Even if they are brothers and sisters without blood, Sister Situ promised to assist her; how could such a good emotional teammate who took the initiative to send her to the door would be guarding and stealing?

  You see, looking at the same thing from different angles, of course, will draw different conclusions.

  In particular, in the afternoon, Jun Xuan 'confessed' his secret to her, and rode a wind-pulling aircraft (referring to the Emperor's Colt) to take her through the atmosphere for a fantastic space journey.

  (PS: Don’t think about the fact that an ordinary person like Zhihui can’t stay in the space without oxygen, the fire of origin of Sikong Xuan has been giving her a life, and the ordinary person Zhihui can’t die even if she wants to)

  Until now, Zhihui couldn't help recalling the picture of the earth she saw in space, and the romantic scene where Sikong Xuan hugged her waist intimately, like a prince on a horse. Do you believe that Xuanjun, whom she likes, will cheat in front of her?

  Although Sikong Xuan never confessed to her.

  But at this time, Zhihui had already regarded herself as Sikong Xuan's prospective girlfriend.so...

  Hye-chan, I'm sorry.This time, it was me who won the half son.

  Glancing at Megumi Kato secretly, Miss Ome Megumi had a look of apology mixed with a hint of smugness on her face.

  In this regard, Ms. Hui, the saint who has always been paying attention to Zhihui, is keenly aware of the change in the other party's expression.She glanced at Zhihui, then looked at Sikongxuan and Situ Jing who were embracing each other, thought for a while, and then cast a pitying look at Zhihui.

  Even though NTR didn't notice it in person, Zhihui is sometimes stupid.

  I really wanted to say to Chi Hui, 'Your hair looks a little green', but Kato Megumi, who also had a little thought in her heart, finally held back.

  After all, if the competitor is the best friend's Zhihui, she is really not easy to take action; but if the competitor is the sister-in-law of Sikong, who is not very familiar with, then the sage Miss Hui doesn't mind fighting.

  To put it simply, robbing a man with a good friend and best friend has a psychological burden, but robbing a man with a little sister Situ, who I don't know very well, doesn't have this trouble.

  (Situ Jing: "Meow meow?")

  and also...

  It's too complicated, classmate Sikong, and he's about to hide it.

  Her cheeks bulged slightly, and Sage Hui turned her head away, not to look at the embraced pair of righteous brothers and sisters in the living room.

  Only when she recovered did she realize that her hair also seemed to be a little green.


  the next day.

  Just like yesterday, Ms. Kato Megumi and Chi Hui, who were staying at Takasago's house, waited for Sikong Xuan at a familiar place, and then went to school with the boy who had a good impression.

  Just today, Ms. Kato Megumi encountered an unexpected thing:

  When she opened the shoe cabinet at the door of the teaching building and was about to change into indoor shoes, a thin object slipped out of the shoe cabinet.

  Not a love letter or anything.

  After all, it would be really embarrassing for other Chiyoda school boys to find and like Ms. Kato Megumi, who is full of Akarin attributes.

  This is a photo, a photo that instantly caught the eye of Megumi Kato.

  The background in the photo is the rooftop under the sunset. The boy hugs the girl intimately and kisses the girl affectionately on the forehead.

  Coincidentally, both the boy in the photo and the girl Kato Megumi know each other.

  "This is... when?"

  "Huh? What's the matter, Hui-chan? What are you talking about?"

  "Nothing at all!"

  Chi Hui, who was changing shoes together, looked over, and Kato Hui quickly put away the photo, so that Chi Hui was not seen.She didn't change her face, and she still had that calm expression on her face, but she didn't let Zhihui see the flaw.

  When Zhihui turned around, she was still expressionless, just tore up the photo and threw it all neatly into the trash can next to the shoe cabinet.

  Not jealous or anything... no, still a little bit.It's just that this is also expected. If Sikong Xuan and Zhihui really become a pair, as a friend, she can only send blessings.

  However, Kato Megumi, who had thrown away the fragments of the photo, looked at the trash can with some doubts.

  "Who put this photo? And... Who took the photo secretly?"

  And in the corner where Ms. Kato Megumi was unaware, Ahn Yilun, who witnessed the whole process of Kato Megumi from looking at the photo to tearing it up, this stubborn otaku showed a smile of successful conspiracy.

  'Hehe~~ As long as Kato sees through the true face of that savage, it is estimated that he will keep a distance from that savage.That's when my chance came. '

  Saying that, An Yilun also let out a sullen laughter, and then happily walked towards the classroom under the strange gazes of the surrounding classmates.

  It's just that, waiting until the class starts and after school in the morning, An Yilun also feels depressed that the relationship between Sikong Xuan and Kato Megumi in the same class is still the same as before, and there is no change at all.

  Sikong Xuan still often fishes in class, and Miss Kato Megumi, who has a weak sense of presence, covers him.

  By the end of the get out of class, Sikong Xuan was still chatting and laughing with Kato Megumi as usual. Occasionally, the game Sankeng who had a good relationship with Sikong Xuan would also join the chat between the two of them. The relationship was joking, and then the flag was unplugged by Miss Kato Megumi.

  Even after school in the morning, Sikong Xuan and Kato Megumi left as usual with Takasago Chihui, who came to Class B of the second year, with a bento, apparently finding a remote corner to have lunch together.

  "That's not right~!"

  An Yilun also said involuntarily.

  Logically speaking, after discovering the true face of Sikong Xuan, a savage scumbag, shouldn't Kato keep him at a distance?Why is there no response at all?

  Is it...

