Tujianbu: "¨"Is the navy so strong?"

  Tusamabu: "But why did the top navy release water? Isn't their purpose to annihilate the Whitebeard Pirates?"

  Sikong Xuan: "Zefa, Taotu, and Tea Dolphin didn't make their debut, so I won't make a comment. Kizaru and Aokiji paddled in the water to avoid casualties at the level of generals, and at the same time spare no effort to deal with emergencies? The navy's strategy for war on the top In fact, it is very obvious that the three generals will consume Whitebeard in the wheel battle, and if necessary, work together to suppress Whitebeard's dying blow; When external forces intervene in the war, they also have the spare capacity to resist the intervening power and protect the navy to accomplish the strategic goal of the war.”

  Sikong Xuan: "Many people on the Internet complain about the yellow ape and the green pheasant, and tout the red dog to be responsible for his life. In fact, I think it is the red dog who is dead brains; the output of desperate work, if this is dragged by a general before the death of Whitebeard, the navy will fight. If you win this battle, you will lose to your grandma's house."

  Sikong Xuan: "Look at Aokiji and Kizaru again. After a move with Whitebeard, they will distance themselves from each other. They don't give Whitebeard a chance to break out. Instead, they can cooperate with teammates to output and continue to contain Whitebeard. At the end of the war, they stood in a good position in advance to contain the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates, and cooperated with Akainu and Vice Admirals to annihilate the remaining enemies. Even if there were external forces involved in the war, such as Red (Norde Hao), located in Ma The Kizaru and Aokiji off the coast of Linford Bay also intercepted them immediately to prevent the naval forces from being attacked."

  Situ Jing: "Uh... If you analyze it this way, the red dog is stunned, and the green pheasant and the yellow monkey are thinking about the navy instead?"

  Seeing Skongxuan's analysis, Situjing showed an expression of doubt about life.After all, the red dog fans and red dog blacks on the Internet now, no matter what they think of the red dog, but they all recognize the hard work of the red dog during the war.

  On the contrary, Aokiji and Kizaru, it would take a long time to fight a pony (Marco) and a diamond man (Joz), which simply lowered the rank of the three major naval admirals.

  But think about it now...

  That's right, why do you have to work so hard to output things that can be easily done in the three major wheel battles?If this is for a big pirate who can't live for a few years and goes into a navy admiral, then the navy won't be able to survive?

  Thinking about it this way, why do you think that the lazy Aokiji and Kiabou are witty, and the reckless Akainu has become an iron man?

  PS: Personal opinion on the war on the top, the words of a family.

  PS: On the top of the war, the navy released water is really powerful.

  PS: Feel the new three generals of the Navy (see the picture).

Chapter 67

  PS: It seems that everyone is not very interested in the pirate dungeon, so I will watch the pirate dungeon three times a day, hurry up and spend the pirate dungeon.

  After Sikong Xuan expressed his views on the war on the top and Akainu, the discussion in the live broadcast room suddenly became heated.The group members who entered the live broadcast room expressed their opinions one after another, and by the way echoed or refuted the opinions and opinions of others.

  Naturally, the topic in the live broadcast room was so distorted that I didn't know where it was going.

  "In the words of Brother Tony: The old man is often out of tune with you because he can't keep up with the speed of your digression.

  Didn't you come to the live broadcast room to watch this old man fight against Whitebeard II and Blackbeard? Why are you chatting so hotly? "

  More importantly, the old man also wants to participate in this kind of discussion.

  Kizaru groaned in his heart.However, he has to be distracted and hurry, and he has to open his eyes to find someone with a domineering look. He really can't participate in the discussion, and he can't even eat melons and watch the fun.

  Tsushima: "Because it's really boring to watch Grandpa Kisaragi on his way~~"

  Wugeng Liuli: "What's the point of watching monkeys flying in the sky? Isn't it delicious to discuss the plot?"

  Situ Jing: "And it should take a lot of time for you to find people in the yellow monkey, right? It's really boring to see you flying in the sky."

  "Hohoho~~ You guessed wrong about this group of masters. I'm not far from Banaro Island now, and I'll be able to find the Blackbeards soon."

  Buried Earth: "Banaro Island? Where is it?"

  Tony Stark: "Xiaobu, you are not serious about watching the anime, Banaro Island is the island where Fire Fist Ace and Blackbeard Tiki duel. By the way, that poor island is in Ace and Tiki. was razed to the ground in a duel."

  Penglaishan Hui Ye: "Tsk tsk tsk, the commoners in the Pirate World are really miserable. I don't know when they will be affected by the big boss's AOE and sent to the sky, just like the era when monsters were rampant here."

