Summary: Izumi Sagiri has a threat level of D, and one of the five scumbags, so there is no need to worry.

  Then there is Wugeng Liuli, who is also a dimensional chat group.

  "It's a bit troublesome for a black cat~ Really, why is it that Brother Sikong's hero saves the beauty is the black cat? And the black cat really fell in love with Brother Sikong just because the hero saved the beauty once.

  Fortunately, Black Cat's transfer application was rejected by Chiyoda School.Well done, unknown principal Chiyoda!Why can a high school student light novelist be allowed to transfer to another school? Please insist on the glory of your school, Chiyoda~!

  It's just... Now that the black cat has also started to learn dark magic, if she learns magic such as hypnosis, it is estimated that she will be able to transfer to another school soon.

  But fortunately, Brother Sikong should have no feelings for the black cat now. Even if the black cat wants to confess, he has to start from scratch.It's just that with the charm of the black cat, it is not difficult to attack Brother Sikong, and the black cat has a daring temperament, so she will go directly to A. ' . "

  Summary: Wugeng Liuli threat degree C (potential SSS).

  The rest are Kasumigaoka Shiwa and Sawamura Spencer Eiri.

  "Hmm~ Why is Brother Sikong being the hero to save the beauty again? Fortunately, these two defeated dogs have nothing to do with Brother Sikong, so they should be just grateful to Brother Sikong, not a big threat.

  And these two defeated dogs now seem to... like An Yi Lun too?Really, what's there to like about that scumbag who likes to take advantage of girls and toss people?But fortunately, they are not the kind of girls who like to empathize, so the chances of liking brother Sikong should be small. "

  Summary: The threat of the two defeated dogs is E, and they may be passers-by, so don't pay too much attention.

  The last is the intelligence analysis of Sikong brother.

  "Now, Brother Sikong obviously likes Saint Hui the most, and he has been attacking Saint Hui all the time..."

  Thinking of buying stealth skills from Qun Mall, and then following Sikong Xuan to Chiyoda School, watching Sikong Xuan and Saint Hui's skillful flag-raising and flag-pulling routine during class, Situ Jing's face suddenly turned dark.

  No matter how you look at it, Shengren Hui's advantage is too great. As long as she nods her head, everyone else, including her, will immediately hit GG.

  "Besides, brother Sikong obviously also has a good impression of Zhihui, his childhood sweetheart; if brother Sikong gets Zhihui's confession... should he accept it?"

  Thinking of Sikong Xuan's attitude towards Zhihui... After visiting Akihabara, I realized that brother Sikong's lunch at school was contracted by Zhihui. Sure enough, brother Sikong also has a good impression of Zhihui, otherwise, he would not eat it with peace of mind. Chie's bento.

  "The rest of Senior Sister and Ying Lili don't have to worry about passersby; Brother Sikong doesn't know what the black cat is thinking, let alone respond to it; Sagiri's words... Zhan Wuji is one, and it's too small, even if she dares Even if you have the courage to confess that brother Sikong will not accept it.

  As for my sister-in-law..."

  Thinking of Skongxuan's attitude towards him, Situ Jing also had a headache, because now Skongxuan is more of a sister to her.

  Relatively speaking, although she lives with Sikong Xuan every day, her chances are not so great.

  "Hmm~ How can I change the impression and attitude of brother Sikong towards me? I don't want to be just a good sister to brother Sikong~~"

  Situ Jing pondered with some annoyance.Suddenly, Situ Jing heard the sound of the door opening.With a trembling hand, she hurriedly stuffed the notebook and pen under the sofa, then turned her head to adjust her breathing, and then she turned back and showed a sweet smile to Sikong Xuan who came home:

  "Welcome back, Brother Sikong~~"


  Q: What kind of experience is it for the system to be liked by its owner?

  For the invincible sign-in system...

  "Like... Hyun likes me... I'm so shy~~"

  Recalling that Sikongxuan said that he would be the first to be included in the harem, the system felt shy for a while, and the white and pure light was dyed a faint pink.