  Megumi Kato likes that savage too much, so she doesn't care about his cheating at all?

  how is this possible?This is not a two-dimensional element, even if it is a two-dimensional element, there is no way that a girl will not care that the boy she likes pedals two boats.

  Is that...

  The relationship between Kato and the savage is just a simple friendship, is Chie Takasago the true girlfriend of the savage?

  No, not right~!

  That person was 'making things difficult' for him over and over again.If he didn't have any intentions towards Kato, why would he be so hostile to him and keep sabotaging his 'sincere invitation' to Kato?

  Kato is the heroine chosen by fate to belong to him. If it wasn't for the savage, how could she have refused her invitation so resolutely?

  Thinking of this, An Yilun also immediately firmed up his heart.

  This time, under the blessing of the god of the second dimension, he must expose the true face of Sikong Xuan, the savage scumbag!Keep Kato away from him!

  Then, I believe it will not be long before he can form a game club, invite Kato to be the heroine, become a game producer, create the strongest Galgame game, and reach the pinnacle of life!

  I'm still a little excited when I think about it, hehe~~

  Imagining a bright future, An Yilun was also full of energy, but...

  Now the teacher asked him not to contact Kato again, and he couldn't expose the true face of that savage scumbag, so what should he do?

  An Yi Lun also thought about it, and then thought of his two tool people, he couldn't even care about lunch, and excitedly took out from his schoolbag the exact same one that was secretly stuffed into Kato Megumi's shoe cabinet before. The photo ran out.


  "So... Ethics-kun, you just want me to give this photo to Kato-kun and expose that savage... Uncover Sikong-kun's true identity as a scumbag?"

  Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who was hiding in a quiet corner and eating lunch, glanced at the photo in his hand with a strange expression, and then looked at An Yilun in front of him.

  "Master Ethics, can you tell me how you got this photo?"

  "Of course it was filmed secretly."

  Hearing An Yilun's words, Kasumigaoka Shiyu fell silent.

  After a while, she put away the photo and said expressionlessly:

  "Okay, I see, I'll give the photo to Kato-kun, you can leave now, Shizuo-san."

  "Then thank you Kasumigaoka-senpai~!"

  Hearing Kasumigaoka Shiyu's words, although the senior sister's expression was a little strange, An Yilun, who had received the promise, wouldn't care about such a trivial matter, and even left happily.

  And when An Yilun also left, Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who was sitting in the same place, was silent for a while, and then sighed deeply.

  To be honest, she was a little disappointed.

  For the sentimental Kasumigaoka Shiyu, An Yilun is also the hero who once saved her and the person she likes.

  Because of this, even if the confession was rejected, she just modified the plot of the final volume of the light novel, but she was still unwilling to give up; even if she didn't like An Yilun's ridiculous game plan, she would still accept An Yilun as well. Even though she was unhappy, she still went to invite Megumi Kato to join the club at Yi Lun's repeated request.

  However, for Shiyu of the Hill of Xia, her tolerance for him is limited.

  It's okay to keep harassing Megumi Kato, can you be so righteous when you take pictures of others secretly?

  Besides, you, Shizuo-kun, like Kato-san so much, are you willing to use all kinds of despicable methods for this?

  Thinking of this, Kasumigaoka Shiyu's expression suddenly became complicated.

  Maybe, I really have to talk to that golden retriever.

  Thinking of Ying Lili who was once saved by Sikong Xuan's hero together, Kasumigaoka Shiyu suddenly smiled.

  Maybe it would be good to give up the ethics-kun?At least...with the golden retriever as compensation, flirting with the golden retriever is much more interesting than flirting with the ethical gentleman.

  PS: Today’s two chapters and [-] words are about [-] words less than usual. I hope everyone will forgive me. .

Chapter 85

  "Saint Megumi, Takasago Tomoe, Sagiri, Black Cat... Well, senpai and blond loser can also be counted."

  This is when Sikong Xuan and Zhihui flew into space happily. Sitting in the living room of Sikong's house, Situ Jing carefully recorded the information about rivals and potential rivals he had collected with his notebook.

  She shook her pen with a thoughtful look on her face.

  "The biggest threat is undoubtedly Sage Megumi. Really... Why does Brother Sikong like Sage Meg the most? Fortunately, Sage Meg seems to be concerned about the feelings of his good friend Takasago Chihui, so he never responded directly to Brother Sikong's offensive.

  However, from the original work, we can analyze the character of Saint Megumi. She is the kind of girl who yearns for attention from others and is afraid of being alone.Now brother Sikong will not ignore her and attack her, not sure that she will fall one day. "

  Summary: Sage Hui threat level Max.

  Turning a page, Situ Jing began to summarize the relevant information of Takasago Zhihui.

  "Takasago Chihui, Brother Sikong's childhood sweetheart in this world, likes Brother Sikong. However, he is thin-skinned and can't always express his feelings to Brother Sikong candidly.

  However, Zhihui is the kind of girl who will support her sweetheart unconditionally, and has the same hobby (two dimensions) as brother Sikong, and now she writes novels with brother Sikong.One day, in case of enlightenment, it is not impossible to directly confess to Brother Sikong. "

  Summary: Takasago Chihui threat degree SSS.

  Turning another page, Situ Jing wrote the name of Heizumi Sagiri in the notebook, and then...

  "Haha~~ Brother Sikong in this world has not made his debut as a light novelist yet, and he has no bond with Sagiri as a light novelist and an illustrator.

  And if it's just a brother-sister bond, the threat is too small when Sikong's brother is not a serious sister-in-law.Not to mention that the current Sagiri can only barely walk out of the room, and she is extremely afraid of life, how can she become the wife of Sikong's brother? "

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