  Tony Stark: "After all, although there is a world government in the Pirate World, it is actually a standard troubled world. In the words of the Chinese, people in troubled times are not as good as dogs."

  The topic was distorted again, and the atmosphere became inexplicably heavy, which made Kizaru who was on the road couldn't help covering his face with his hands, and felt deeply powerless for the unreliable characters of the group members.

  In the end, it was Sikong Xuan who brought the topic back.

  Sikong Xuan: "Okay, let's not mention the right to live and the happiness index of civilians in the Pirate World. It seems that he is about to reach his goal."

  Situ Jing: "That's Banaro Island, right? It's similar to the one in the anime."

  From the perspective of Kizaru, everyone in the live broadcast room saw an island on the sea in the distance. The iconic rocky mountain made everyone recognize Banaro Island at a glance.

  Seeing this, the body of the high-speed flying yellow monkey turned into a gust of light particles that disappeared with the wind, and drifted along the sea breeze to Banaro Island.Because Blackbeard has also mastered the domineering arrogance of seeing and hearing, in order to avoid frightening the snake, the yellow monkey did not open the domineering and domineering of seeing and hearing, but flew to the top of a rocky mountain, and searched for the Blackbeard group with the naked eye.

  Buried soil: "Can you find someone like this?"

  Tsushima: "...Well, when I didn't ask."

  You don't have to look for it. From Kiabou's point of view, everyone in the live broadcast room saw the Blackbeards looting the town on Banaro Island, their arrogant appearance...

  Are you supposed to be a pirate?

  Sikong Xuan: "It doesn't feel right. Blackbeard's flamboyant posture seems to be attracting and waiting for something?"

  Situ Jing: "Brother Skong said that, and I don't feel right. Is Blackbeard... trolling Ace?"

  Sikong Xuan: "It's very possible. Tiki should know Ace very well; the Blackbeards have been leading Ace by the nose before, which is considered to be playing around with Ace. But if he really wants to avoid confrontation with Ace, he also There's no need to waste time looting towns here."

  Tsubasa: "But shouldn't Blackbeard's target be Luffy? In Mogu Town's plot, Blackbeard wants to hunt the Straw Hat Pirates~~"

  Sikong Xuan: "Maybe he knew that the pursuer sent by the Whitebeard Pirates was Ace, so he changed his target halfway, or maybe he wanted to use the straw hat Luffy as bait to lure Ace? After all, I didn't know that Luffy was Dora. In the case of Greg's son, Blackbeard should not feel that the weight of a straw hat Luffy alone is worth the seat of a king under the Shichibukai, even if he defeated the sand crocodile Crocodile."

  Sikong Xuan: "The most important thing is that Blackbeard's plan should be to fish in troubled waters, but with just one Luffy, with the information that Blackbeard knows, he shouldn't think that it can make trouble in the murky waters of the pirate world. Compared with Luffy, As the captain of the 2nd division of the Whitebeard Pirates and the appointed successor, Ace's weight is obviously much larger than that of Luffy. As long as Ace is caught, the Whitebeard Pirates and the navy are provoked to fight, and the Blackbeard's The operating space can immediately become larger.”

  Sikong Xuancai finished the barrage, and sure enough, it didn't take long for the Blackbeards to leave after looting the town, Ace appeared in front of everyone in the Blackbeard Pirates.

  "Oh~~ Ace~! Captain~!"

  Looking at Ace who appeared in front of him and others, Blackbeard Tiki had expected it.He opened his hands, just like he used to be on the Whitebeard Pirates, and showed Ace the simple and honest smile that often hung on his face on the Whitebeard Pirates.

  Although now this simple and honest smile has a tinge of companion's blood, and a vigorous ambition.

  However, Blackbeard's simple and honest smile was particularly dazzling in front of Ace at the moment.

  "Come on, don't call him captain now, that's the title used to respect others."

  After a pause, Ace stared at the black beard who was wearing a standard pirate captain costume and his fingers were covered with gemstone rings, with a mocking smile on his face:

  "You, who committed a heinous crime, seem to have been very handsome recently. Hey, Captain of the Blackbeard Pirates - Marshall D. Teach?"

  "Thief hahaha, Ace, how did you know I was here..."

  Facing the malicious Ace, Blackbeard didn't care at all.He had a simple and honest smile on his face just like when he was in the Whitebeard Pirates. He even ignored Ace's strong killing intent and invited Ace to join his pirate group.

  Just like...

  Penglaishan Hui Ye: "Tsk tsk~~ It's like trying to tease Ace on purpose."

  Tony Stark: "What a terrible guy, at least he can talk a lot. Ace should be furious now, right?"