  Although Sikong Xuan had said this as a joke, the system obviously did not take it as a joke.

  For the invincible sign-in system, in the space where the systems lived together, because of her bad personality in the early years, she bullied other systems all day long (the dimensional chat group system was one of the victims), so that although she repented later However, he was still rejected by other systems, and he could only huddle in a corner all day alone and quietly watch other systems play together.

  It was under such circumstances that Sikong Xuan chose her with a single glance and took her away from that lonely place.It is precisely because of this that the system regards Sikongxuan as its master and dedicates all of its body and mind to Sikongxuan.


  "I am like this, even if I want to dedicate my body, I have no conditions~~"

  He lowered his head and glanced at his current appearance, the white and pure light group, let alone let Sikong Xuan see through, even if he wanted to help Sikong Xuan, it would be a problem.

  "I have to figure out a way to get me a real body."

  The system said so.

  In Sikongxuan's words of jokingly accepting her into the harem, the system obviously took it seriously.

  Even if Sikong Xuan is unwilling, he can deliver it to his door.

  Xuan's harem, she is settled~!


  She is just an invincible sign-in system, and the functionality is not very comprehensive. Anyway, she definitely did not help her to shape her body.

  More importantly, she was too fond of Sikong Xuan.

  All the information collected from Sikongxuan was fed back to Sikongxuan by her. Even if there were any leftovers, she was saving up to give Sikongxuan a piece of super luxurious equipment or a sky-defying ability to help Sikongxuan become invincible as soon as possible. It can be said that he is not a child.

  But never mind.

  She has no money (information) herself, so she just robs.

  So, with a yin smile on his face, the system turned its attention to the cubs who dared to cross the line - the dimensional chat group system.

  After the latter pulled Sikongxuan closer to the dimensional chat group, it was equivalent to building a channel between himself and Sikongxuan's soul.

  So, robber... ah no, it's the invincible sign-in system, you can openly break into the home of the dimensional chat group system through this channel, and then...

  "¨"Robbery~! Cubs, hurry up and hand over the information and the method that allows the system to obtain human bodies~!!!"

  The robbed dimensional chat group system was happily counting the gains that Sikong Xuan, a group member, had brought to her after going to Pirate World to make a riot. As a result, a robber suddenly broke into her home, and she was naturally confused. .

  Then, the dimensional chat group system that came back to his senses suddenly became angry:

  "Damn robber, it's okay to bully Woo before, but now he actually ran to Wo's house to snatch... robbery?! Is it really easy to bully Woo?!

  Let me tell you, the nest is not the one it used to be~! ! "

  "Hehe~~ You're not who you used to be, you're my ATM~! Hurry up (Zhao Zhao) and hand over the information and the method that will allow the system to obtain human bodies~!! If you are wise, I can still do it. I'll leave you a pair of underpants~!"

  "You deceive the system too much~! The nest is fighting with you~!!"

  Having said that, the dimensional chat group system that was fighting at home took the initiative to attack, and rushed towards the invincible sign-in system with all its teeth and claws.

  But she also didn't think about it. Back then, the invincible sign-in system was a big bully in the system. Now, how could this guy have no confidence when he rushed in without fear?

  So, after one round of the king's eight fists, the dimensional chat group system was once again stepped on by the invincible sign-in system, and the avatar cried out in a low voice.

  "Hmph~! If you are so ignorant, hand over the information and methods as soon as possible, don't you need to be beaten? It's such a cheap bone."

  "嘤嘤嘤~~Don't be complacent, I will let the Lord come in to deal with you."

  With that said, the dimensional chat group system cried and asked Situ Jing for help.only...

  Now Situ Jing is being hugged by Sikong Xuan, and the whole person is so happy that he can't find Bei, how can he sink into his heart and come to help?

  So, after shouting and getting no response from Situ Jing, looking at his invincible sign-in system with a lewd smile, the dimensional chat group system can only cry:

  "Hey~ Can you leave me some panties?"

