in his mind sounded:

  【Ding!The plot of the pirate world has changed, and the reward is 2000 points]

  "2000 points?"

  Speaking to himself, the originally solemn Kizaru once again showed a wretched smile.Then, I saw him take out the tracing compass again to point out the direction, and then turned into a light and flew into the distance.On the spot, only the brisk voice of Kizaru remained.

  "Hohoho~~ I don't know about Blackbeard, how many points is it worth?"

  At the same time, Zefa, who was commanding the pirate guerrilla team to hunt pirates, hung up the call from the Warring States Period.Then, the old man sat on the deck of the warship, looked up at the dazzling sun in the sky, and the cloudy tears could not help flowing down.

  "Mr. Zefa, what's wrong with you?"

  "Nothing. Ayn, Binz, work hard. You are the future of the Navy."

  Rarely, Zefa showed a gentle smile at him, and even touched Ain's head gently like a kind elder, and then walked into the cabin, leaving Ain and Binz (that is, the lush fruit ability) behind. The person) stared blankly at the back of Zefa's departure.

  "Just now... was it a call from the Warring States Marshal?"

  "It seems so?"

  "What did the Warring States Marshal just say?"

  "I didn't hear it clearly, it seems that General Kizaru attacked a pirate?"

  Looking at each other, Ain and Binz were silent for a while, and then decided to go back to General Kizaru or Marshal of Warring States to ask them clearly.in addition...

  'I haven't seen Teacher Zefa's smile for a long time.Thank you very much, Mr. Kizaru. '*2.

Chapter 66

  Earthen Buried: "Stone hammer."

  Sikong Xuan: "He's arrogant."

  Situ Jing: "He's arrogant."

  Penglaishan Hui Ye: "Tsk tsk tsk~~ I didn't expect that the yellow monkey also has the arrogant attribute, I... vomit~~"

  Tony Stark: "One thing to say, Kizaru, a wretched character from the inside out, actually has an arrogant side, I know I also want to vomit, vomit~~"

  Wugeng Liuli: "Kukukuku~~ Queen of Night Demon, please forgive Kizaru for the great sin of murdering the master in your movie."

  "Hey, hey, I just lost my mind. Did you arrange me like this in the live broadcast room?"

  The flying yellow monkey took the time to look at the live broadcast room, and saw the barrage full of ridicules of himself.

  In this regard, Huang Yuan, who has been in the group for a few days, naturally understands what Aojiao means, and the ridicule of everyone in the live broadcast room also made him speechless.

  "Forget the group owner and the administrator, Hui Ye and Tony's filthy old man are innocent?"

  Penglai Mountain Hui Ye: "Why do the group masters and local tyrants forget?"

  Tony Stark: "When we are soft persimmons?"

  "Compared with the group leader and brother Sikong, aren't you soft persimmons?"

  Penglai Mountain Hui Ye: "I @#¥%..."

  Tony Stark: "Bullying the soft and fearing the hard can still be so open and righteous, and it's not ashamed to be shameless."

  "Yohohoho~~Thank you for the compliment~~"

  For Tony Stark's complaints, Kizaru didn't take it to heart at all.

  What is the face?Can I eat it?Can I exchange points?If not, what does the old man want it to do?

  Buried soil: "That's why, Grandpa Kizaru killed Whitebeard II, and immediately informed the Warring States Marshal and Teacher Zefa. Sure enough, this crusade against Whitebeard II was to avenge Teacher Zefa. ."

  Wugeng Liuli: "If you say that you don't deal with it, you will fight each other when you meet. In the movie, he kills Mr. Zefa with his own hands, but the truth is that Kiabou is still a teacher and a student. Well, it's a stone hammer, he's a arrogant child ."

  Sikongxuan: "Well, actually, when I think about it carefully, the battle of the navy against Teacher Zefa in the movie looks like a memorial service. Thinking of it this way, Huang Yuan feels that he is taking the blame, and the other students of Teacher Zefa stand up. Weeping silently on the side."

  Wugeng Liuli: "Senior Sikong said this, I also remembered that when Teacher Zefa died, he seemed to have died with a smile. And the plot of the movie is also very problematic. Teacher Zefa's trace was completely controlled by the Navy. The best proof is that Kiabou stopped when he was robbing Dynamite Rock, but he finally chose to destroy the new world. But thinking about it, is he really going to destroy the new world?"