  After Blackbeard came up with his plan and told Ace that he wanted to use the straw hat's head to please the world government and become Qiwuhai, even Sikong Xuan couldn't help but complain.

  Sikong Xuan: "It's outrageous. If I remember correctly, Whitebeard mentioned that Ace often mentioned his brother Luffy on the Whitebeard Pirate ship, right? Blackbeard, who is a member of the 2nd Division, would not know that Ace and Luffy relationship? Isn't he deliberately provoking Ace?"

  Situ Jing: "I'm going to suffer, Ace was caught by the trap and didn't react at all. I really want to be dazzled by the anger, I'm afraid Ace has no chance of winning."

  Penglaishan Huiye: "Hehe, you are too naive. Blackbeard is quite confident in his own strength. He angered Ace so much, it should not increase his chances of winning, but... let Ace give up the idea of ​​​​running and follow He was right to fight to the death."

  Penglaishan Kaguya: "After all, although Ace can't beat Blackbeard, but if he senses something is wrong and really wants to run, there is still a chance with the ability to burn fruit (such as flame spray or something)."

  PS: Tremble in front of the Four Kings of Beechburg, look at the picture. .

Chapter 68

  Banaro Island.

  Ace, who was stimulated by Blackbeard one after another, mercilessly refused Blackbeard's invitation, and his anger and killing intent were no longer concealed.

  However, before Ace's refusal was finished, Van Oka, a sniper of the Blackbeard Pirates, shot Ace first.

  "Your subordinate~ I really don't know how to be polite."

  The body part penetrated by Van Oka's bullet ignited, and Ace pressed down the brim of his hat with his hands like a normal person, and the eyes under the brim showed a cold look-.

  "Then let me take care of you - teach me~!"

  When Ace stood up, Gizas Bashas, ​​the helmsman of the Blackbeard Pirates, also had an itchy hand. He raised a house and smashed it at Ace.

  However, this was easily resolved by Ace's flame pillar.

  "Oka, Basas, don't shoot casually, now you can't defeat that guy~!"

  The drink stopped Van Oka and Bashas who attacked Ace without authorization, and by the way, Lafayette and Poison Q, who were eager to try, also gave up the idea of ​​shooting.Blackbeard doesn't care about the safety of his subordinates, but he knows Ace's strength and knows that his subordinates are not Ace's opponents, and he doesn't want them to do things in vain here.

  It's just that Blackbeard didn't expect that when he gave an order to his opponent, Ace hit the entire Blackbeard Pirates with a fire fist from behind him.

  Immediately, the scorching flames drowned the Blackbeard Pirates, and also penetrated several streets, and the wooden houses ignited raging fire.

  Looking at Ace's sneak attack, Kizaru, who was hiding in the distance and peeping, began to praise again in a tone of rudeness:

  "As expected of the captain of the 2nd division of the Whitebeard Pirates, he is as strong as a monster~~"

  Situ Jing: "..."

  Sikong Xuan: "I really want to beat this monkey."

  Penglaishan Huiye: "It's such a rude tone, I really want to hit someone after listening to it."

  Tony Stark: "However, I think the acting Blackbeard down there is even worse."

  The barrage in the live broadcast room slid past, and I saw Blackbeard, who was hit by Ace's fiery punch, was on fire, rolling around on the ground comically. The wailing performance really wanted that.Even his subordinates cooperated with the boss's performance, hilariously holding clothes and trying to help Blackbeard put out the fire.

  Buried Earth: "It's too fake."

  Wugeng Liuli: "Anyway, it's a man who left scars on his red-haired eyes. I don't believe that Blackbeard doesn't even grasp the domineering look of armed color, and what about your dark fruit?"

  After the black cat complained, he saw a black gas coming out of Blackbeard's body, swallowing all the flames on Blackbeard's body.Then, seeing Blackbeard lying on the floor, panting, this is really not pretending.

  "Thief hahaha~~ Ace, did you see it? This is the power I got from killing Saatchi."

  Standing up, Blackbeard's showing off made Ace more and more irritable.

  "I know, Ace, you want to kill me, right? That's no wonder, killing a comrade is a felony. That's right, I killed Sachi, the captain of the 4th division, and that's something I can't do... "

  Next, Blackbeard told Ace the reason why he was lurking in the Whitebeard Pirates and the process of killing Sachi, which further stimulated Ace; looking at the anger burning in Ace's eyes, his face A conspiratorial smile appeared.

  He knew that now, Ace would not be able to escape in the next battle no matter what.

  "Ace, do you understand? I didn't want to kill Saatchi, but the Dark Fruit chose me."

  An intoxicated smile appeared on his face, and thick black gas kept coming out of Blackbeard's bloated body. The black beads controlled the black gas and showed off to Ace:

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