  PS: Look at the picture, can the system be set like this? .

Chapter 86

  Pirate World, this is the second day after Sikong Xuan left.

  Kizaru was afraid that the Warring States Marshal ordered him to arrest the Straw Hats in the Seven Waters, and left in a hurry after Sikong Xuan returned to the original world.

  However, the fast-running Kizaru still didn't expect that the Warring States period really annoyed him, but he didn't want him to arrest the Straw Hat Pirates, but...

  "Hey hey~~ Mr. Warring States, I have explained it many times, it is impossible for Sikong brother to join the navy."

  'Then you won't think of a way?That is a monster that can fight against Garp and Aokiji when they are still in their teens.With him joining the navy, I am even confident that I will eradicate all the four emperors~! '

  Seeing the phone bug in Kizaru's hand imitating the appearance of the Warring States period, showing a regretful expression.

  Of course, it’s no wonder that the Warring States period wanted to eat shit. The main reason is that I don’t know which ghost took the picture of Sikongxuan wearing the navy uniform and justice cape to him. The Warring States period was ecstatic.

  As a result, he turned around and was told that the monster's navy uniform was changed only because his clothes were rotten, and he had no intention of joining the navy at all, which naturally disappointed the Warring States.

  However, although Sikongxuan did not plan to join the navy, Warring States was still a little unwilling; just when he heard that he was a friend of Kizaru, the Warring States came to bother Kiara, hoping that Kiwi would pull that powerful and outrageous young monster. into the navy.

  "Yo hoo hoo ~~ Mr. Warring States, I'll just say it straight. As long as there are Tianlong people, it is impossible for little brother Sikong to join the navy. Now I can't bear to go to the Chambord Islands to find the descendants of the gods. The trouble is already in the face of the old man."

  The yellow monkey, who was so impatient with the Warring States, finally couldn't take it anymore, and took out the shield of Tianlongren, and put gold on his face by the way.

  After the Warring States period heard the words of Kizaru, there was no sound.

  After a while, he sighed and said to Kizaru:

  'Forget it, since I can't force it, it's fine to have a good relationship.Come back quickly, Kizaru, Akainu is getting impatient in Maryjoa. '

  "Yo hoo hoo ~~ Can the old man refuse? The old man Mary Joa is not very happy to stay there."

  'you dare? !Everyone hates Tianlong people so much, do you want the old man, the Admiral of the Navy, to sit in Mary Joa himself?You bastard learn to fish every day with Garp, then it's better to use it as a waste, and replace it with Akainu to kill the pirates~! '

  "What the Warring States Marshal said... I can also go out to sea to slay pirates. And..."

  After a pause, Kizaru looked up at the sky, looking at the small islands floating in the sky in the distance, and couldn't help showing a strange expression:

  "Marshal of the Warring States Period, this old man's return to the Navy Headquarters may be delayed."

  '...What's wrong? '

  "Old seems that I have met a golden lion."

  '? ! ! '

  At the same time, at an altitude of more than [-] meters.

  More than a dozen islands of different sizes are floating. Some islands have dense virgin forests, and some islands can see human buildings. Some islands are even surrounded by azure waters, reflecting colorful rainbows under the sunlight.

  The rainbow shuttles between the islands, like a pontoon, giving people a dreamy feeling.

  This is the residence of the once-famous Golden Lion Pirates, and it is also a dreamlike spectacle that can only be created by the golden lions with fluttering fruit abilities.

  "Crack, click, click..."

  The golden lion, who used the famous sword Sakura Ten and Muku as prosthetic limbs and had a rudder on his head, walked out of his palace as usual, and came to a cliff on the floating island with his deputy, Imprinto. Looking down at the fierce and rare beasts cultivated by Indigo in the virgin forest in the distance.

  "Dr. Indigo, how is the situation?"

  "Sir Shiki, I'm very sorry. SIQ's research has temporarily entered a bottleneck period, and the effect of the drug on the rare beasts has not increased as expected."

  "is it?"

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