  Wugeng Liuli: "Or, Mr. Zefa, who has dreamed of being a hero in the name of Z since childhood, would he really be crazy enough to sacrifice all the civilians in the new world to destroy the pirates"?"

  Tony Stark: "Perhaps, he hopes to use his own death to awaken the navy's will to protect civilians. After Akainu came to power, the navy has become a bit extreme, and has forgotten why it wants to eliminate pirates."

  Situ Jing: "In the final analysis, it is the Navy that is sorry for Teacher Zefa. Think about how much Teacher Zefa devoted everything to the Navy, first her family, then her arms, and even her beloved student died in front of her. However, the Navy still invited Bai Beard II became the king's Qiwuhai, I don't know how much this hit Teacher Zefa?"

  Tony Stark: "Hey~~ Group Master, you are mistaken, it was the World Government who invited Whitebeard II to become Qibukai. Perhaps, from the very beginning, Whitebeard II was the World Government that split the navy and forced Zefa. A pawn to break with the Navy."

  Domabu: "But wouldn't the world government be afraid of the navy's separation? If the navy rebels, wouldn't the world government end?"

  Tony Stark: "Perhaps this is also a test of the navy's loyalty? And don't forget that the World Government also has its own cards. Whether it is the SSG, the technological force that the World Government used to replace Qibukai two years later, the real body is still missing. Im and the Dragons are national treasures, and the eight hundred years of the world government's rule does not depend only on the military support of the navy."

  Tony Stark: "For the world government, the force displayed by the navy during the war is too strong, and the navy is increasingly disobedient. If the world government completely trusts the navy and does not suppress the navy, it is unworthy. Ruled the world for eight hundred years."

  Tony Stark: "Think again, in fact, the war should be in the hands of the World Government. Whitebeard is old and there is no need to fight for this legendary man who is about to die, but the World Government insists on Ace is publicly executed, I'm afraid... the World Government's attempt to use the Whitebeard Pirates to weaken the Navy's strength, right?"

  After Tony Stark posted the barrage, he also sighed.

  Don't look at the politics in "One Piece" sometimes being extraordinarily stupid, but if you scrutinize it carefully, you can still find places that are not in line with reality.

  It's just that for the ignorant girls who are not familiar with the world, such as Tumabu, Hei Mao, and Situ Jing, this is really a little ignorant.

  In the end, Tujianbu actually posted this barrage:

  Tsushima: "Hmm~ The navy that goes to war...is it strong?"

  Tony Stark: "..."

  Buried soil: "No, you see, just one of the four emperors, the Whitebeard Pirates and the vassal pirates, broke through the heavily guarded Malinford, and even almost rescued Ace who was about to be executed. What do you think, the navy is not the opponent of the Four Emperors Union?"

  Tony Stark: "I @#¥%..."

  Seeing the barrage that Tu Ma buried sent, Sikong Xuan was also a little bit confused.

  Sikong Xuan: "Not to mention the possibility of the four emperors uniting, Xiaobu, you might as well think carefully about the performance of the war navy on top."

  Buried soil: "The performance of the navy? What performance?"

  Sikong Xuan: "Take the three generals of the navy as an example. On the top of the war, the navy yellow monkey is lazy, the green pheasant is paddling, and only Akainu is doing his best to output. Not to mention a Karp who is released into the sea and a black beard. In the Warring States Period, however, even in this situation, the navy still killed Whitebeard and Ace. Isn't that strong? And that doesn't count the chief instructor Zefa and the two generals, Taotu and Chadou, who did not participate in the war. "

  Situ Jing: "More importantly, after facing the Whitebeard Pirates and the Blackbeard Pirates successively, the top navy officers were almost unscathed in the first battle. Except for the output of Akainu, who was seriously injured, the remaining casualties were all The losses of middle and lower-level officers, and even middle- and lower-level officers, are not particularly large. The navy can easily deal with two pirate groups of the four emperors level when the navy has released so much water. Do you think the navy is weak?"

  Buried in the soil: "Emmm..."

  Simple Xiaobu thought carefully for a moment, and then suddenly realized.

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